Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 485: Slap My Perky Butt

Chapter 485: Slap My Perky Butt

The pool was the focal point of the penthousea 14-meter indoor swimming pool with a square island decorated with a sculpture and a tree, and grass. Directly in front of the pool was the terrace facing the coastal view of Harbor City. Katherine and Damien stood at one end of the pool which was near the entrance of the kitchen. 

The four intruders were casually sitting on the sunbeds on the terrace with an opened bottle of expensive wine and some snacks.

"Oh my god! Finally!" Alianna was the first one to break the silence. She promptly got up from the sunbed by the indoor pool and exclaimed, "God, it's so good to see you!"

"Ali" Katherine greeted as Alianna came over to give her a big bear hug, in which she returned with her own. "How are you?"

"I'm good, now that I finally know you're still breathing! I thought Damien had imprisoned you somewhere and wasn't allowing the whole world to see you anymore!" Alia gave her cousin an eye.

Damien drifted his gaze past his cousin and looked at Caleb. He cocked a brow as if he was questioning him without really asking anything yet.

"Hey, don't look at me," Caleb said, waving his hands in front of him. "She was the one who insisted on coming here and wait for you guys. I couldn't say no"

Then, Damien's stare shifted to Jeffrey whose eyes widened before he formed a wide, goofy smile and said, "Bro we were just visiting Caleb to hang out when they were leaving and said they were headed here. We just tagged along." Jessamine awkwardly waved and pursed her lips.

Sighing, Damien turned to his cousin and chided, "Ali, we talked about this. You can't just come without letting me know first." 

He didn't really mind her coming into his home. She could come and stay if she needed a place to stay. However, there were just too many people around them at the moment who shouldn't be seen by otherslike Amelia. It was for their own good too. Especially at this time, he thought that it was dangerous to be hanging around him or Katherine, especially with Shadow possibly lurking around.

Alianna pouted, crossing her arms in front of her. "Well, if you had just answered my calls and texts then I wouldn't have to come here! Even Katherine was ignoring me too." 

She actually looked sad, which made Katherine feel extremely guilty. "I wasn't ignoring you, Ali" She bit her bottom lip.

But Damien wasn't having it. "So, you decided to invite yourself in and stay while I wasn't around?"

Alianna scoffed. She couldn't believe why Damien was being so strict at the moment. "What's wrong with you? You weren't like this before."

Katherine swiftly held Damien's arm and smiled. "Give us a moment, Ali" 

Then, she pulled him to the side for a talk. "Hey That was" She paused, unsure of how to word her thoughts.

His head hung low. He already knew what Katherine was thinking. "I know" Running a hand through his hair, he sighed. He lifted his chin up when he felt her hands on his. She gave it a squeeze before she slid her hands up to his chest, and he heard her say, "Let's just entertain them for an hour. Then we'll send them home. I need to make up for not being able to get back to your cousin too. After that, we can have our quiet time."

Nodding, he rubbed his nape and decided, "I'll have to talk to Caleb about this too. I can't have them coming here at random times. It's dangerous for them."

"How will you tell them?"

"They'll understand. I won't be able to tell them everything, but they'll always understand." He glanced at Jeffrey from a distance and added, "I think we could use Jeffrey's help for tomorrow too. It'll be easier if he could lend a hand."

"Okay I'll get the girls." Katherine tiptoed and kissed him on the lips. "See you later." 

Then, she walked towards Alianna. "Hey, Ali Jess I'm craving for some ice cream. Let's go raid Damien's fridge."

"Oh, yes please!" Alianna nodded.

"I would never say no to ice cream." Jessamine smiled. 

Alianna linked arms with Katherine and the three of them walked towards the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Damien rolled his sleeves up to his elbows and gestured for Caleb and Jeffrey to follow him to the study.

Each with a spoon in hand, they took turns digging into a pint of peanut butter and chocolate ice cream around the kitchen island. Katherine sat on top of the counter while Ali and Jess leaned over it.

"I don't mean to pry," Alianna started as she glanced at Jess, "...but I'm just gonna. So Are you and Jeffrey already dating? Like exclusively?" She scooped a spoonful of ice cream and licked her spoon clean, waiting for the other to answer her question.

Katherine, who was also interested to hear her answer, played with her spoon in her mouth.

Jessamine looked so nonchalant about it as she shrugged, took the pint from Ali's hand, and dug into it. "We're not really dating or anything. We're just fcking."

Katherine and Alianna looked at each other, then they threw their head back chuckling at her bluntness.

"I love her already," Ali commented.

"I don't think Jeffrey ever brings girls around though I think he likes you." Katherine couldn't help but try to see Jessamine's reaction.

All of a sudden, Jess was sent into a coughing fit. Alianna hurriedly grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and patted the other's back. Then, she and Katherine exchanged knowing looks and sly smiles.

Just then, Alianna gasped. "Oh! I almost forgot. Wait a sec." She walked out of the kitchen and came back a minute later with a pink, shimmery envelope in one hand and a paper bag in the other. Handing the envelope to Katherine, she had a small smile on her face when she said, "Here. Open it."

Bewildered, Katherine narrowed her eyes at her. She got off the counter and hesitantly received it. "What's this?" It didn't look like her wedding invitation, so she wondered what was inside. "My birthday had already passed" When Ali just nodded for her to check it out herself, she carefully took out a white card and opened it. Her mouth hung open when she read the words written on it in decorative font:

Katherine Young 

Will you be my Maid of Honor?

(P.S. You can slap my perky butt whenever you think I'm being too much.)

"Are you serious?" Katherine joyfully laughed. When Alianna nodded with a smile, she squealed. "Of course! Yes, Ali I would love to!"

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