Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 289: Fortune 2

Chapter 289: Fortune 2

Crown Resort Group's Meeting Room on the 10th floor

Katherine sat next to Michael who was currently giving her an overview of Young Corporation's construction procurement methods with examples of their previous projects. He took his time in teaching her, making sure she understood what needs to be done.

To ensure their proposals pass the first round and become a qualifying bid, this meeting or interview with Crown Resort Group has to be smooth and it was important that all concerns or questions were raised and addressed along with ensuring that they meet the technical qualifications. 

While most bidders would strive to make the lowest bid to win the bidding, Young Corporation proudly adheres to international standards as they aim for the best value source selection. This meant that apart from the cost, other factors must entice the business owner to sign the contract. Michael patiently explained to Katherine the key factors that set Young Corporation apart from the competition.

She was impressed by how patient he was at explaining things for her in a way that she could understand easily. It wasn't that she was dumb to understand new knowledge but considering that she had no experience in this field before, he was patient enough to let her absorb the 'need-to-know' stuff. 

The four of them had been waiting inside the meeting room for almost thirty minutes but aside from the beverages that were given when they arrived, they hadn't met any Crown Resort Group employees yet.

The door to the meeting room opened and in came Caleb Yoo who brought a few folders with him. Caleb was actually an engineer and one of Damien's trusted friends which was why the latter could only rely on the former for big projects like this.

"My apologies for making you wait." Caleb walked towards the table and extended his hand to initiate a handshake with Michael. The two of them introduced themselves and Michael introduced the other two with him before he turned to Katherine and smiled, knowing that she didn't need any formal introduction. 

"It's nice to see you again, Katherine," Caleb leaned or a brief hug and an air kiss in which she returned with her own. "I see that you're overseeing this process?" 

With a smile, Katherine nodded, "I'm just here to learn the ropes." It was weird to meet Caleb like this because she was so used to working with them in the company but now they were going to talk about a project that they could possibly be working together in the future.

Caleb took his time in taking out some things from his briefcase as he talked to her casually, "Ali's been wanting to see you."

"Is she in town?"

"Yeah, she's working on something today." Caleb glanced at his watch and added, "If you have some time later, I could tell her you're here if you're up for lunch?"

Meeting Alianna would be really nice. However, Katherine wasn't sure how to face her knowing that she must have thousands of questions just like her cousin whom she still owed a 'talk' her cousin who was in this very same building that she was in, just several floors above her. "Ah I'm not sure" She looked at Michael who had a gentle expression on his face.

"Oh, it's fine. You can have lunch with your friends. We won't have a meeting until later at three in the afternoon anyway. I'm sure they all want to see you too," Michael said.

Caleb nodded at Michael, appreciative of his gesture. "Then it's settled. I'll call her later when we're done. Shall we"

The door opened so abruptly, causing all heads to turn towards it, only to see Damien Park entering. His very presence caused Katherine's heart to leap upwards her throat, she could practically feel it beating so thickly as she swallowed. 

Why did he have to show up? Why did he have to come here?

"Oh, I thought you had something important to do?" Caleb raised a brow, his lips curling up in a teasing smile as he addressed his friend.

"It got canceled," Damien muttered the lie so smoothly, his eyes fixed on Katherine as he walked towards them.

But Caleb and Katherine both knew that Damien was the only one capable and had the right to cancel an important meeting and have it pushed back to whenever he was 'available' next which was almost so hard to fit in his packed schedule. Poor Markus. Katherine thought of sending him some supplements and a note that said: 'You can do it!' to cheer on him.

The man next to Katherine immediately got up and extended his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, President Park. My name is Michael Price, from the Procurement and Cost Control Department of Young Corporation."

Hearing the familiar name from the man, Damien's head turned towards him and received his handshake. "Pleasure is all mine," he dragged his words, glancing at Katherine as if he was telling her: 'Ah So this is Michael Price?'

As if Katherine could read his thoughts, she pulled her eyebrows together and sneered at him. What was he up to now?

She knew that he didn't have to be here so she couldn't help but snide, "You didn't have to grace us with your presence, President Park. We don't want to take up your very busy schedule."

"I don't mind being here at all. Of course, I need to make sure the company's millions of dollars are spent wisely. You know very well how hands-on I am, Ms. Young." A devilishly handsome smile formed on his face as he said the words 'hands-on'.

Katherine's left cheek twitched at his words. She watched as Damien made himself comfortable as he sat on her left, opposite of Caleb. He was supposed to sit in front of them. What was he doing?

"I think Mr. Mitchell would agree with me. He didn't have to personally be here as well but he is because he wants to make sure Young Corporation is represented well, am I right?" Damien asked with a straight face, his eyes trained on Katherine's. His question was targeted at Michael yet he didn't spare him a glance. 

Katherine could only part her lips while she thought of things to say to him. Damien was intelligent and he was already aware of Michael Price from the phone call she had last night so saying the name wrong was definitely on purpose. Just like what he did with Adam before all because he was jealous. She couldn't believe he was acting like a child right now.

Michael who just heard Damien say his name wrong could only form a small smile. He was sensing the tension between Katherine and Damien and he could only guess, so he just let it go.

"Mr. Michael Price is here to supervise while I learn from him. President Park, we don't want to trouble you. I'm sure Mr. Yoo is very capable of handling this himself. He is, after all, the one you trust the most in this company." Looking at her watch briefly, she added. "Your nine o'clock meeting must be very important."

She didn't want Damien here. How could she concentrate when his delicious fragrance that she loved so much invades her nostrils, causing her to almost salivate? How ridiculous. He was doing this on purpose! She must remain unaffected!

"You are very sweet for thinking of me, Ms. Young." Patting Katherine's shoulder, he subtly traced the small part behind her ear with the tip of his finger before drawing his hand back. "I'm staying."

The smallest skin contact caused the hair on her nape to stand and a blush instantly crept up her neck.

Meeting Damien's stern gaze, Caleb cleared his throat and shook his head. "Well, since everyone is here now. Shall we start?"

What else could Katherine do but suck it up? This was going to be a long meeting.

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