Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 298: Damien Park Doesn't Do Favors

Chapter 298: Damien Park Doesn't Do Favors

The lunch was delightful with Damien making sure everyone enjoyed their food especially Katherine whom he was being extra attentive with. He loved that she was there and looked like she was enjoying herself. He was actually thankful that Alianna and Caleb were there too because he knew that even though Katherine was talking to him, there was only so much that they could talk about without the topic going astray and end up with her declining his every offer.

Whenever the guilt crept up to him while she was around, he would immediately brush it off his thoughts. While he knew that he wasn't guilty of killing her parents, knowing that his family was involved in it still made him feel uncomfortable. He felt terrible the entire time Katherine was away both from missing her too much and also the guilt that he had in him.

But perhaps it was because she was now back and knowing that she still had feelings for him made him even more selfish. Selfish of wanting to have her again despite everything that happened between them. It must be wrong to feel that way, but whenever she was near him Why did it feel so right?

As their scrumptious lunch was over, the group came out of the Central Harbor Restaurant. Caleb and Alianna had plans on going somewhere before Caleb head back to work so they bid goodbye to the other two.

"It was really nice to see you again, Katherine. We should meet up sometime this week or the next if you're free." Alianna gave Katherine a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"You have my number. We'll keep in touch."

Before Alianna let go of Katherine, she quietly whispered, "I'm really glad you're back. This is the first time I am seeing Damien smile since you left. Your separation really wrecked him. Please give him a chance."

When Alianna and Caleb got into a cab, Katherine's heart was still drumming in her chest. Her thoughts lingered on what her friend told her, making her feel like she was a bad person for leaving Damien. But if she was going to give in to her inner desires, she would feel even worse.

"Are you ready to go?" Damien asked, interrupting her reflection.

"Thank you for lunch, Damien I think I'll just hail a taxi, the office isn't far from here anyway."

"Really? You don't mind me buying you lunch but you refuse my offer on driving you to work?" He tilted his head and his hands were deep in his pockets, studying her expression as she tried to come up with another excuse.

Katherine opened her mouth but she came up with nothing, so she could only chew her bottom lip her action drew Damien's gaze on her lips and he gulped, wishing he was the one biting it instead. 

He cleared his throat and stepped towards her, holding her shoulders and pushing her towards his Range Rover and made her sit in front. "Let's go, Kitten." Left with no choice, Katherine got in the car and Damien drove away.

When they had joined the traffic and stopped at a traffic light, he glanced her way and started to make small talk. "So, this Milton guy He's your boss?" he asked, not liking the thought that she now answered to another man. He used to be her Boss. She used to call him Boss. Tch.

Katherine furrowed her brows at him and suppressed herself from rolling her eyes. "It's Michael. And you're doing it on purpose when you're jealous."

"Of course, I'm jealous." He didn't bother to deny the truth. As usual, he's terribly honest.

Taking a deep breath, she sighed. "Yeah, sort of. I work alongside him now, shadowing his work. Grandpa wanted me to take over Mr. Price's position while he transfers him to the construction departmentwhere he wanted to be in the first place but I refused. Getting the job just because my family owns it didn't sit well with me. But quite frankly, I don't want to start at the bottom either."

"Understandable. But you did have some experience working in a small construction company before right? I'm sure this wouldn't be so hard for you Do you like working there?"

"That was only for a couple of months. I don't know it's a huge responsibility. I like that it feels like home but With the things I need to do right now, I'm just I'm not so invested in it at the moment."

Damien nodded, knowing that whatever she meant by the things she needed to do were to be kept from him, so he didn't ask any more questions. However, he wanted to push his luck that day and try to invite her out again. "This was fun Are you free tomorrow evening?"

Katherine's hands clenched and he knew that she was going to decline his offer. He cursed himself. 

"Damien I admit, it really was nice today but We've been seeing each other for four days straight now yet I haven't really had the chance to just think. I don't"

"You can't defy the universe when it wants us to see each other, Katherine."

She turned her head and stared at him, her heart thrumming in her chest as she listened to him continue.

"Last Saturday, it was my decision to attend that party hoping that I would see you and I did. Sunday, I intended to see you as well but I ran into you before I even moved. Last night, you could have declined Nana's invitation, yet you didn't. Today you were in my territory. Have you thought that the more you want to avoid 'us'... the more that you couldn't?"

"Are you saying I should not 'avoid' you to get the opposite outcome?" She raised a brow.

Damien laughed at her question. "Not, really. Butlook, it's just dinner, Katherine. Two friends sharing a meal." The car came to a stop in front of Young Corporation.

Katherine gave Damien a look as if she was saying: 'Nice try'. Her hand hovered on the door handle and with a genuine smile on her face, she told him, "Thanks for driving me to work, Damien."

"Wait" His hand flew and caught her arm, stopping her from getting out of his vehicle so fast. He hated that the trip was so fast. He should have driven slowly.

"That recommendation I can help you with that." Katherine's eyes sparkled and his heart fluttered. "On one condition"

"What?" she asked eagerly.

"I don't know yet. But I'll think of something." A glint flashed in his eyes along with his devilishly sexy grin.

The look made Katherine feel trapped as though she knew that he was going to make some ridiculous request. "Can't it be just a favor?"

"A favor?"

"Yeah, from a boss to a former employee. You know A letter of recommendation?" She revealed a cheeky and cute smile, hoping that she would get away with it.

Seeing her expression, Damien felt like his heart was being brushed with feathers. Even her smile was dangerous for him. 

"Yeeeaaah no. That's not how it works. I don't do favors, Ms. Young. I only do business transactions." He winked.

Katherine pursed her lips into a thin line, knowing that she needed his help this time. "Fine. Let me know when you have decided."

He slowly let go of her arm, his hand brushing against her hand and lingered there for a second before he finally released her. "I'll see you when I see you, Kitten."

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