Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 79: unconscionable jinn

Chapter 79: unconscionable jinn

Chapter 79 The Inconspicuous Jin Niang

Jiang Xinyan's heart is broken, Jinniang is a pig teammate!

She closed her eyes and rested her mind, so as not to rush out of her anger, the master of Jinyiwei was nearby.

She can't just pretend to be crazy and fool around every time!

She wants to learn from Chu Lixuan, this eldest brother confines his eyes and lies in the sill car, motionless.

The breath is weak, like a mummy, and I don't know how he did it!

Jiang Xinyan repeated in her heart, not angry, impulsiveness is the devil...

Niang Jin was still shouting: "Xuan'er, mother is going to starve to death, you can't wait until you die..."

"Jinniang, are you crazy? Xuan'er has not woken up from a coma. Where can I get food for you?"

"Mother, he has a way..."

"Crack." The princess' grandmother couldn't bear it any longer, and slapped Jin Niang's face with a slap.

"Xiaoer, Xianger, help your mother, she is so hungry!"

Chu Lixiang and Chu Xiao hurried over to help their mother, while secretly blaming their mother, it really shouldn't be like this.

When Chu Ye heard her mother shouting for food, she also looked at the sill car eagerly.

She also hopes that her eldest brother, even if he only gives her a little water to drink, she is thirsty and hungry.

A master of Jin Yiwei approached the sill car and probed Chu Lixuan's breath with his hand.

was really in a coma, he nodded to a few companions and flew away.

The master of Jinyiwei went to the woods beside the official road and went to sleep with the big tree.

They couldn't stand it either. The people's cries were useless when they were scolded, and they couldn't be beaten when they were beaten.

Now, since Chu Lixuan is unconscious, they can go to sleep at ease.

Jinniang saw the official officer go over to the sill car to probe her son's breath, she was jolted and sobered up.

was so frightened that she didn't dare cry with her mouth open, no wonder her mother-in-law beat her!

This official is still afraid of her son, if the son has three long and two short, how can they live!

Jiang Xinyan didn't expect that after this unassuming Jinniang's trouble, there is still such a good opportunity.

Just now, when the master of Jinyiwei approached the sill car, she didn't even dare to let out the air, for fear that the master of Jinyiwei would notice her.

The couple are still in the early stage of their wretched development, so it's best not to attract others' attention.

If they are really remembered by others, they don't have to be afraid.

It's just that her body hasn't been conditioned yet. She had a trouble the day before yesterday, and she was so exhausted that she couldn't.

Chu Lixuan whispered in her ear: "Next time, I'll teach you to hold your breath for your husband. It's very hard for you to endure like this."

"I'll just say, how do you do it by lying still, if I lie still like this, I can't do it."

"It's not difficult to learn, Xinxin hasn't slept before, let's sleep for a while now!"

"How do you know I haven't slept?"

"I smell the scent of the hot spring you just soaked in." Chu Lixuan kissed his little wife's earlobe.

She also imitated him, kissing his earlobe and blowing naughty.

Chu Lixuan was so excited by his little wife's coquettish voice and touch that all his blood was screaming.

He is asking for trouble, he is tight on her, and he doesn't dare to do anything else.

After all, there are a lot of people around, he has to respect his little wife.

He doesn't want to roam around like a beast like those ungodly people!

Jiang Xinyan's heart, just like this hot and restrained feeling by the man, slowly opened a door.

She no longer wants to be beautiful alone. In this life, she wants to live as a woman of a big brother, not a big brother of a woman.

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