Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 267: Coercion

Chapter 267: Coercion

Golden Phoenix Residences

Caleb and Alianna arrived on the 62nd floor. 

The two were quiet as they contemplated what they were supposed to do. This was such a bizarre coincidence. Getting out of the elevator, they stepped in the penthouse's foyer and they were greeted by the ultra-luxury design of the penthouse. With a combination of black, grey, and white of the interior design, the living space reflected the owner's lifestyle classy and damn expensive.

The penthouse was actually a 1,070-square-meter two-story unit occupying the topmost floor with breathtaking views of the city and the coast. It's definitely a world-class residence.

Entering the massive space, a large brown fluffy Newfoundland dog came running eagerly towards them.

"Ahh! Who's a good boy, huh?" Alianna bent down to pet the fluffball, scratching its ears before giving him a piece of treat that she had in her purse.

Caleb briefly patted the dog's back and he raised his head when he heard Damien's footsteps approached them. 

"Do you really have to come here every single day? Don't you guys have something else better to do?" Damien questioned as he leaned against the wall.

"Like what?" Alianna got up and went to greet her brooding cousin with an air kiss and a hug. "I like watching you sulk." She slapped his arm just a little harshly for his unwelcoming greeting.

Damien ignored the sting on his arm and exchanged shoulder taps with Caleb. "Please come in," he said sarcastically when the two already made their way towards the living room without his permission.

Sighing, he added, "I don't know. Watching a movie or something. I'm sure that's more interesting than me."

Oh, there was definitely something more interesting but it still involved him. Caleb and Alianna looked at each other and watched as Damien went to the kitchen to fetch some drinks for them. They weren't talking but their eyes were making signals at each other, widening, narrowing and then glaring with a little head movement and silent cursing.

Damien came back, bringing them bottles of water and beer. He passed each of them a bottle of each before he sat on the light-grey sectional sofa and turned on the television. Bear hopped on the sofa, settling next to him.

Alianna and Caleb were mumbling at each other while still standing on the side, debating whether they should tell him or not.

Glancing at them with his brow raised and crossed, Damien exhaled, "What are you guys whispering over there? Did you just come here to gossip? Should I switch to the celebrity channel for more juice?"

Ever since Katherine left, Damien had become crankier. His snarky remarks annoyed the hell out of Alianna but she remained patient for her beloved cousinmost of the time. She stuck her tongue out to him.

Dragging Caleb with her to sit on a large ottoman, she turned to face Damien with an angelic look on her face and asked, "So? Did you drop by to see her at the Young Mansion today?"

Without looking at her, Damien stared at the TV's moving pictures but not understanding a thing and answered, "She doesn't live there."

"Oh really?" She exchanged looks with Caleb. "How do you know? Have you seen her? Did she tell you where she lives?"

"I ran into her downtown this afternoon. She did not tell me where she was staying though. If I knew, I wouldn't be able to sit still in here." He leaned back, placing a hand on Bear and stroking his fur.

"What would you do if you know exactly where she is? Aw!" Caleb winced in pain when Alianna elbowed his side.

"You know, HYPOTHETICALLY what if?! Just imagination?" she asked.

Damien eyed the two. They were acting so strangely more than usual.

However, he humored them and shrugged. "I'd go over. I guess. I don't know."

"We should really tell him. I can't keep this from him," Caleb whispered to Alianna.

"No! If I were in her shoes and I wanted him to know, I already would have told him! Obviously, she doesn't. So shut up, mister or you're sleeping on the couch," she whispered back.

"On second thought, he doesn't have to know."

Damien was getting annoyed by their whispering. He turned off the television and crossed his arms in front of his chest as he studied his cousin and stared at her. "Ali, do you mind sharing in the class what you two are so excited about over there?" His tone was icy and threatening.

Feeling a chill down her spine, she straightened up and shook her head. "No, thank you."

Her reaction amused Damien and he knew that she was hiding something from him. Without blinking, he pressed on. "You're hiding something. Tell me. I insist."

She shook her head, making Damien clench his jaw in annoyance.

"Alianna Venezia Park, you better tell me right now or I swear I will tell Caleb about Dubai."

Damien called her full name, making her gulp. She wasn't fond of her Italian second name which her mother gave her. But what really gave her a fright was him mentioning Dubai.

Her eyes widened and she blurted out right away, "I know where Katherine lives!"

Caleb was too stunned for things to be happening so fast. His head snapped towards Alianna who was turning pink. How could she give up so fast after Damien's blackmail? "Wait What's with Dubai?"

"You know where she is? How? Why? Where?" Damien leaned forward, grabbing her wrist as he pressed her for answers.

"What happened in Dubai?!" Caleb didn't care about Katherine's whereabouts now that he heard how Damien blackmailed his cousin.

"I I" She panicked and was about to cry. "You are so mean, you know that?!" she sniffed and frowned.

"Sorry" Damien let go of her wrist but kept his gaze on her. "Tell me where she is."

"Is someone going to tell me what the hell happened in Dubai?!" Caleb was exasperated.

Breathing in deeply, she turned to face her fianc with a sweet smile on her face and whispered to Caleb, "Sweetheart, what do you say... You stop asking about Dubai and I won't tell Damien about what you did to his Wolverine action figure?"

"You're an evil woman," Caleb muttered under his breath and decided to hush for now.

Satisfied, Alianna turned to Damien again and started. "Actually Caleb knows the story."

Great. Earlier, she didn't allow him to tell Damien the truth. Yet now, she's pushing him off the cliff. Caleb could only shake his head. "Man, I met Katherine in the lobby."

"What lobby?"

"This building."

"She lives here? Since when?!" Damien was baffled by the information.

"She told me she just moved in." Caleb shrugged, feeling at ease that he didn't have to keep it from him.

Damien stood up immediately that Bear jumped in surprise. "Why would you only tell me now? Did you plan on keeping it from me?" He was already on his way to the foyer.

"Where are you going?" Ali caught up to him.

"Where else? I'm going to her apartment."

"Do you even know which floor and what unit she's staying?" she questioned.

"No. But that wouldn't be a problem. I'll just ask the front desk."

"Ha! Like they would tell you."

"I can be very persuasive."

Seeing Damien's serious expression, Alianna didn't doubt him at all. But she couldn't just let him do as he wishes. "You can't do that, Damien."

Frustrated, he brushed his hands on his face and sighed. "Why the hell not?"

As gently as she could, Alianna told her cousin, "Because if she wanted you to find out, she would have already told you. What do you think will happen if you suddenly showed up at her door?"

Damien hadn't thought of that. His head hung low as he thought about what to do. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he sloppily whipped it out only to be surprised by another good news a text message from Katherine.

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