From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 332: Not an illusion

Chapter 332: Not an illusion


Just as Tang Li stepped back into the hall, she saw Si Xiu walking towards her.

"Why are you here?"

"President Mohe left."

Tang Li frowned. Since it was an emergency, she got delayed on the phone call. But "What do you mean by that? Didn't I ask you to follow him?" Finding him was not easy at all. If she had not seen him coincidentally on the beach, then she would have still been clueless about his whereabouts.

Mo Yuhan covered his tracks pretty well. Even the governor couldn't find his location. If he disappeared just like that, then, when would she find him again?

"No, Li Yu has chased after him. He said he will go after him. For your safety, I stayed back," Si Xiu replied, understanding her worries.

Tang Li sighed in relief. Li Yu is a cocky man and he did not like her but he was not a liar. Since he said he will go after him, then she believed it.

As for her safety, she knew that her secretary was not someone ordinary. The last time she was met with danger, more than a hundred mercenaries were out to kill her. So, even though she could defend herself, but still she needed someone with her. 

Considering the current situation, she won't be able to tighten the security around her or be so high-profile.

"President, shall we"

"Pretty lady, I thought you already left," Tang Li glanced at Ethan as he walked towards them. 

"I am Ethan Allen. It's pleasure to meet you," He flashed her a charming smile, "I apologize that the introduction came a little late."

"Kara," Tang Li nonchalantly replied with her English name while calculating the next steps in her mind.

"What a nice name" He mumbled.

"If you could excuse me, I have something to do," Tang Li did not have time to chit-chat with him. Right now, her main priority was to find him.

"Don't go, it will cause troubles for him," Tang Li paused at this. What did he mean by saying that? She looked at him with a questioning gaze.

Ethan looked around before smiling at her, "Even though he did not admit it, did you think I would believe him? That petty devil was jealous when we decided to pair up for the game. Did you think I would not notice it?"

Tang Li narrowed her eyes, "Oh? So, what about it?" The people who were at distance couldn't gauge out what was going on but this man was sitting in front of them so he would have to be a fool to not notice it.

On one hand, Mo Yuhan was saying that he did not know her, and on the other hand, she kept falling on his lap, but he did not push her away. It would be weird if nobody found it weird.

Ethan scratched the back of his head under her doubtful glare, "Hey, I just owed you a favor. So, I did that to help you since your man refused to know you. My intentions were pure," Even though he wanted to pair up with this goddess for the game, but then again it was his true intention to help her when he realized that Mo Yuhan was just lying about not knowing her.

"Favour? It's the first time we met."

Ethan was about to reply when he noticed some movements from the corner of his eyes, "This is not the right place to talk. You should get out of her first. Come, I'll take you to the exit."

"But.." Tang Li hesitated. She wanted to find Mo Yuhan but she was not sure if it would cause him trouble. As much as she knew her man, he won't be here in this kind of place to play poker. And the last thing she wanted to do was spoil his plans.

But at the same time, she was not sure how many weeks it would take to find him again if she lost track of his whereabouts today. 

She wanted to talk to him, to confront him about everything that going on because only knowing after the situation could she do anything. Alas, that did not seem possible.

"No buts, Kara. Right now, you must get out of this place first. You are important to that iceberg, I am sure of that. But you should leave the place if you don't want to trouble him," Since Mo Yuhan was avoiding his woman, then it must be because he did not want to drag her into this. After all, women are supposed to be fragile, one scratch and they would drown in an ocean of tears, so it was better to treat them delicately.

(Heh~ Only if you knew who she was.)

''Alright then, I'll leave," Tang Li looked at him calmly, "Give me your number first."

"Hey, you can't flirt with me. You are my friend's woman after all."

Tang Li glared at the melodramatic guy, "I want to know about his whereabouts," She was not sure about what was going on. She decided to avoid risk until she has a proper conversation with Mo Yuhan.

"Oh, deal then. I can't seem to refuse a pretty lady like you."

Si Xiu: "_" And you betrayed your friend just like that?

After they exchanged numbers, he showed them the exit. 

"I thought the entrance and exit are the same," Tang Li was initially bothered about how troublesome it would be to climb out of that tree.

Ethan chuckled, "You are talking about that Oak tree? Actually, the entrance is only one but there are many exits here in this place."

"Ahh.." Tang Li winced as she suddenly felt pain in her feet. She staggered for a moment, her hand gripping the nearest thing to regain balance which coincidentally happened to be Ethan's T-shirt. 

"Are you fine?"

Just as he was about to hold her, Si Xiu moved and pulled Tang Li towards her in a flash, "I'll help her."

"I'm fine," Tang Li sighed. She probably got blisters on her feet for running around barefooted on the beach.

Si Xiu gulped. She did not if she was imagining it but she felt a sense of dread when her cousin grabbed Ethan's shirt for support.

'I am sure it was not my illusion,' She was not on drugs. Why would she hallucinate? She actually felt as if someone was nearby, watching them from a distance. Was it?

As she looked around, her gaze landed on a certain someone in the distance. Was cousin-in-law drinking vinegar? She thought to herself.


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