Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 232: Problems Over the Same Man

Chapter 232: Problems Over the Same Man

The Young Mansion was located in the northern area outside of Harbor City and it was more or less the same as how Katherine remembered it would be when she was younger.

Her family hadn't lived in it as they had their own house in the suburbs, South East of Harbor City. However, they visited Chairman Young many times before and seeing the whole place again made her feel nostalgic every time. 

The Young Estate was not as vast as the Park Estate as Katherine recalled the last time she had dinner with Damien and Nana but the Youngs had a bigger mansion. The memory made her silently sigh, cursing herself for thinking about him again. It seemed as though whatever she did, everything just reminded her of him.

She walked out of the mansion with Chairman Young next to her.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay? We have plenty of rooms and it would be really nice to have you here," he said.

Hooking her arm with his, Katherine felt guilty. "Sorry, Grandpa I'm just not ready to live in such a huge house like this. And I still have some things that I need to do While the place is really nice, it's just inconvenient for me to travel back and forth."

Also, ever since news about her came out, she had been anticipating attacks to come in left and right. She couldn't lure her enemies to the Young Estate.

"I see is this part of those things you said that you can't tell me yet? You know for a number 5, this doesn't seem like one. Weren't you supposed to tell me things and then I will keep it a secret for you? That's how it works as far as I could remember." 

When she went to see her grandfather a few days ago, she had a hard time telling him the things that were only on a "need to know" basis which wasn't a lot. It pained her that she couldn't be outright honest with him but it was the only way she knew to keep him safe. The less he knew, the better. 

To keep things simple, Katherine told Chairman Young that she was working on a project that she couldn't tell him yet and that it was vital to keep some things regarding her identity under wraps.

To lessen her lies, she told her grandfather that her memories were still quite patchy and it might take her more time in order to remember everything. He was very understanding and he no longer asked her details about her whereabouts. It was more important to him that she was back in his life.

"You just have to trust me with this, Grandpa. I promise, when my project is done, I will tell you all about it." Katherine forced a smile. She would definitely tell her grandfather. As for when, she had no idea.

"Fine Even I live with secrets myself."

She gasped. "What secrets?"

"Aha! I won't tell you unless you tell me yours," Chairman Young teased, a playful smile danced on his lips as they walked towards a car.

"Fair enough," Katherine mused.

"Always take care of yourself, pumpkin." He held her hands in his and squeezed them. "I expect to see you here after lunch tomorrow. Okay?"

"Always am." Katherine gave him a kiss on the cheek before she got in the backseat of the car that her grandfather's assistant Frank was driving.

She had to keep her profile low for now despite wanting to ride the motorcycle which was why Chairman Young insisted on driving her back and forth the city and the estate. When they arrived at the city center, it was already six in the evening. The sun had set and the sky started to darken.

"Frank, can you stop here? There are some things that I need to take care of." Katherine waited for the car to stop and when she got off, she went straight to a very crowded area.

As usual, she was wearing dark-colored casual clothes and she blended in the crowd quite easily. In a very subtle manner, she looked around, trying to see if someone was following her but didn't find any.

Katherine didn't want to risk it, so she circled around in random directions while pretending to shop around just to get the feel of the place. When she was sure that no one was watching her, she entered an alley and opened a backdoor to a building that led to her apartment on the top floor.

When she arrived at her place, Styles was busy with his computer while Amelia was nowhere in sight.

"You're alone?" she asked, sliding into the seat next to him.

"Yeah, Falcon's scouting the perimeter of the venue tomorrow. How are you? Are you nervous?" Styles stopped his work and glanced at her.

Katherine revealed a half smile and just as she was about to answer, Amelia entered the apartment, her eyes looking almost like Damien's except softer. 

"You look stressed," Amelia placed some paper bags on the table that contained their dinner for the evening. 

"My grandfather invited Damien tomorrow," Katherine blurted. She even surprised herself that she mentioned it right away. 

Amelia's hands paused from taking out the contents but she recovered quickly. "I see. Will that be a problem for you?"

Katherine swallowed before answering. "No, will it be for you?"



Nodding, Amelia concluded, "So there will be no problems then."

Half lies... But they didn't need to talk about it. 

The two women were not exactly chummy but they were quite civil. Because of their strange connections with each other, they decided to just focus on the same goal so that they could work efficiently.

Styles, who already started eating his food, shifted his gaze from one woman to the other. "Okay" he said hesitantly. For a person who was only watching the women on the sidelines, he found the pair interesting. They had problems over the same man.

"Anything on Shadow?" Katherine turned to Styles, trying to change the subject so she didn't have to deal with how awkward it was just now. 

Snapping his fingers, Styles quickly typed on his laptop and showed his screen. "Oh, check who I found"

Katherine and Amelia leaned forward and studied the photos, zooming in to see a clear view of the person. 

As soon as the pixels softened and the picture became clearer, Katherine knitted her brows. "Looks like I'll be expecting Chris tomorrow," she said as she stared at the photo of him inside a car crossing the state and passing through a toll gate.

Katherine felt a mixture of excitement and anxiousness. She'll be seeing Chris soon and she didn't know whether to strangle him... or strangle him.

Amelia placed a hand on Katherine's shoulder, slightly squeezing as she reminded her, "We need him alive."

Without removing her gaze on the screen, Katherine revealed an evil smirk and her eyes darkened as she hissed, "Believe me I need him alive for all the things I plan to do to him." 

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