From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 359: Bro

Chapter 359: Bro

"That day, I was surprised by your shooting skills. You said that you have never practiced it and I told you that maybe it runs in your blood. It was only when you turned out to be a daughter of Song Family that I realized that you got this from your father who is one of the best sharpshooters out there," He wrapped an arm around her waist as he spoke.

Tang Li frowned. She was good with guns but "But such things can't be inherited."

Mo Yuhan nodded, "For others, it is impossible but the royal families have always been mysterious. I wasn't fond of learning different languages when I was small but it came to me naturally. I didn't need to spend much effort on them."

Tang Li nodded. She agreed with him. "Then that thing, it really belongs to the Huangfu Family?"

"There is no proof. Nobody has stepped forwards to claim it but it is rumored that the mysterious master of Huangfu Family is the one who owned it."

"Huangfu Lin's Father? Where is he now? Maybe, he could tell us if this is a scam or a real deal."

"He has disappeared nearly two decades ago and only a few people know about him. Moreover, the appearance of Huangfu Lin was very weird. The Huangfu Family was on a decline with no descendants left until one day" He paused when he heard no movements from the woman in his arms.

Her breathing was even as her chest slowly rose and fell.

He hugged her tightly before closing his eyes.

Outside the VIP ward.

"Do you think they are fighting right now?" Si Xiu asked a little worriedly. The couple looked like they were hitting each other with their eyes. Even though her cousin was strong, could she really tackle the crown prince of the Mo Family?

Mark chuckled, "Yes, they must be fighting under the sheets."

Si Xiu let out a laugh, "You have a good sense of humor, Brother." She found this newly found brother of hers really amazing.

Mark shook his head, "You think I am joking, sweetie? This couple has always been like that. They only want us to kill with the dog food." He said and leaned back on his seat.

Li Yu silently observed the both of them "You've met only yesterday," He indifferently said, inwardly confused how he became a brother to her in just one day. 

Si Xiu smiled, two dimples appearing on both her cheeks, "Dear, are you jealous?" She pinched his chin.

He swatted her hand away before averting his gaze, his ears slightly red. When he saw her for the first time, she stubbornly insisted to tag along with them. At that time, he thought that she would be the first sheep that was eager for her slaughter which why she was following Tang Li everywhere. Her innocent looks were big fat deceits and he was sure of that when he witnessed how she fought with those mercenaries in the museum so calmly. But, what he never expected was that she would relentlessly pursue him after that.

And what was starting to bother him was that he did not dislike her pestering.

Looking at the soon-to-be couple who were putting the bricks to build their pink bubble, Mark suddenly felt like he was very lonely. Let alone his best friend, even his newfound sister is chasing after her man but he was still a single dog. Who should I chase?

'SighI should just give them some privacy,' He stood up from his seat before combing his fingers through his silver hair. He dragged Ethan with him before walking towards another corridor.

Ethan did not resist and allowed himself to be dragged. He glanced at the hand that was holding onto his wrist. "For a man, isn't he so fair?" The question that was supposed to be in his mind was unconsciously asked aloud.

Mark paused, "Yes, my skin tone has always been like this," For a man, he was a little too beautiful but not feminine.

He let go of Ethan's hand before turning around to look at him, "I just wanted to give them some privacy which is why I dragged you here. Hope you don't mind." He said. Earlier, when he was hinting at the man to leave Si Xiu and Li Yu alone, he was looking at him in a daze. Left with no option, he had to drag him here. 

When they were in the shopping mall, Si Xiu told him about the man she liked and was pursuing. So, in his opinion, it would be best to give them more time together to cultivate feelings.

Ethan shook his head, "It's absolutely fine," Although he felt guilty for having some weird thoughts for the man standing in front of him, he just couldn't stop his thoughts from running wild.

Mark smiled. He still thought it was very rude of him to drag him like that.

Ethan extended his hand towards him, "Let me introduce myself. I am Ethan Allen and you can call me Ethan."

"Woah bro, I don't know you well to call you by your name. Let's go for Mr. Allen, shall we?" Without waiting for the man's response, Mark continued in his wilful mode, "Anyways, I am"

"Mark Wilson. You have been on the Forbes list rather continuously. It would be weird if I don't recognize you," Ethan interrupted him and his voice sounded a little annoyed. He didn't like the term 'bro' coming out of his mouth.

Mark removed the leather jacket from his upper body before leaning on the wall. "You don't look like someone who would be interested in the fashion industry," he paused before adding, "Well bro, I should not judge a book by its cover," He shrugged.

Bro again? Ethan spoke up, "It's my sister who keeps me updated about such things. I am not interested in all this."

Mark stood up straight before scanning him from head to toe, "Don't talk if you don't want to," He turned around to leave. What a weird guy! Why was he talking as if he owed him something?"

"You What are you doing?"

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