Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 56: I will protect you with my life

Chapter 56: I will protect you with my life

Chapter 56 I will protect you with my life

Jiang Xinyan really didn't think so much, this cheap husband is really talented.

Now, she knows that there are masters of Jinyiwei in the team.

Jiang Xinyan was even more careful to speak against Chu Lixuan's ear, for fear that the Jinyi guards would hear it.

If Chu Lixuan had known earlier that his little wife was so careful, he regretted not saying it earlier!

His little wife spoke against his earlobe, her lips were exceptionally smooth, and the breath she exhaled made his heart shudder fiercely.

"Xinxin, you are still young, you don't know these are normal, and your husband will protect you in the future."

Chu Lixuan also imitated his little wife and said by sticking to her earlobe.

The little wife spoke against his ear, making him both sweet and uncomfortable!

Chu Lixuan thought to himself, he also spoke like this, making his little wife suffer as much as him.

pity! Jiang Xinyan hadn't thought about it at all, her cheap husband had an idea for her.

Because she was naked several times, waiting for him to help her get dressed.

Chu Lixuan didn't react at all! Jiang Xinyan was very relieved to approach him.

If, one line is used to describe their relationship as a couple, it is like this.

Jiang Xinyan once thought that he was a Tang monk who was devoted to learning scriptures and had a bright future, but she couldn't catch up with him.

And Chu Lixuan thought she was the goblin in the Pansi Cave, and she couldn't keep her.

And the fact is, Jiang Xinyan doesn't dislike Chu Lixuan either.

It's just that she always felt that she was a modern person chasing an ancient person.

That way, she seems too exaggerated, and will be laughed at by modern people.

Besides, she didn't like him to the point of desperate.

And what about Chu Lixuan! Because of the scar on his face and disfigurement, he felt that he was not worthy of her, so he loved her carefully.

As long as Jiang Xinyan gave him a chance, he would kiss him violently, but he never dared to take the initiative!

Every time Jiang Xinyan gave him a chance, it was a time to pity him.

Chu Lixuan's enthusiastic response made her even more convinced that he was too sad!

Chu Yu was eating the steamed buns, which were so warm and soft that she wanted to cry.

She stared at the sill car, sure enough! His eldest brother is kissing her eldest sister-in-law again!

Her elder brother paid too much for them! So aggrieved!

The truth is not what Chu Xiao imagined!

Where is her eldest brother wronged? He was so eager to kiss his little wife!

"Dong dong clang." The officer banged the gong and called the prisoner to get up.

I usually call the prisoners to get up and distribute food to go on their way, but today I called the prisoners to wake up, but there was no food.

I can only go on the road with an empty stomach. Its just dawn and there is no sun, and after another nights rest.

The team was dawdling, neither fast nor slow.

At noon, the scorching sun was in the sky, and the criminals were all breathing out!

is even more sweaty, and the most important thing is that I am hungry and hungry!

The officials kept shouting, and they couldn't help it. They saw a pond on the ridge on the official road.

The officials took turns to drink water, and they also carried a water bag with them.

After several rounds of officials, there was not much water left in the pond!

"There is still some turbid muddy water in the pond above the official road. Hurry up and drink some to get on the road."

The prisoners rushed to the field ridges when they heard the officials shouting. The scorching sun made their mouths dry.

Dont say muddy water, its cow dung water, and they will drink it at this time.

Jinniang drank the spiritual spring water in the morning and had good physical strength, so she did not cry all morning.

However, at this time, she also fell asleep, so she also went to drink water.

"I'm dead, where is the water people drink? It's pure muddy water..."

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