Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 196: Don't Tell Katherine

Chapter 196: Don't Tell Katherine


After being nursed back to health by Katherine, Damien was now in his office working on some documents. She was adamant about taking care of his lunch so she asked him to wait in the office while she went to order from a nearby restaurant.

There was a knock on his door before it swung open and in came Caleb and Jeffrey, not bothering to close the door behind them. 

"Why are you back in the office? You could have used another day off," Caleb asked as he sauntered towards Damien's desk while Jeffrey followed from behind and waved, "Hey, man."

Damien nodded at them before lowering his eyes back to the papers in his hands. "Can't. I feel sicker if I don't have any work done. Last night I think I had a nightmare that I was eaten up by a stack of papers that were left on my desk. How horribly comical yet frightening at the same time." 

The two chuckled as they lazily sat on the chairs in front of Damien's desk. "I don't know if that's funny because I have several stacks of papers still sitting on my desk since Friday. Should I be worried?" Caleb squeezed his eyes shut. Damien had always gone by the motto 'work hard play hard'. But ever since he dated Katherine, they don't have boys night as often as they did not that he was complaining, but that just meant he was also mostly focusing on work now a little too much than he used to.

Jeffrey rolled his eyes. He never understood how his two friends manage to just sit behind the desk and work with papers. Though Caleb and Damien own hotels and resorts in which they had plenty of fun running a business was quite troublesome. How thankful he was that his paperwork in the hospital was still somewhat manageable. "How's everything after you came home that day?" he asked.

"We talked about it and we're okay," Damien replied briefly.

Caleb shifted in his seat and snapped his fingers. "Oh, I almost forgot. Ross called."

"Yeah? What does he want?" Damien replied without looking up from the papers, biting a pencil in between his teeth as he flipped the pages, looking for some necessary changes.

Caleb grabbed a pen from a can on the desk and swirled it in his fingers. "He's asking for details about the summer party."

Damien who was focused on his work snapped his head to Caleb. A click sounded when the pencil from his mouth fell on the floor. The clatter of his pencil caught Jeffrey's attention, making him look up from his phone and catching Damien's momentarily shocked expression.

Caleb winced, "Oh boy you forgot. Wow I don't know what to say"

Caleb and Jeffrey watched as Damien's lip twitched and he shifted his gaze to the side as though he was trying to think of what to do until they heard him say, "I won't be throwing one anymore." Damien picked up the pencil from the floor and contemplated about going over the papers again.

"What do you mean you're not throwing one? It's a tradition since forever," Jeffrey said matter-of-factly, his and Caleb's eyes were wide in shock upon what they just heard. They imagined not having the party and they felt weird. All because they were too used to having it every year.

Since they were in college, the three of them started throwing a party at the end of the summer, inviting all elites. Years later, the people invited to the party were mostly bachelors and bachelorettes of their age it was basically a party to mingle and possibly get lucky at the end of the night. Damien had always been the one who plans and organizes the parties and starting this year, he no longer wanted to have one.

Leaning back in his chair, he looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes. "You do remember why we started having that party a long time ago. So you definitely understand why I won't do it anymore. If you two still want one. By all means, do it. But I won't be there."

"Oh, come on. Hosting it has always been your thing because you're good at it. You can't just back out. It won't be the same without you," Jeffrey frowned. He hadn't been on a date for a long time and he was looking forward to it. 

"Actually I also don't mind not having the party this year. I'm just not feeling it." Caleb continued to play with the pen in his hand and Jeffrey slapped his chest, shooting him a glare. "Not you too!"

"I'm already an engaged man, in case you have forgotten." Damien shot his friends a glance, his voice was a warning. Caleb shrugged while Jeffrey slumped on his chair, raising a finger saying, "Yes, but not yet married. Just because you have Katherine and you..." he pointed at Caleb, "whatever you and Ali are doesn't mean that I should not have fun. I can't be a fifth wheeler when you two decide to go on a double date." 

Damien rolled his eyes. "There will be no double dates."

Jeffrey continued, "Whatever. How about we host the party this year for the last time? It will be like a farewell party for you."

"I'm not going anywhere!" Damien snapped.

Caleb suppressed a laugh and Jeffrey added, "I meant a farewell to your bachelor life. But this isn't your bachelor party, okay? That's different. Caleb and I already have ideas." He wiggled his brows.

"No, I don't want a bachelor party." Damien ran a hand on his face. "And no Summer Party for me either. Do whatever you guys want, just don't make me go there."

"Or yes to Summer Party and we make you go there." Jeffrey had a wide grin on his face. If Damien wasn't going to plan the party, he will plan the party himself. How hard could it be? 

"It's a tradition. And I'm not willing to lose you boys yet, at least not until I get myself a steady lady. Which you will both help me with."

Indeed, this had become a tradition for them ever since meet women and become shitfaced-drunk. Damien thought that he was getting too old for parties. But the truth was, he didn't want to meet other women. Looking up to Jeffrey, he raised his brow and asked, "Why are you so adamant about getting a date? What happened to 'keeping it casual'?"

Caleb smirked, putting the pen back in the holder as he answered, "His family has been nagging for him to bring a girl home for his grandfather's birthday in three weeks."

Jeffrey let out a sigh, running a hand on his nape before answering, " They were setting me up with some chick I don't know and don't want to know, so I told them I already had a girlfriend to keep them off my back. I don't want blind dates I can't handle any more quirky surprises." He grimaced at a memory.

"Why not just pick up a girl from a bar?" Caleb suggested.

"If I show up with a person I just met from a bar, they'd just think I'm still immature and the old man might not include me in his will if he thinks I'm not 'responsible' enough." Jeffrey shook his head.

Damien narrowed his eyes as he studied his friend. "You're a successful doctor. What other responsibility is he looking for?"

"Responsible enough to start a family," Caleb answered for Jeffrey. "Obviously, he's not ready to settle down just yet."

"Can we just please focus? Come on I need your help." Jeffrey was exasperated. "Everyone who shows up at that party belongs in high society. At least I don't have to give her lessons on how to interact with my pretentious family."

Damien stared at his friend and then to Caleb who just shrugged at him. "Fine. I'll think about it. In the meantime, don't tell Katherine" 

As if on cue, Katherine strolled inside his office. "Don't tell Katherine what?" 

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