From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 288: Wife is so cute

Chapter 288: Wife is so cute

"Sweetheart, are you doing this on purpose?" He coldly asked her. Was she mentioning 'divorce' again and again to provoke him? Why would she do that? Didn't she know how that word affected him?

"Doing what?" She tilted her head to the side before looking at him innocently, her blue eyes were a little reddened because of her outburst from earlier.

'Poof' An arrow shot straight through his heart as he looked at her innocent face that was screaming 'I don't know what you are talking about'. He pulled her into his arms before hugging her tightly. What an adorable lady! It 

"Now tell me, why are you even thinking about divorce? Aren't we doing well together? Or" He paused, his gaze darkening gradually as he asked, "Or is it possible that you don't want to be with me? You like someone else now?" 

He could not help but doubt it. They both liked each other and they have already established this point before their marriage but when it came to loveShe has never confessed it. And Tang Yichen knew how much of a difference was there between like and love. He was insecure and worried that she would fall for someone elsefor an instant, take that psychiatrist with whom she was drinking coffee.

His imaginary foxtail drooped down as he sulked.

"I only liked you which is why I had suggested before that we should date," She said looking straight into his eyes.

His breathing hitched. So cuteWife is so cute!!

WaitSuddenly danger alarms rang in his mind... Liked? What did she mean by 'liked'? Her grammar doesn't seem to be weak then what the heck did she mean by like?

"You don't like me anymore?" He asked, somewhat apprehensive of her reply.

"I don't know," was her reply. She was somewhat annoyed, frustrated after everything that was going on. She did not know about anything else at this moment. She just wanted to go to the hospital and drown herself in her work, it was the only thought that was wandering in her mind.

Tang Yichen pursed his lips, "Why? What did I do wrong? And answer my first question, why exactly are you mentioning 'divorce' again and again?"

"I went to meet Dr. Han today" she spoke up only to be interrupted by him, "You met that flower boy who asked you out for a coffee?" He interrupted her.


Flower boy? To Mo Jia, this term was a bit familiar. Didn't her mother search for flower boys whenever her father was not around?

"No No Don't get it wrong," Afraid that he would misunderstand, she cleared it up, "He is my friend, not a flower boy. I just went to get some information regarding a medical case."

Tang Yichen sulked even more, "What has this got to do with our divorce?" he asked.

"I saw you there" She came to the point.

"You went to City hospital?" Tang Yichen's eyes narrowed slightly.

She nodded, "I saw youYou were there with your seclover," she said. Although she wanted to say 'secretary' but considering that the woman was the mother of his child, she did not think it was appropriate. So, she changed the woman's status to lover, conveniently. But she felt somewhat uncomfortable with it.

As a woman who has always stayed away from such complicated things, she found it truly difficult to explain what she felt.

Tang Yichen felt like he was struck by a bolt of lightning that came out of nowhere. Lover? What the fuck! 

He narrowed his eyes as she continued, "You could have told me before but I did not like it you have kept this matter a secret."

"Which matter?" He asked, neither denying nor accepting her wild assumptions.

She fiddled in her place before turning around to look at him, "That you twoThat you're going to be a father."

His gaze instinctively landed on her flat stomach. I have yet to eat you up, woman!

His eyes snapped at her when you thought of something, "You mean to say I made someone pregnant," At this moment, he would be a fool if did not understand that she saw him with his secretary in City Hospital.

"Yes yes...You made your secretary pregnant," She corrected the man, despite something strange bubbling up inside her heart.

"And this is the reason you were behaving like this?"

She nodded.

"You were just being jealous?" Tang Yichen chuckled. Looking at her stoic expressionless face, he was starting to doubt if she would ever fall for him.

Humans are greedy creatures. Though she said she liked him and they should date. He was not satisfied with that. After they got married, he wanted more. He wanted her to fall for him madly so that the thought of leaving him would never come to her mind.

Mo Jia sighed. Jealous? "I don't feel comfortable with it," she replied.

"Alright. We will come to your feelings later," He took his phone before showing her the hot searches, "She is one of the international actresses under Blue Star. But rumors have been revolving regarding her illicit relationship with a director. It was not until today that news was leaked regarding her pregnancy." But that actress begged his secretary to arrange a meeting with him. Although he was not an idle person, she was an actress under his company, so it was only legit on his part to give her a chance to speak her part.

"So Your secretary was not the one who was pregnant and all of this has nothing to do with you?" She asked somewhat in disbelief as she looked at the trending news but she was relieved. She wondered if what Ying Yue said was true. Was her definition of love wrong?

"Yes," He took his phone from his hand before turning her around towards him, "Now, it's your turn. Tell me, what exactly do you feel for me?" he asked in a stern voice.

Just as she opened her mouth to speak, her phone went off. As she answered the call and heard what her assistant said, she hurriedly stood up from the couch.

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