Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 302: Naughty Elevator Ride

Chapter 302: Naughty Elevator Ride

Keeping a smile on her face, Katherine walked hand in hand with Damien as they entered the lobby. She was too occupied in trying to survey the area in a subtle manner for any suspicious person to notice that the guard, the concierge and some staff in the lobby bowed to Damien. He quickly waved them off, shaking his head to them and hurried to the elevator with her.

Now what should a couplewho couldn't keep their hands to each otherdo inside a private elevator?

Katherine's mind had been churning, thinking about all the possibilities in this situation. The only one that made sense to her was that it could be Shadow. But if Parker wanted to hurt Damien, why did he send someone to put a bug on him? Was it because of her? Or was Parker after Damien for something else? 

When they got inside the elevator, she subconsciously shifted her gaze to Damien who was looking down at their joined hands. 

The only thing intimate about the two of them now was their linked handswhich felt really good for him until she noticed it.

When she realized that she was still holding him, she let go and took a step aside, clearing her throat as she swiped the keycard of her penthouse and typed in a code. This wasn't the time to be flustered by their contact yet her body couldn't help but react to the way they were so close to each other. Her inner self was telling her how stupid she was for letting go of his hand when all she really wanted was to hold him.

Being alone inside the elevator when the two of them acted so lovey-dovey and touchy-feely in the unusual car ride earlier felt odd. Surely couples who were so affectionate wouldn't suddenly become estranged in the confined space, especially when Katherine said earlier that she 'couldn't wait'. 

The listening devices were still running, so they needed to keep their act. They could simply crush them with their heels but Katherine had to show them to Styles before they destroy it.

So if she thought that Damien was going to just let her go like that, that's where she was wrong. Before she knew it, he had pinned her to the wall of the elevator car. Her back was pressed against the wall with his hand next to her head and his thigh pushed between her legs, trapping her in place. She gasped, his intense gaze locking with hers.

Damien pointed to the front of his pocket where the bugs were put, then he pointed to the two of them as if he was trying to tell her, "You and me not talking is not normal. Get your sht together."

Their eye contact had been so in sync, it was as if they didn't need words to communicate now. Katherine immediately understood what he meant but she didn't like how he was trapping her at the moment. So with a sly smile on her face, she blurted, "Oooh President Park, you are so naughty~"

His arched brow indicated that he was intrigued but not surprised by her choice to play with him. If this was what she wanted, two could play the game. With his free hand, he held her waist and slowly dragged it southward. "Do you like it? I can be naughtier." His husky voice and tone were both a dare and a warning. 

His lips were less than half an inch away from hers, his breath fanning against her skin. She could smell his familiar scent that she loved so much invading her nostrils. She could practically have a taste of him if his mouth came on to her. She wanted it to. She wanted to see if it was as good as she remembered it to be. Her eyes darted on his lips and the two of them knew what the other wanted.

They could feel each other's body heat and it was driving them crazy. Katherine's fantasies which came at the wrong time were held hostage when she suddenly felt his fingers graze on the skin of her thigh. The small skin contact was electric, jolting her awake at the same time that a grunty moan escaped from her lips. Her automatic response was to push him away. She couldn't do this with him. This is stupid!

Her hands were on his chest and she tried to push him but his hands were now gripping her waist, not wanting to create any distance between them. Damien swore he almost lost it when he heard her moan.

Katherine glared at him and mouthed: "Let go", but his grasp only tightened. Seeing as he wanted to be difficult, she gave up pushing him away and instead, she played her part in a very exaggerated manner. She wanted to annoy him. Because he was so annoying at a time like this.

"Ahh! You are very touchy, President Park~" her slutty, bedroom voice came on and Damien stiffened, his heart starting to beat wildly in his chest.

He looked at her, wondering what she was about to do next when all of a sudden, she crossed her arms in front of her chest and started making lewd noises while her eyes were locked with his. 



"Yes, just like that!"

"Uhuh You are so good~"

"Yes, yes yes!"

"Aaaaaahhhhhhh" Her carnal tone suggested that she just had an orgasm.

In this case, a fake orgasm.

Damien audibly swallowed at the sight of her. Though her expression was currently far from being turned on, the orgasmic sounds that she made were almost a copy of how she sounded when they made love only she was faking it this time and doing it like a porn star would. Even with that knowledge, he sported a hard-on. This woman was going to be the death of him. How could she do this to him? She's evil. Truly, truly evil.

The elevator dinged and the door opened. The entire ride only lasted for about less than a minute yet they had already silently fought and had Katherine orgasm in the private space. Damien was speechless and he froze on the spot while she was already on her way out of the car, his little brotherthat wasn't so littlewas cursing at him for waking him up in his slumber. Now it wanted to escape and find its release. 

"Honey, come on..." Katherine's sing-songy voice snapped him out of his trance. He turned to her and saw her with an annoyed expression and it made him scoff. She was the one doing things to him and now she was annoyed? He cursed Katherine in his mind.

Damien surely wanted to see her new place but because of what just happened earlier and what was currently happening, he was definitely not excited anymore. Especially when he saw that the nerd was standing at the entryway with a tablet in his hand waiting for them. He forgot that Katherine was staying with her friends. He didn't see the woman with the nerd, did it mean that they were living alone together?

Katherine and Styles mouthed words and pointed at directions that Damien wouldn't know about. He was the alien in the house and he didn't know what the two were planning. Oh, how did his supposedly normal day turn out like this?

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