Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 351: Cute Couple

Chapter 351: Cute Couple

Maybe it was stupid.

Maybe they shouldn't be so careless by being out in the open when they were supposed to be careful and watch out for potential hits on their heads.

Maybe Damien thought they only had today to be happy.

Maybe Katherine wanted to be happy even if it was only for today.

Whatever it was that drove the two to act normal amidst the threats, was it so wrong to put their own happiness first and set aside their predicaments? Katherine questioned silently in her head while she watched Damien bid goodbye to Rose, the old woman who owned the diner.

Several months ago, Katherine wondered how Damien could be so ruthless in business, thrashing his competitors as he continued to rise to the top while being such a kind-hearted man who treated Nana very dearly. Two sides of him that she both loved and admired.

Time and time again, he had proven himself that he's worthy of her love even without him actually doing it on purpose. Damien was just being Damien and that's why Katherine couldn't deny her feelings for him. It was just impossible. Which was why when he strolled towards her, she proactively held his hand.

The gesture didn't go unnoticed by him. And he was glad to see her slowly taking him back. Damien could only wish that their relationship would only continue to be better, given that they were now open to each otherflaws and all.

"Are you sure the pancakes were enough for you?" Damien asked as they maneuvered their way through the crowded street filled with locals and tourists who were enjoying their food trips. The smell of barbeque and cheese lingered in the air and he saw her breathe it in.

The long stretch of the street had several kinds of popular Asian foods. Katherine's eyes marveled at the sight of tasty-looking skewered meats, crispy deep-fried and even stewed dishes lined on the sides. It was crazier in the evening than it was in the morning when Damien first brought her there. 

"Hmmm maybe I'd like to try that!" she pointed at the deep-fried seafood to her left, already dragging him towards it.

He was normally the one who reminded her of how unhealthy some foods are but at this point, he didn't care about that. He was just happy that she was enjoying herself. Seeing the wonder in her eyes as she looked at the selection of seafood in front of her was priceless. "Try the shrimp."

"Ah, really?" She turned to the vendor and ordered some deep-fried shrimp and squid. "Do you want anything for yourself?" she asked Damien.

He threw his head back laughing. And there he thought she was getting food for the two of them. It turned out what she ordered was only for herself. "I'm good."

The old lady vendor looked at the two of them and commented as she prepared the food, "You two look like a cute couple. Here's a couple of extra shrimps for you."

"Woah! Thank you!" Katherine's eyes widened in excitement upon seeing the large paper cup handed to her filled to the brim. "Ah, wait" 

She was just about to take out money from her pocket when Damien handed the lady vendor a hundred dollar bill. "Thanks. Keep the change," he said before he placed a hand on Katherine's shoulder, urging her to move.

"WhatI was going to pay!"

"You can pay for the next one." He draped a hand around her shoulders as they walked towards the end of the street.

"But that was a hundred bucks!"

"She said we're a cute couple."

Katherine looked at him with an incredulous stare. Here's a billionaire next to her who just paid so much for some street food simply because he liked a comment made by the vendor. "I bet she says that to all her customers to get more tips." She picked a shrimp, took a bite and the flavors exploded in her mouth.

"Well it's working." The huge grin on his face made him look even younger. "I'm a businessman, Kitten, I know how it works. It just so happened that she was right. We're a cute couple." He winked.

She shook her head and rolled her eyes but formed a small smile anyway. When she finished a piece, she took another one and held it in front of his lips, "Here. It's good."

"I'm" He was going to decline but when he saw her mouth had downturned, he felt like he was being punched in the chest. So he received the food with his mouth and finished the whole piece quickly Even licking her thumb and index finger clean. "Mm. It is good." It was oily.

Katherine was stunned for a second when his mouth closed around her finger but she recovered quickly and took him by surprise when she mimicked what he did and licked her thumb and index finger clean tooall while locking her gaze with his. Two can play at this game.

Except their game had been in play for a while now. When will this end and who will win?

Damien eyed her, his throat bobbing and his jaw ticking as he checked his self-controland his hard-on bobbed in answer. He shifted his trenchcoat and buttoned it to cover his pants.

Seeing his reaction, Katherine knew she had won this round.

Taking her hand, he dragged her with him in his long strides that she had to keep up. "Come on, we still have five blocks to walk."

By the time she finished eating, they were still about two blocks away from Damien's car but her feet were already killing her. They had walked to and from the diner and her sneakers probably needed replacement as she was growing more and more uncomfortable each step. "Wait Can we stop for a bit? My feet hurt already."

Damien studied her, glancing at her feet before wordlessly bending down, his back facing her. "Hop on. I'll carry you," he said over his shoulder.

"No, it's okay I just need a minuteAh!" she yelped when he ignored her declining his offer and pulled her to his back, fastening the back of her knees with his hands. She instinctively hooked her arms around his neck and shoulders.

Katherine almost had a mini heart attack because of his sudden gesture, her heart beating erratically in her chest that was pressed against his broad back. He got up and walked, careful with his steps as he carried her.

Since they were approaching the busy district, a sea of people was already forming around them, causing her heart to beat even faster when she noticed stares thrown their way. "This is a bad idea, Damien. They could recognize you."

"If they do, then they do. I don't care." He turned his head to the right, meeting her glare and he smirked.

Katherine caught sight of someone taking a picture of them from the side and she swore she heard her surname being mentioned. "I think they recognized me Damien, they're taking pictures."

Ignoring other people, he faced front and continued to walk. "Of course, you're the heiress of the Young Family. Look friendly and smile. You would want to look good in the pictures."

He was right. Now that she no longer cared about any rumors thrown her way by being seen with Damien, there was nothing to fret. She chuckled at the thought and tightened her hold on him. What's the worst that could happen?

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