Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 220: Boobs and Booty, Check.

Chapter 220: Boobs and Booty, Check.

Los Angeles, California

Inside a restroom of a random diner, Katherine looked at the mirror. She could hardly recognize herself, what with her blonde flirty wig, sultry dress, and thick makeup. She pulled out a photo from her sparkly purse and memorized her target for that night. 

For more than three weeks, Katherine had been capturing fugitives and criminals or what they call as a "skip" by using every means that she could think of. Tonight was just one of the quick ones and although she could just easily grab and cuff the "skips" as soon as she spots them, she couldn't risk having her identity out in the open.

Which was why she had to disguise herself and lure them in it saved her from having to literally chase them everywhere. She hated running after them.

Tonight's target had a particular type blondes. And although this man was on the run, he had so much guts in him that he would still go to nightclubs, acting as if he was a free man. He had changed his haircut and hair color but Katherine could still recognize him. She was sure of it.

After taking a mental picture of the skip's photo, Katherine shoved it in her purse and glanced back at the mirror. 

Blonde wig, check.

Boobs, check.

Booty, check.

Heavy makeup, check.

She fixed her silver low cut dress, making sure her cleavage was showing. Actually, the dress wasn't much of a dress. It looked more like a scrap of sequined cloth wrapped around her body, just enough to cover the bits that needed to be covered. 

"Okay, slutty enough," she muttered to no one in particular.

Once Katherine was ready, she got out of the restroom and exited the diner through the back door. She headed straight across the street towards a nightclub.

There was a long queue outside of the club but she didn't have to go in line, of course. As she was approaching the entrance, a really buff bouncer manning the door unhooked the red rope barrier for her, giving her a wide grin and a nod as she passed through.

"Thanks, Joe," Katherine winked at him, her hand brushed against his chest subtly as she walked past him.

"Oh, come on! How does she get to enter without queuing?!" One pissed person in line complained when he saw the whole thing.

Joe's gaze followed Katherine until she disappeared inside the club, his smile stayed until he turned to the person who was complaining. His smile instantly disappeared and gave the man the deathly glare as he squared his shoulders as though he was saying, 'Whatcha gonna do 'bout it?'

Katherine didn't know Joe very much as she only met him once but Joe was her contact in the club. She asked him to give her a heads up when her target arrives in the club so she could do her job. In return for Joe's help, she promised to give him a tip from the bounty that she would earn from the skip's arrest.

Her eyes scanned the crowded and loud club until they landed on a tall and skinny man at the bar. "Chad," she muttered his name under her breath.

Chad was thirty-five years old. Arson and attempted murder were his crimes which made his bail amount around half a million dollars to which bounty hunters would earn about 10 to 25 percent of the total bail bond.

Looking at the skip a few meters away from her, Katherine could only hear a "Ka-ching" sound in her ear and see a huge dollar sign on top of his head.

This would probably be enough hunting for a while. Her grandfather insisted on sending her "allowance" but the amount her grandfather told her was definitely not just allowance. It was more like an annual salary of an average worker. She understood that he was family, but she couldn't accept it. Especially not after disappearing on him after he told her she was his long lost granddaughter. 

If she was to go back to her family, she wanted to go back with at least a good bank account. To face whoever she had to face, she couldn't only rely on her family's money.

Taking a deep breath, Katherine raised her chin and strutted across the club in her black five-inch Jimmy Choos. 

She sat next to Chad who noticed her arrival but she didn't look his way. Turning her body towards him just enough so he could see her front, she twirled her blonde hair and sighed when the bartender was far and busy to get her order.

Chad raked over Katherine's length, his eyes lingering on her cleavage longer than he should and smirked before taking a sip of his beer. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asked, leaning towards her.

As if noticing him for the first time, Katherine turned her head to him and formed a slow smile. "Um I guess"

Chad flagged down the bartender and she ordered her drink. "Pink lady?" he asked, truly curious why she chose the particular drink when no one else seems to order it.

She flashed a flirty smile at him, acted coyly as she spoke, "I like it, it's quite yummy. And it's pretty." Katherine wanted to barf at her own answer. 

The bartender slid the cocktail glass in front of her, winking before walking to the other side of the bar to tend to other customers. She took a shy sip of her drink, thankful that the bartender didn't forget to replace the alcohol with water instead as per her request before she came to the club that night.

As much as she wanted to stay sober that night, the sweet and creamy drink made her want to have alcohol instead. She turned to Chad and flashed him another smile, "So, where are you from?"

"Just here and there," he answered vaguely, "Are you here alone?"

"Yeah, I was supposed to come with my friends but they bailed on me. I thought tonight was going to be fun," she said, pulling on a sad face.

"Oh, you're looking for something fun? I can be fun" Chad smirked, licking his lips.

Katherine fought the urge to roll her eyes. She picked up the cherry by the stem that was garnished on her cocktail and played it with her lips while maintaining eye contact with the disgusting pervert of a man that goes by the name Chad. 

She promised herself this would be the last time she was going to do this for bounty hunting or she might not be able to help herself and poke his eyes with her long fake nails.

She almost gasped with she felt his filthy hand on her knee but she was so good with her mask that she batted her eyes at him instead as if she liked his touch. God, noshe didn't. 

Chad finished his bottle of beer and turned to face her his smug look was still on his face. "Do you want to get some fresh air?" he nodded towards the back entrance that was leading to the dark alley.

'Fresh air, my ass,' she said in her thoughts. Dark alleys never smell good. But it was the perfect place. "Sounds great." 

This was fast. Katherine thought that she'd have to at least sit there and flirt for a while. This criminal just couldn't keep his pants on.

Chad came out first and as soon as Katherine stepped out, he moved towards her and pushed her back against the wall.

"Oh, in a hurry, are we?" she smiled and before Chad could even come closer, she flipped them both, exchanging their places in one swift move and pinned him on the wall.

"Ah so you're the feisty type?"

Katherine let out a mocking laugh.  She inched closer until she was a hair's breadth away from his face and with a seductive voice, she said, "You bet your arsonist ass I am."

And the sound of handcuffs clicking around his wrists were heard. 

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