Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 347: The Man in Charge

Chapter 347: The Man in Charge

Katherine's hand flew to her chest, surprised by what was happening at the moment. The atmosphere in the large living room of her old apartment was quite tense. It was cold inside despite having all the windows and doors closed. The sky outside was also already dark as it was already nearly seven in the evening. 

Her curious eyes quickly darted from Noah whose head was still bowed down to the rest of Damien's security detail who were in two straight rows. And that's when she saw that the men from Alpha and Beta Team had expressionless faces. They stood ramrod straight and they looked straight ahead but at nothing in particular.

Her gaze then landed on Damien. He was already wearing a new white t-shirt, similar to her shirthis shirtthat she was wearing. He looked at Noah and her, waiting for her reaction to see what she was going to do the man who was covered in black and blue all over. 

Hearing a soft whimper before her, Katherine's attention was brought back to Noah and she noticed his hands that were balled on his side; his knuckles were ghostly white. She remembered that she had hit him once or twice on the rib cage earlier and he must be in pain with the way he was slouched forward in a weird bowing position. She didn't know whether she should feel bad for him.

Quickly glancing at Damien, she eyed him as if she wanted to ask what she was supposed to do but his face was void of any emotion. If she were to decipher what he was thinking, he was probably saying something along the lines of: "It's up to you."

Clearing her throat, she ordered, "As you were."

Thankful that Katherine didn't make it difficult for him, Noah slowly straightened his aching back as much as his body could take it and felt like a truck had hit him. He was just about to go back to his line when she called him again.

"I'm not the only one you should apologize to. There's another woman in the room whom you owed an apology. She was the one who thought of everyone in here, making sure you were well fed." She watched as Noah's head turned to Amelia's direction, guilt filling his eyes.

Amelia didn't have a clue as to what happened in the back alley until Styles told her. She found it hilarious and thought that she probably would have done the same to Noah if it was her who was there earlier. Except she wouldn't have held back like Katherine did she thought the latter was too merciful.

Walking up to stand next to Damien, Katherine added, "If you're calling me 'Daddy' because I kicked your ass earlier, you should be more afraid of her. She's more ruthless than I am." She had heard several rumors about 'Falcon' while she was still in Shadow. Her words caused Damien to glance at his mother's direction, and she wondered what he was thinking. 

The rest of Damien's men chortled a laugh. Before Damien came out of the bathroom, Styles had sent him a video clip of what happened in the alley that he had gotten from the CCTVs around the building. And when Damien came out and watched the short clip, Felix and Styles were also watching it on replay along with the rest of the security detail. 

So everyone in the room was already aware of what happened as they witnessed Katherine's abilities playing through the video. Those who had doubts and questions about herthey now only had sparkles in their eyes.

Katherine had wanted to keep the incident in the alley among the four of them who were there but Styles wanted to avoid any more possibilities of the same thing that might happen in the future. He was determined to have everyone around them show respect to his Queen. He just couldn't take it if they say mean things about her behind her back. She had suffered enough already. She deserved respect and so much more.

Noah's face had gone beet red. He was already humiliated in front of his peers for being beaten up by a girlbut he didn't resent Katherine, instead, he swallowed his pride and gave her respect. Hearing what she said about the other woman in the room, he gulped and bowed towards Amelia, wondering what he was supposed to call her. He called Katherine 'Daddy' if this woman was more ruthless than Katherine, was he supposed to call her 'Grandpa'?

"I apologize Gran"

Amelia raised her hand and smacked Noah's head. There wasn't much force on the hit; it was like a mother scolding her child. "Don't you dare call me grandfather. As long as you are sorry. Go back to your line."

"Y-Yes, Ma'am." Noah rubbed the top of his head and went back to stand in line.

Damien glanced at Katherine and his mother before he faced his men, seeing the two women in his life gave him a fuzzy feeling inside. He looked at each and everyone's faces before he spoke in a stern voice worthy of his position as their supreme commander.

"It seemed that some of you doubted me in the first place. I don't need anyone who questions my authority. If you have any problems with my orders, you are all free to leave right this instant. I will end your contract and you won't receive any recommendations either. Apart from that, you all know what happens if you don't abide by the rules. They exist for a reason. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Sir!" His men answered all together like soldiers, passion heated their eyes as they were determined not to be stupid anymore. Those who dared to defy Damien Park only wished to have his head on a plate.

"With that being said, let me reiterate: Katherine Young isn't your charge. She is in charge. You take her words seriously as if you're following mine. You are not here to babysit. You are here to protect not just her or them, but each other," Damien said as he gestured towards Styles and Amelia. "Is everything understood?"

After his men acknowledged his declaration, he ordered them to prepare to leave the building and go back to Golden Phoenix Residences. Everyone dispersed, leaving Katherine and Damien alone in the now empty living room.

"You know it looks good on you," Katherine complimented, a small smile painted on her lips as she gazed up at the tall and gorgeous man standing next to her.

"What does?" He arched a brow up, curious as to what she had to say.

She shrugged, looking playful as she recalled how he looked a minute ago. "You as their commander-in-chief."

"Hmmm Is that so? Does it delight you?"

Feeling cheeky, Katherine tugged on his trench coat at the same that she tiptoed until her lips brushed against his ear and she breathed, "I like a man in charge." Her voice was sultry and smooth, making him stiffen and his muscles rigid.

And before he knew it, she was already walking away from him, her hips swaying from side to side as she was on her way to the door. Her jeans were so tight that they hugged her perfectly round asshe had to swallow. This was her revenge.

When will this ever end?

One time he teases her; the next she teases him.

Damien stood at the empty living room alone with his thoughts. He softly chuckled to himself, amused at his current state. He ran a hand along his sharp jawline and dragged it to his nape as he sauntered towards the door and muttered to himself, "Oh, fck me."

Today was so long. He was so damn exhausted. So hungry. And just so done for the day. He couldn't wait to go home, take a long nice cold shower and sleep. 

On Katherine's bed.

And with Katherine next to him.

Yup. He couldn't wait.

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