From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 355: The fourth royal family

Chapter 355: The fourth royal family

Tang Li looked at herself. Her arm was wrapped in gauze, her feet were slightly red because of the blisters that occurred when she ran after him barefoot, and adding up the recent dog-bite, she seemed like someone who survived a small disaster.

As the atmosphere in the room became suffocating, the rest of the people excused themselves to give the couple some private space.

Moreover, it feels frightening when you're trapped in a fight between husband and wife, especially when they have characters like Mo Yuhan and Tang Li, both stubborn in their own ways.


Tang Li glanced at his emotionless face and sulked. Was he saying that she couldn't protect herself properly? ButDid he know that her every injury was somehow related to him?

The first timeShe acted rashly by saving Li Yu and taking the bullet for him because she wanted to know Mo Yuhan's location.

She could have dodged the bullet somewhere in the back of her mind, she was thinking that maybe Mo Yuhan is involved in similarly dangerous situations and it successfully distracted her.

The second time, she chased barefooted behind him so that she wouldn't lose track of him. And today, when he was leaving the gift store, she was in a daze and it gave that dog a perfect opportunity to attack her. She was caught off guard at that moment.

Although she doubted that things were not as simple as they seemed but she had no proof. Even her bodyguards did not find anything unusual or else they should have reported it to her till now. That means, everything was done very carefully.

Sigh... She looked at the man who has almost drilled a wall on her face with his piercing stare. She realized that her strengths and weaknesses have all been revolving around him. Was that a good thing or a bad one? She had no idea if such things could ever be changed.

"Fine, I'll leave," Looking at the dark circles under his eyes, her heart ached. He has always prioritized her above everything else. If she told him that she was distracted by him, this man would surely drown himself in a bucket of self-blame.

His hand curled into a fist inside his pocket but his expression did not change as he walked towards the hospital bed. Sitting beside her, he pecked her lips gently but didn't speak.

She sighed, "I know what you want. It's too dangerous here. I've decided to go back to Beijing."

A light flitted across his azure eyes but he quickly concealed it. He did not think she would agree so easily butthere was something weird about this.

"You won't go back on your word?" asked Mo Yuhan.

She said, "Of course not, I gave you my precious words, what do you take them for?" Under his doubtful gaze, she raised her hands to surrender, "Fine fine. I, Tang Li, will lose my precious long hair if I go back on my words." She even swayed her high ponytail slightly to show how serious she was.

Mo Yuhan pursed his lips. He knew that she loved her hair but it was that important to her, he was not aware of that.

"Do you know about the fourth royal family?" Mo Yuhan softly asked her.

Realizing that he was finally opening up, she straightened her back, "Fourth Royal family? As much as I know, there are only three royal families. The Song, Tang, and the Mo Family.''

He shook his head, "There is a fourth one. Have you heard of the Huangfu Family?"

"HuangfuBy any chance, is a girl named Huangfu Lin related to all this?" Somehow, the mention of 'Huangfu' reminded her of a small girl whom she has seen a few times in the past. 

Mo Yuhan raised an eyebrow, not expecting her to know the girl, "Huangfu Li is the current head of the Huangfu Family."

Tang Li's eyes widened, "You mean to say that she is the 'heiress' of Huangfu Family?" she asked.

He shook his head, "She is the head of the Huangfus, not just the heiress."

She was in disbelief, "How is it possible? When I met her back then, she was barely twelve or thirteen years old, and right now, she must be somewhere in her 20s. How could she be the head of a royal family?"

Who was he kidding? That was insane. Handling a royal family and becoming the head, the thought of it gave her cold feet regardless of her age and experience. How could a little girl do it all alone?

"WaitIs it possible that she is the head in name and in reality, she is just a puppet who is being controlled by someone else?" asked Tang Li. She thought that this assumption of her was a bit feasible. It could be possible that someone was using the girl to be in power.

"No, she is the real head, the one in power. She has got all the elders and branch members' support and she even managed to keep unified all of them. How do you know her?"

Tang Li was speechless. She spoke up after a few seconds, "I've met her a few times in Tang's ancestral house when I went back to Beijing after finishing my studies here. Grandpa brought her home. That girl was too intelligent for her age and would always cling to me. Then, after knowing more about her, I was fond of her. I would often visit grandpa so that I could spend more time with that little one. But she disappeared after staying for a few weeks with us and Grandpa told me that she went back to her home. I missed her presence for a few days but soon I forgot about her. At that time, Tang Corporations was in shambles and I was determined to transform that broken company into an empire so I did not pay attention to anything else for more than it was necessary."

Mo Yuhan silently listened to her.

"So, how is she related to all this?"

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