Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 124: The fugitives care about me

Chapter 124: The fugitives care about me

Chapter 124 Fleeing people care about me

Jiang Xinyan saw that it was rice, and asked in surprise: "It's not that there is a lot of water shortage recently, why do you still have rice?"

Chu Lixuan heard the obvious joy in his little wife's words, and he was also happy in his heart.

"I guessed it, you'll get tired of eating meat buns all day long, so early in the morning, I boiled the pork belly that was cleaned last time and boiled chicken soup according to the recipe you said."

"Husband, you even taught them to make pork belly chicken! I love it!"

Chu Lixuan saw his little wife dancing with excitement, he pointed to his right face.

"Since the lady is satisfied, then give the husband a reward."

"Boom! Boom!" Jiang Xinyan kissed the man on the right cheek and then the left cheek without hesitation.

She knew that men were very concerned about the scar on his left face, but she didn't find it ugly at all.

The couple ate happily, and the dishes made by Second Aunt Chu were delicious.

Jinniang and the grandmother of the eldest princess had a special bowl, and Jinniang gave a small bowl to her mother-in-law.

took another small bowl and handed it to Chu Lixiang: "Xiang'er, eat some."

"Thank you mother, you can eat it too." Chu Lixiang took it and distributed some to his eldest sister Chu Pei.

After ten days of getting along, Chu Lixiang finally accepted his mother.

Such a mother is a warm mother, he likes it very much, and there is a happy smile on her red face.

Chu Ye'er was very jealous. Her grandmother gave Chu Lizheng and Chu Jiao some to eat.

Her mother's share was given to Chu Lixiang, but no one gave her a share.

Recently, her mother stopped crying, and her elder brother will give some to her grandmother and her mother.

Chu Ye'er questioned Jinniang angrily: "Mother, you've become more and more selfish since you were exiled. Now the eldest brother gives you food, but he never gives me food."

"Ye'er, do you know why mother doesn't want to share it with you?"

"You are selfish, what's the reason?"

"It's my mother's fault, I used to spoil you too much! Ye'er, you can eat it when you figure it out!"

"Huh! I went to my stupid sister-in-law, she just gave me a lot of dishes last time."

Jinniang shook her head and sighed: "It looks like you don't know where you are wrong at all? Didn't you see the crowd fleeing along the road?"

"What do the fleeing crowd care about me?" Chu Ye roared.

"Since your father left, I feel sorry for you who lost your father when you were young. I doted on you a little bit. I didn't expect you to become like this! Xiang'er is two years younger than you, but he is more sensible than you!"

Chu Ye'er pouted, "That's why we didn't have to worry about food and drink in the past. Of course you were kind to me, but you changed within two days of being on the road."

Jinniang was speechless by her little daughter! Silently eating delicious food, not wanting to make a bad daughter.

Chu Lixiang looked at Chu Ye and his mother again, he felt that his mother was really disappointed in Chu Ye.

He was also a little disappointed with Chu Ye. After his mother was hungry for three days, she got better.

But Chu Ye! It became more and more outrageous, he would give it to the eldest sister, but he didn't want to give it to Chu Ye.

His sister Chu Jiao had her grandmother share some for her, and his starling also had it.

Therefore, Chu Lixiang bowed his head and ate the pork belly pot chicken, which was very delicious.

The grandmother of the eldest princess also eats silently.

In such a difficult environment, he still has the ability to get such delicious food and please his wife.

The wrinkles on the face of the princess's grandmother looked like blooming chrysanthemums.

Everyone was having lunch happily, when suddenly an eleven-year-old boy from the third room cried all the way to find Chu Lixuan.

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