Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 387: What I Like About You

Chapter 387: What I Like About You

Damien and Amelia went back to Golden Phoenix Residences together in a convoy after agreeing that they need to be smarter to find out the truth. They decided that they would have to taunt Frederick anonymously. And if he was indeed guilty, he's bound to slip up one way or another. 

Damien's hand gripped the steering wheel tighter and his face hardened at the thought of finding out the truth. There were so many things going on around them at the moment and he just couldn't catch a break. The only solace that he could find among all these troubles is the fact that Katherine was there. So was his mother. And other people whom he cared about were all safe.

Golden Phoenix Residences

Damien and Amelia arrived back at Katherine's penthouse on the 61st floor. As soon as they entered, he excused himself and told his mother that he would update Katherine about what happened today.

The living room and kitchen were empty and so he went straight to Katherine's bedroom. "Katherine?" he called.

"I'm here!" she shouted from the bathroom. He strolled in and found her applying some ointment on the side of her arm where a small bruise was forming. It was the same tube of medicine that he gave her last week for the bruise on her thigh.

"What happened to you?" Damien examined her arm, inspecting the bruise that was just above her elbow.

"Ah, some jerk bumped into us earlier while I was walking Bear out. I could have avoided but Bear got excited and" She sighed. "It's hard to control a heavy dog. I ended up hitting my arm on the pole by accident. It's nothing I'm fine." Curling her mouth into a smile, she put away the tube of ointment for bruises into a medicine box and stored it under the sink cabinet.

Turning to face Damien, she pulled him out of the bathroom and they sat on her bed. "What happened? Why did you run off like that earlier? Oh, and did you take a cab? I found your keys in the holder" She jerked her thumb over her shoulder.

"Huh? Oh Right. I grabbed the wrong keys. I borrowed your red Lexus." He dug the car key fob out of his pocket and handed it over to her.

"It's a red Lexus? It must have been what Grandpa got for me." She told Damien that she had asked Felix to look for the car keys that her grandfather told her about before. Felix must have placed it in the holder together with the other keys. After her explanation, she diverted the subject back, "Did something happen between you and Amelia?"

Damien drove a tired hand down his face and his head hung low as he started recalling what happened at the Park Mansion earlier and retold Katherine everything. Even after calming down, he still found the new revelation quite disconcerting.

"All these years I We thought he died from that car crash. Was it all staged? I don't know what to believe anymore. I need to find out the truth, Katherine I have to." He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, Damien." She reached out and clasped both of his hands. She, too, was feeling unsettled even by just listening to his story. It's already hard to trust someone whom you just met. And for someone whom he had grown up knowing, that's even harder. "If If later What will you do if we find out Uncle Fred was really involved in your father's death. What then?"

Damien had been asking himself the same question over and over again while he was driving back here. He had even considered turning the car around and waltzing back to the mansion to confront his uncle for the answers. He could imagine himself threatening Uncle Fred for an explanation But his mother was right. So he fought the urge to demand answers violently.

Now that Katherine was asking him the question that had been nagging him all along, he was only even more confused. He would definitely seek revenge. With all the pent up anger within him, he could only ball his hands into fists and let out a sigh. She slid her hands over his and he loosened them, finding comfort in her touch. "I don't know, Katherine We've always had our differences but this I don't know what I would do." He shook his head.

Seeing his frustration right before her eyes, she felt her chest constrict. She didn't like seeing him like this. So torn up and feeling defeated. "Don't worry, Damien. We'll get to the bottom of this. We'll make sure to find out the truth about my parents and your father as well." Bringing her hands to the sides of his face, she made him turn and meet her gaze. "I'll be right here with you. Every step. Whatever you need, I'll be here. Just like you are to me."

Nodding, he pulled her towards him and made her sit on his lap with her legs on either side of his thighs. She adjusted herself as she straddled on top of him, her arms naturally hooking around his neck while his hands held her waist. They looked into each other's eyes as though they were searching for security that only the two of them could give to each other.

Katherine slanted her head as she leaned forward and their lips met. Their kiss was soft and gentle as if they were afraid to break each other. Her tongue grazed across his lips and he parted them to give her access which she gladly took. He deepened their kiss and she responded with the same fervent need.

Soon when their kiss broke, she leaned her forehead to his and whispered, "You know what I like about you? Well, one of the things that I like about you at least..."


"You always know what to do."

Damien had to pause for a minute before he replied to her statement. "I don't know about this one"

Pulling back slightly so she could look at him with a serious expression, she told him, "You're Damien Maverick Park. You don't think and behave like others. And you're formidable. Also you have me. Weren't you the one who told me before? We're in this together."

He tucked her hair behind her ear, a smile now slowly forming on his face. "I did, didn't I?"

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