Finest Servant

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

Chapter 272 Imperial Decree

Alas, this woman was so lovestruck, even he found himself moved. Holding the talented lady Luo in his arms, Lin Wanrong lightly patted her shoulder, saying, "Don't speak so. From now on, we will take care of each other, love each other, strive hard, progress together, bear sons and daughters, and prosper Great Hua."

At his words, Luo Ning's heart pounded several times, her face flushed bright red as she shyly said, "Big brother, you're so wicked." Fearing that he might say something more embarrassing, she quickly said, "I left Qiaoqiao and sister Xian’er here yesterday, you don't blame me, do you? I just wanted to have a good talk with them."

"Is it just as simple as talking?" Lin Wanrong laughed, "It seems that I am thinking too complicatedly."

Seeing his gaze teasingly fixed on her, Luo Ning couldn't hide her feelings. She couldn't help but whimper, covering her face and saying, "It's because Ning'er noticed big brother has been inactive for many days. I was worried, but didn't dare to seek you out directly. So, I had to use talking with Qiaoqiao and sister Xian’er as an excuse, to make you feel anxious first, and remind you of me. Otherwise, with your nonchalant character, I don't know how long I would have to wait."

‘This girl really understands me,’ Lin Wanrong chuckled: "So that's how it was, understood! Ning'er, what did you talk about with Qiaoqiao and Xian'er last night? I saw they treated you quite well."

Luo Ning hit him lightly, and retorted faintly, "You are deliberately teasing me, I won't tell you."

"I know even if you don't tell me. You must have bribed them with something. Hmm, not a bad idea," Lin Wanrong guessed randomly.

Luo Ning felt a sudden warmth on her face when he accurately guessed her intentions. She scratched his back vigorously, huffed, "Not at all, it's because sister Xian’er and sister Qiaoqiao are good people that they get along well with me."

Knowing this girl was shy, Lin Wanrong didn't tease her anymore. They spoke for a while and were quite cheerful.

Feeling her long-cherished wish fulfilled, Luo Ning was filled with joy. She accepted the original pictures of the five paintings that Lin Wanrong handed her, and admired them closely, her face flushed with happiness.

"Big brother, this is the most unexpected and precious gift I have received in my life. How did you come up with the idea to paint these?" Luo Ning held the smallest brush, and meticulously depicted the last picture. Looking at the painting symbolizing their acquaintance, her face was full of reminiscence.

"Ah, I racked my brains for three days and three nights, didn't eat or drink, exhausted my energy, only then did I get this idea. I hope I have not failed Miss Luo's trust. Now everyone in Jinling should know, between Ning'er and me, it was I who took the initiative, and Miss Luo agreed with a blush. Hehe, tomorrow there will be storytellers in the tavern, narrating this romantic tale, the poetry festival's love token solidified our relationship, the five paintings bound us for life," Lin Wanrong said earnestly.

"Big brother—" Luo Ning, hearing this, was both shy and joyful. She hurriedly held him, pressing her pretty face on his shoulder, softly saying, "Thank you, Ning'er will serve you forever."

"Heehee—" A woman's giggling echoed from behind. "Congratulations, Sister Ning, on the fulfillment of your wishes. It was worth us staying over last night after all." Qiaoqiao strolled in, her face lit up by a joyous smile. Her close friend from the boudoir had become a lifelong sister, naturally she was overjoyed.

Xian'er trailed behind Qiaoqiao, her face wearing an ambiguous smile. Luo Ning, for reasons unknown, felt somewhat apprehensive towards Xian'er. Upon noticing her mysterious smile, Luo Ning's face flushed. She hastily went forward and said, "Sister Xian'er, you've arrived?"

Xian'er chuckled, "Sister Ning, don't mind us interrupting your private moment with your husband." Her words were so blunt that Luo Ning turned red with embarrassment and bowed her head in silence.

Xian'er gave a light laugh and took Luo Ning's hand. "Don't be shy, sister. We are now a family, all serving our husband together. There will be plenty of days ahead for us. If you don't believe me, ask Qiaoqiao. Our husband enjoys it the most when we serve him together—"

Xian'er, bold and daring, gave Lin Wanrong a flirtatious glance as she spoke. Remembering the passionate scenes with Qiaoqiao and Luo Ning in the past, Lin Wanrong responded with a lecherous grin and winked at Qiaoqiao.

Luo Ning, unfamiliar with Xian'er's style, gave Qiaoqiao a puzzled look and asked softly, "Qiaoqiao, does our husband truly enjoy our joint service? How should we serve him?"

Qiaoqiao's face turned a bright red. She quickly took Luo Ning's hand and said, "Sister Ning, Sister Xian'er is just teasing us, let's ignore her."

Luo Ning, uncertain about the coded conversation, noticed that both Xian'er and Qiaoqiao held a painting each. She turned her attention and asked, "Qiaoqiao, what are you holding? Is that painting made by our husband for you? May I have a look?"

Qiaoqiao turned beet red and quickly hid the painting behind her. Xian'er's face flushed as she giggled, "Sister Ning, you can certainly have a look if you wish. But not now. Once you've joined our family, you can see as much as you want. Our husband will specially make beautiful paintings for you, right, husband—"

"Indeed, indeed. Anyone who sees them will receive a share. Miss Luo, tomorrow I'll make even more splendid paintings for you to delight your heart." Lin Wanrong approved of Xian'er's words, this girl certainly knew how to please him.

Qiaoqiao, blushing at the flirtatious exchange between Xian'er and their husband, could no longer bear to listen. She took Luo Ning's hand and said, "Sister Ning, let's go downstairs to pay respects to the old lady. Husband, are you coming?"

The commotion today was large enough to be known throughout Jinling, and certainly Old Madam Luo and Governor Luo would be aware. The fact that neither had shown up by now could only be seen as tacit approval. Having eloped with their daughter, it was only right to give an explanation. With the approval of these two elders, Luo Ning could truly become his wife.

Luo Ning had already taken Qiaoqiao downstairs. Before leaving, she shyly glanced back at Lin Wanrong, her longing gaze clear as day.

Lin Wanrong let out a hearty laugh, about to follow, when Qin Xian'er grabbed him, pleading softly, "Husband..."

Seeing Xian'er's expression so pitiful, tears welling up in her eyes, Lin Wanrong was taken aback. "Xian'er, what's wrong?"

Qin Xian'er felt a wave of sadness welling up in her, and she suddenly flung herself into Lin Wanrong's arms, sobbing quietly, "Husband, do you really like Miss Luo that much?"

Lin Wanrong was well aware of Xian'er's jealous nature. With Qiaoqiao already in the picture, and now Luo Ning too, this girl was surely feeling aggrieved. He quickly grasped Xian'er's hand and reassured, "Xian'er, are you upset? If you're upset, just cry it out, I'm here for you."

Xian'er gave a soft whimper, "Husband, if you really like Miss Luo, then marry her soon, I..." She leaned in, whispering a few words into Lin Wanrong's ear, her face flushing with embarrassment.

At her words, Lin Wanrong was stunned, falling silent for a long while before responding, "Xian'er, how can we do this?"

Qin Xian'er's expression turned bitter as she hastily replied, "Husband, don't you trust me? I've told you before, as long as Miss Luo is sincere towards you, I would never harm her." Her face flushed further, and she shyly lowered her head, "Husband, don't you want to be truly husband and wife with me? My initial plan was to capture that fox Xiao Qingxuan, transfer the Love Bug to her, and have her serve both of us. But these recent days, I've been so happy with you. The thought of not being your true wife makes me anxious. Miss Luo sincerely likes you, I can't bear to refuse her, and once I explain the situation to her, I'm confident she will agree. After all, I won't harm her. Husband, please agree to this, alright?"

Lin Wanrong broke out in a cold sweat. He had thought Xian'er unusually compliant, but now he understood her intentions. Considering Xian'er's relationship with Qingxuan, if she wanted to transfer the Love Bug, she couldn't give it to Qingxuan or Luo Ning. It had to be someone with whom she had the closest bond so that she would never have the heart to harm her. But where could such a person be found?

Sister An?! A lightbulb went off in Lin Wanrong's mind, and he almost leapt up in excitement, his heart pounding like a stampede. Perfect! That vixen's beauty and figure were beyond words. But thinking about her relationship with Xian'er, his lust was instantly extinguished. ‘Amitabha, Amitabha, it was just a fleeting thought, no malicious intent at all. All the bodhisattvas know that I am always honest.’

He felt a teasing itch in his heart, forcefully suppressing his turmoil of emotions, as he soothed Xian'er by rubbing her fragrant shoulder, "Silly girl, haven't I told you? When we reach the capital, I'll find a way to resolve the Love Bug issue. I also want to be your husband, but this isn't something we can rush, nor can we pass our pain onto others, right? Do you think of me as someone who covets momentary pleasure? I have always believed that the spirit is more important than the body. What's that saying... if two hearts have long been in accord, is there need for touch and grab? My darling, tonight we'll try a new method, I assure you, you won't expect it. I wonder if your master ever taught you..."

Lin Wanrong whispered something in Xian'er's ear. A soft murmur escaped her lips, and instinctively, his hand found her curvaceous hip. Her body went limp, her face flushed as beautiful as the sunset's glow.

When the maid led Lin Wanrong into Old Madam Luo's room, he saw Qiaoqiao and Luo Ning sitting beside the old lady, engaged in idle chat. One was charming, the other shy. Together, they resembled twin sisters, and their beauty was ineffable.

Unexpectedly, Luo Min was also sitting beside his mother, conversing with the old lady. With the issues of the White Lotus Sect and Cheng De resolved, there were no other concerns in Jiangsu, and he, a man living under the cloud of misdeeds, finally found some peace.

Knowing Luo Ning's thoughts, Lin Wanrong bowed to the old lady with a cheeky grin, "Greetings, Madam Luo. I hope you are well. Are you enjoying your meals? And hello, Governor Luo."

Old Madam Luo nodded with a smile, "Young Master Lin, your visit is timely. The girls and I were just talking about you. I hear you've gifted Ning some lovely paintings. Is that true?"

Lin Wanrong cleared his throat and feigned modesty, "Oh, I wouldn't dare say they're good. Just some doodles, Madam. You flatter me."

The elderly lady inspected him from head to toe, then glanced at her rosy-cheeked granddaughter sitting next to her, nodding her approval, "At my birthday feast, I knew you were no ordinary man. As expected, you were the champion at the poetry contest. Your future is boundless. Our Ning has good taste, picking you out from the crowd. Remarkable indeed—"

"Grandmother—" Luo Ning interrupted her grandmother's teasing, a whimper of embarrassment escaped her lips. She shot a glance at Lin Wanrong, her face bearing a shy smile before she lowered her head.

Old Madam Luo laughed, "Silly child, there's no need to be shy. For us women, finding a compatible man isn't easy. When you find one, hold on tight, or you'll live in regret. Back in my day, even though I was a noble princess, your grandfather was a penniless scholar. He was so shy he'd dodge and weave whenever he saw me. In a fit of annoyance, I hit him with a bamboo ball. That's how we ended up with your father and you siblings!"

At the old lady's nostalgic recount, Qiaoqiao covered her lips to stifle a giggle, Luo Min's face grew awkward, and Lin Wanrong couldn't help but laugh. So, Luo Ning's courage ran in her genes.

Immersed in the joy of her recollections, Madam Luo beckoned Lin Wanrong over. "Young Master Lin, this is my only beloved granddaughter. She's literate, well-mannered, and has lofty ambitions. She's at the age to get married, but no suitable family has been found. I was fretting over this, but she had already chosen you. That sneaky girl kept it a secret from me and her father—" The old lady lovingly stroked Luo Ning's hair, then took her hand and placed it in Lin Wanrong's. "A woman shouldn't delay marriage. Young Master Lin, today I entrust Ning to you. Treat her well. Don't let her suffer from cold or hunger. Pamper her, spoil her—"

Listening to her grandmother's rambling, Luo Ning's heart pounded. She sneaked a glance at Lin Wanrong, her small hand tightening around his, gently scratching his palm.

‘This young lady can't wait, huh? Regrettably, I don't have the time to wed just yet, or else I could grant her wish sooner.’ Lin Wanrong chuckled: "Thank you for your blessing, Grandmother. I will indeed take good care of Ning'er and ensure that she leads a joyful life."

Luo Min stood up, patting his shoulder, and said with profound meaning, "Little brother Lin, I entrust Ning'er to you. Treat her well."

Old Luo looked somewhat disheartened. Lin Wanrong knew what he was thinking, so he remained silent, only giving him a solemn nod. The two men exchanged smiles.

"Congratulations to Sister Ning. Brother Lin is the best husband in the world," Qiaoqiao whispered in Luo Ning's ear, gripping her hand.

Luo Ning hummed shyly in response. Before she could say anything, a voice from outside announced, "The imperial edict has arrived! Jiangsu Governor Luo Min, receive the decree—"

Luo Min's body trembled slightly, his hands shaking. He managed to suppress his excitement, adjusted his official robe, and was about to go out when Old Madam Luo said sternly, "Min, prepare the incense table here to receive the edict."

Luo Min glanced at his mother and hastily agreed. Lin Wanrong pulled Qiaoqiao into the room to avoid the commotion.

After the incense burner and desk were arranged, a clean-shaven eunuch strode in, announcing, "Jiangsu Governor Luo Min, receive the imperial edict."

"Criminal subject Luo Min, humbly receiving the imperial edict!" Luo Min knelt and kowtowed, while Old Madam Luo, aided by Luo Ning, also attempted to kneel.

The eunuch who was delivering the edict hurriedly said, "Old Madam, you must not. The Emperor has explicitly instructed that as a descendant of a founding minister and a bestowed county princess, you, graced with a first-rank command, and whose merit extends to three generations, need not kneel upon receiving the edict."

"I thank the Emperor for his grace!" The old lady straightened her body, giving her thanks. As a woman of high status, the current Emperor even addressed her as aunt.

"Upon investigation, Jiangsu Governor Luo Min, without requesting imperial decree, had arrested Jiangsu Commander Cheng De, and presumptuously executed him, causing his death. This demonstrates disrespect towards the court, overstepping boundaries, and committing grave crimes. However, the evidence Luo Min provided about Cheng De's corruption is undeniably true. Luo Min, though having minor merits, disrupted law and order by using private punishment. As per regulations, he should be sent to serve in the army. However, considering his ability to discern and manage people, his lack of serious faults during his tenure, and his assistance in eliminating the White Lotus Sect, Luo Min is to be stripped of his governorship and demoted to serve as the county magistrate of Jining, Shandong. His family will accompany him. Depart immediately."

The eunuch paused before continuing, "Old Madam Luo, a first-rank command, a paragon of loyalty, filial piety, and endurance in the world. A son's crimes do not implicate his mother. Therefore, thirty eastern pearls and one thousand taels of silver are awarded, and a close attendant will escort you back to Beijing to enjoy your remaining years. This is the Emperor's grace!"

Lin Wanrong, in the back, heard everything clearly. The Emperor had demoted Luo Min, but rewarded the Old Madam, a subtle balance indeed. Jining was a stronghold of the White Lotus Sect, just recently taken over. Sending Luo Min, demoted to a minor county magistrate, there was indeed a tough task. Escorting the old lady back to Beijing clearly showed a gesture of care.

Luo Min knelt on the ground, saying loudly, "The criminal Luo Min thanks the Emperor for his grace!" When he raised his head, there were already tears in his eyes. He stood, received the edict with both hands, then knelt before the Old Madam, sobbing, "Mother, I have failed in my filial duty to protect you. Please punish me."

The Old Madam slammed her hand on the table, her voice echoing through the room. "A man's knees are made of gold, they should not easily touch the ground. Min, don't kneel there, get up quickly. The Emperor rewards and punishes with clear distinction. If you have made a mistake, you must bear the consequences. If your conscience is clear, then stand tall. Do your duty for the Emperor, serve the people, and honour the court. For generations, the Luo family has not raised spineless men. Even though I am old, I refuse to see you live on your knees."

Although Luo Min was of considerable age, he did not dare to say a word upon hearing his mother's admonition. He quickly got up and stood beside Old Madam Luo. Luo Ning's eyes filled with tears, which she did not let fall, only secretly wiping them away.

Watching all this, Lin Wanrong nodded silently. No wonder each child of the Luo family was accomplished. With this Old Madam Luo in charge, it would be hard for any of them to turn out mediocre.

Having received the imperial edict, Luo Min was now to hurry to Jining. Lin Wanrong felt a certain melancholy. Once Old Luo left, he would also have to leave. In the city of Jinling, only Qiaoqiao would be left alone and helpless. It nearly broke his heart.

He pulled Qiaoqiao into a tight embrace, his voice soft, "Qiaoqiao, wait for me. Once I establish myself in the capital, I'll come for you. Then we'll open branches there. Ten, or even eight branches, and you'll be the lady boss, my most beautiful lady boss—"

"Big brother—" Qiaoqiao cried out, throwing herself into his embrace.

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