Finest Servant

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

Chapter 330 The Imperial Prison

Amid a series of loud crashes, a large group of guards burst into the hall. There were twenty or thirty of them, all fierce and imposing with shiny spears and swords in their hands. They were all aiming for Lin Wanrong.

"Hold on—" Lin Wanrong bellowed, "Your Majesty, I don't understand. Why do you want to capture me?"

The Emperor sneered, "Lin San, let me ask you once more. During your assault on the White Lotus Sect, was the White Lotus Holy Mother already dead amidst the artillery bombardment?"

"At that—" Lin Wanrong was taken aback. His mind raced as he tried to articulate a response, "Theoretically speaking, that should be the case!"

"Should be? Should be how? You managed to emerge unscathed from the artillery fire, yet the White Lotus Holy Mother was supposed to have perished in the inferno? Lin San, I gave you one chance due to your merits, but you have proven untrustworthy. The White Lotus Holy Mother, An Biru, Sister An, Master Sister, each term of endearment more intimate than the last. Humph, Lin San, do you really not know her?" The Emperor spoke unhurriedly, but each word struck at Lin Wanrong's heart.

Sister An, Master Sister—these secretive nicknames were known by only a few. Where had the old Emperor heard them? Could it be—Lin Wanrong hesitated in his thoughts, not daring to continue.

A glint flashed in the Emperor's eyes as he harrumphed, "Considering your youth and naivety, I'm giving you another chance. As long as you disclose the whereabouts of the White Lotus Holy Mother, I will pardon you and put you back in power. But if you don't—" A dangerous light crossed the Emperor's face. The slight arch of his eyebrow was enough to indicate the grave consequences.

‘Damn it, I knew it was a plot.’ How could anyone easily enter the Emperor's chamber? Old Xu had dared to call it a great favor. It was too late for him to regret now as he remembered his encounters with An Biru. Although she made things difficult for him at every turn, her care was also evident. This relationship, both friend and foe, stirred unique feelings within him. Not to mention he did not know Sister An's whereabouts, even if he did, he couldn't reveal it.

Biting his teeth, Lin Wanrong broke into a hearty laughter, "Your Majesty, are you treating me as a villain? I, Lin San, may deceive the world, but I will never deceive myself. It's true that I know Sister An, but I also know you. I helped you by exterminating the White Lotus Sect, but Sister An saved my life. She's a fragile woman, having lost her pillar of support and no longer harboring a heart of opposition against the Empire. I have not wronged the Emperor, nor will I wrong my friends."

"How dare you!" The Emperor slammed his throne, "You dare to compare me to the White Lotus rebels? Guards, take Lin San away. Behead him!"

A few muscular guards lunged at him. Lin Wanrong struggled to break free, shouting, "I, Lin, was merely a humble servant in the Xiao family, desiring neither fame nor profit. I never dreamt of reaching high positions—it was you, Your Majesty, who forcibly brought me here. Now you want to execute me over a nonsensical matter. This is unfair, Your Majesty."

As the guards dragged him away, Lin Wanrong repeatedly resisted the urge to reach for his firearm concealed within his clothes. But the thought of Qingxuan's father sitting opposite made him hesitate, leaving him in a difficult predicament.

The Emperor's countenance fluctuated between stormy and calm, his eyes flickering with rage and then tranquility. After he ordered Lin San to be dragged away, he shook his head helplessly and chuckled bitterly, "Truly a thorn in the side. Little Wei, the man you found for me is quite daring, isn't he?"

Blind old Wei rushed from behind the screen, bowing down and kneeling before the Emperor, "Your humble servant begs for your mercy, spare him his life. He knows nothing of the matter and got involved solely due to my selfish motives. I implore you to spare his life."

The Emperor snorted, "Little Wei, are there really innocent people in this world? Every person who dies has a reason to die. You say he is innocent, but why would he be innocent if he sacrifices for my Great Huá Empire? He's indeed a talent, it's just a shame, he's quite stubborn!"

"Your Majesty, stubbornness isn't necessarily a bad thing. His willingness to sacrifice his life for a friend is far better than those who betray their confidants for personal gain. This old servant remembers that the late Emperor once praised you, saying, 'character is resolute, stubborn and unbending, capable of biding your time for twenty years, and delivering a fatal blow when the time is right.' Although Lin San lacks your forbearing nature, he shares your tenacity."

"Ha ha ha ha—" The Emperor roared with laughter, "Little Wei, it's difficult for you to remember those words my father once said. Very good, very good. You're not wrong, there are many traitors in this world. Men of backbone like Lin San are becoming increasingly rare. If he is willing to risk his life for a rebel, he certainly won't betray me in the future."

"But why does the Emperor still want to—" Old Wei began to question but was interrupted by the Emperor, "Do you think I really want to kill him?" A glint flashed in the Emperor's eyes, his smirk becoming more evident.

"Your humble servant understands." Old Wei was overjoyed, quickly kowtowing, "Your Majesty's talent and vision are admirable."

The Emperor personally helped him up, "Little Wei, I know of your unwavering loyalty. This Lin San you recommended is not bad, it's my carefully cultivated Su Mubai who has somewhat disappointed me. A carefully nurtured flower does not thrive as well as a wild bloom, I finally understand this today."

A sense of delight filled old Wei, but he dared not reveal it. With the unpredictable nature of imperial power, who knew if the Emperor was speaking the truth. He listened as the Emperor continued, "Lin San is a good seedling, but his flirtation with the White Lotus Holy Mother is something I absolutely cannot tolerate. This time, I will completely crush his hopes."

A cold glint flashed in the Emperor's eyes and the murderous intent on his face was no longer hidden as he bellowed, "Summon my servant—"

A young eunuch hurriedly rushed in, "Your humble servant is present!"

"Give the order, issue the proclamation tonight and post it on the streets and alleys of the capital. It will state that a suspect has been identified, a high-ranking general of the court, who colluded with the White Lotus Holy Mother during the siege. This crime is unforgivable. He will be taken into custody tonight, and executed at the vegetable market tomorrow afternoon."

"Your will be done!" The young eunuch took the order and left. A chill ran down Old Wei's spine, but the Emperor merely smiled, "Little Wei, do you understand my intentions?"

Old Wei bowed and replied respectfully, "The Emperor is forcing the White Lotus Holy Mother to come and save him tonight. If she doesn't come, a rift will form between her and Lin San. If she does come, it will solve all our problems. Your Majesty is wise."

The Emperor nodded, "Little Wei, you truly understand my thoughts. Ah, Lin San, don't disappoint me."


"Damn it, I've got to fight back or else I'll lose my head!" As the guards were dragging Lin Wanrong out, his mind was whirling with thoughts. Just as he was about to reach for the gun hidden in his bosom, Eunuch Gao rushed over, glanced at Lin Wanrong, and loudly proclaimed, "By the Emperor's decree, Lin San is temporarily imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison."

‘Heavenly Prison?’ Lin Wanrong's mind was spinning. He was suddenly given a stay of execution, and he wondered whether he still needed to rebel. ‘Damn, the old Emperor is too indecisive,’ he grumbled.

Eunuch Gao approached and whispered, "Master Lin, the Emperor asks that you stay in the Heavenly Prison for a few days, reflect upon your actions, and report back when you have made your decision."

Reflect in the Heavenly Prison? This was a blatant threat. Lin San asked hastily, "And what if I can't make up my mind? Did the Emperor mention what to do then?"

Eunuch Gao shook his head, "His Majesty did not elaborate. The Emperor's will is unfathomable; we servants cannot possibly guess His strategies. You all—" Eunuch Gao pointed at the guards, "take good care of Master Lin. If anything happens to him, beware that the Emperor might behead you."

The once menacing guards immediately released Lin Wanrong, and the lead guard, a servile smile plastered on his face, said, "Master Lin, please follow us."

Having experienced the capriciousness of the Emperor, Lin Wanrong understood what it meant. From execution to imprisonment, such rapid changes would scare a person to death if they weren't physically harmed. Looking back at the brightly lit but eerily quiet Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Emperor, who had been stern just moments ago, had already disappeared. With a sigh of resignation, he thought, ‘Qingxuan, your father is too difficult to serve. He almost had your husband executed.’

The treatment of those under special care was indeed different. The guards didn't even bother searching him and "invited" him into the Heavenly Prison. There was already a jailer respectfully waiting, who led him into a spacious, clean room complete with luxurious bedding, a set of musical instruments, calligraphy supplies, and toiletries. Other than a lack of freedom, it had everything. This wasn't a prison, it was more comfortable than staying at an inn.

Lin Wanrong looked around in disbelief, chuckling to himself, ‘If I ever become jobless, I might as well enjoy prison food here.’ The jailer obsequiously smiled, "Master Lin, if you need anything else, I can fetch it for you."

From his pocket, Lin Wanrong handed over a silver note, "I need nothing more. Thank you, brother. Consider this a treat from me."

"How could I accept this!" The jailer hesitated, but eventually pocketed the silver note, his smile growing even warmer, "Master Lin, would you like your wives from your mansion to serve you tonight? Where is your mansion located, and which wife should I fetch? Or perhaps a popular courtesan from the Eight Great Alleys? I can send for her right away."

Lin Wanrong inhaled sharply, quite taken aback by the level of service. However, he couldn't let the Eldest Miss find out about his imprisonment; who knew what sort of trouble she might stir up.

Lin Wanrong shook his head, laughing, "I have too many wives and lovers. If I summon one, the others will surely become jealous. Let's just forget it. By the way, brother, your service here is quite good. Who was the last notable person to stay here before me?"

"The esteemed Xu Wei resided here some days ago," the jailer respectfully replied.

Lin Wanrong paused, then burst out laughing. So, the old Xu had also been imprisoned. By that logic, he, Lin San, was on the same level as Xu Wei. This stay in the Heavenly Prison wasn't so unjust after all!

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