Feasting Lord in Another World

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

#The Countess and Postnatal Care (Part 2)

"The ruler of this territory, Count Sinclair, has issued a decree. Dominic, the village leader of Evergreen, is summoned to the Sinclair estate without delay. Soldiers have been sent for this task; declining the order is not an option."

The senior soldier unfurled an exquisitely crafted scroll, speaking with an air of dignity as he conveyed the Lord's directive.

"Count Sinclair? The offspring of Lord Theodore?"

This person was the offspring of the former Lord and the current figure in charge of the region.

Dominic glanced at the soldiers surrounding him. He recognized a few familiar faces from his previous visit to Count Sinclair's castle. However, they appeared disinterested in acknowledging this fact, merely delivering the message with stern expressions.

But Ian stood before those soldiers, blocking their path.

This development took Dominic by surprise.

'I thought he'd let me be taken. Wait, four soldiers and one knight... the knight should prevail, right?'

Despite the tense situation, Dominic, who had faced numerous challenges before, envisioned Ian taking on the soldiers in a 4-to-1 confrontation.

"Knight, this is the Lord's command. Step aside."

"I, too, have received the Lord's command to look after this man. So, without understanding the situation, I can't simply surrender the village chief. What exactly is happening?"

"How could we lowly soldiers speculate on the Lord's intentions? We merely follow orders."

An experienced soldier tried to soothe Ian's concerns.

"Did the Lord say anything else?"

"He emphasized not to delay for even a moment."


Ian contemplated with a grave expression and then took a step back.

"Take him. However, I will accompany him."

"Very well."

"Huh? That was fast. Hey, Knight, weren't you supposed to prevent my arrest?"

"Why would I?"

"We've shared meals together!"

"Tch- If the Lord intended to punish you, he would have imposed an immediate penalty instead of summoning you to the castle."

"Is that so?"

"It appears something urgent has arisen that requires your presence. So, get ready quickly."

"Yes, well..."

At Ian's gesture, the senior soldier appeared to grant permission, nodding in agreement.

'Why are they looking for me? All I've shown them is related to food... Is it something urgent? Did he develop a sudden craving?'

Nevertheless, a part of him wondered, "Would they send four soldiers just for that?" His curiosity was piqued. Nonetheless, he diligently packed various seasonings into his bag.


Returning to Count Sinclair's castle.

The first time he visited, he was awestruck by the grandeur, but this second time, Dominic felt somewhat accustomed.

"When you meet the Count, kneel first, extend both arms towards the sky, then lower them and bow..."

His excitement was short-lived. As the servant began to enumerate the formalities that must be observed when meeting the Count, Dominic felt like his head was about to explode.

'Why is this so complicated?'

The ruler of a region was often likened to a king within the territory he governed. This wasn't just an empty assertion, as it turned out.

After mastering approximately ten forms of etiquette, including walking, greeting, expressing opinions, and showing gratitude, permission was finally granted with a nod of approval.

"I didn't expect we'd be going together. But why didn't you attend the etiquette training as well, Sir Knight?"

"Don't confuse me with someone like you. I abandoned etiquette a long time ago."

"Ah, I see."

Dominic, struggling to hold back a remark about the length of the bag strap, proceeded towards the lord's office with a displeased expression.

Nevertheless, having someone accompanying him eased his nervousness a bit.

The door to the lord's office appeared to be crafted from high-quality oak; the wood grain remained lively and vibrant. Additionally, wood carvings adorned it, and a lily pattern that seemed ready to bloom at any moment was present, making the door resemble a work of art.


"Village chief, Dominic, come in."

"Ah, yes! I have come to see you, My Lord!"

So much for feeling at ease. The instant the door opened, and he caught sight of the lord seated at his desk, Dominic forgot all the etiquette he had learned and prostrated himself deeply.

'Ah, this sense of being prey is ingrained in me.'

The heroes in the genre novels he had consumed countless times in his previous life were always dignified and composed, so why was he like this? He felt a momentary self-reproach.

However, the lord showed no intention of reprimanding him for his behavior.

"You may raise your head. I've summoned you here because I have an important question to ask."

"Me? You need only give the order, My Lord! It's not appropriate for me, who relies on your grace, to be asked a favor!"

"Haha, you are not a modest one. Sir Hanover, What do you think of this man's behavior?"

With a satisfied expression, the lord directed a question to Ian, who stood behind Dominic.

'Please, say something positive. This is clearly an opportunity that's dropped from the sky like a giant pumpkin!'

Dominic instinctively grasped that fulfilling the lord's request could earn him a reliable supporter in the future. The issue was Ian. This knight, blessed with nothing but a handsome countenance and remarkable naivety, could ruin everything if he misspoke.

"...He possesses extensive knowledge of ingredients. Moreover, he maintains an open-minded perspective on the world, exhibits the courage to hold his ground regardless of the other party's status, and possesses the ability to blend ideals and reality harmoniously to solve problems. I believe he will prove valuable wherever you choose to place him."

"Hahaha, Sir Hanover, known for being hard to please, praises him in this manner! Very well, this is excellent!"

In response to Ian's words, the lord clapped his knee and grinned.

However, Dominic glanced back at Ian, who stood behind him, wearing an expression that seemed to say, 'What did he eat?' Ian avoided his gaze.

"If a person of confirmed character is present, there's no need to search further. Dominic, was it?"

"Yes, My Lord!"

"My wife recently gave birth to a son. A precious son."

"What? Congratulations, My Lord!"

This news came as a surprise. According to the last Village Chief's meeting, there was still over a month to go.

"The birth occurred more than four weeks ahead of schedule. Fortunately, both mother and child are in good health, but I am concerned. That's why I couldn't even inform the people of the domain."

It was a relief. It seemed that the mother, who had maintained her health well, managed to protect the child despite the premature birth.

'But why is he sharing this with me?'

Neither a noble nor just a village chief of a small fishing village.

"A maid who came with my wife from her family's home purchased something unusual out of concern for her mistress."

The lord's tone remained gentle.

However, Dominic, anticipating what tale would follow, froze in place.

'Seaweed chatter! We're not in an era where they impose fines for exaggerated advertising; are they going to penalize me? No, breaking advertising regulations should be less severe than the transgressions of the powerful... To hell with it!'

While pondering that changing the story in Tang Dynasty's 'Chohakgi,' which mentions, "A whale that gave birth was eating seaweed," to "A turtle was consuming it," should pose no issue, he couldn't help but feel his mouth going dry.

'Should I apologize quickly? They say it's better to take the hit upfront. If I apologize, won't they forgive me? ...No? What if I claim to have personally witnessed it? It's true that seaweed is beneficial for postpartum mothers!'

Seaweed contained ample iron, potassium, calcium, and even iodine, which was scarce in most ordinary food items. Most countries that didn't include seaweed in their diets had very low iodine intake, to the extent that a few countries, including Australia, enacted laws requiring the addition of iodized salt when making bread.

'For now, let's stay silent and worry about it later!'

Dominic, deciding to be a bit more brazen, believed he hadn't entirely fabricated a lie.

"I never imagined I'd be eating Devil's Hand like this, haha. I even tried it myself, and it's surprisingly good. No signs of poison either."

"Ah, haha, yes! Naturally, My Lord!"

He awkwardly chuckled, concurring with the lord's words.

Apparently, they had even tested it for toxicity, considering it was to be given to a woman who had just given birth.

"I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or not, but what's certain is that my wife, who's been consuming Devil's Hand with every meal, is recovering remarkably quickly. Isn't that remarkable? I was so delighted that I sought out the merchant to reward him, and well, they say it was you who provided them with all this information."

"Yes, that's correct! I told them everything!"

Dominic eagerly took full credit.

"Haha, you're refreshingly honest. I've heard you've also been diligently planning my father's meals. I'm not sure if it will be too much of a burden for you, but starting today, I'll entrust you with my wife's postpartum care. Give it your all to aid in her recovery!"

It was a sudden job offer.

But it was an offer he couldn't turn down.

"Yes! I'd like one gold coin as my weekly wage!"

"Huh? Well, you're an interesting character. Very well! You shall have what you ask for."

"Your generosity knows no bounds, my... ah, my Lord!"

Dominic seized the opportunity to demand his salary when the mood was favorable, and the lord readily agreed, intending to accommodate reasonable requests.

'I've heard that knights receive this much; now I'm wealthy!'

Having a salary in the millions wasn't someone else's story; it was his reality.

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