From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 385: A jealous Tang Li

Chapter 385: A jealous Tang Li

"Thanks for taking care of me for the past two days," Si Xiu leaned on the headrest of the bed while holding the glass of water. When she had a high fever after drinking with him, the least she expected was for him to take care of her

Ye Jie shrugged, "How are you going to repay me?" He eyed the woman intently, "With you heart or with your body?"

She chuckled, "My heart is hanging for another man. As for my body, I am saving it for my soulmate."

Ye Jie laughed, "Given also believe that this crush of yours might not be your soulmate?"

She choked on the water spitting it on his face in the process. "CoughCoughYou are a jinx, Mr. Ye."

He wiped the water of his face with her blanket, "I prefer you to call me Ye Jie instead."

"FineThat's Ye Jie then"

As she thought about what he said although she liked Li Yu very much but she never thought about him staying with him for her whole life.

Maybe it is because they have not spent much time together or they just don't know each other that better yet, she thought to herself.

"I want to confess to him. Can you help me with the arrangements?"

Ye Jie stiffened.

He stared at the woman until she could not take it any longer, "It's fine if you can't"

"I will," He murmured, "I will help you," He spoke, determined to help her get anything she wanted.

"Yuhan, I forgot to bring the hair-dryer with me. What do I do now?" Sitting on the stool in front of the mirror, Tang Li asked with a bothered expression on her face.

For a moment, she felt like cutting her hair into half. Having waist-length hair was getting troublesome.

Mo Yuhan walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe only to be greeted with this sight.

Holding a towel in his hand, he walked towards her.

She looked at him through the mirror, "Don't you have one?"

Holding her chin, he tilted her head upwards and lowered his body before pecking her lips.

"I don't" He whispered.

She furrowed her brows, "How were you planning to dry your hair then?"

He raised the towel in his hands for her to see.

''What do I do? I feel very jealous about this," Tang Li shook her head in pity, "You men have all the perks in life. Having short hair so that you can dry it up with a towel. Look at mine," She pointed at the long tresses dangling near her shoulder, "How troublesome! Not to mention the five days of bleeding, 9 months of pregnancy and the delivery pain. Hell, we women even feel pain during our first sex. Humph, it's all so easy for you people."

His lips twitched. "Lili, are you on your periods?"

She tilted her head upwards and blinked at him. She just got touch about this controversial topic regarding men and women.

Mo Yuhan lowered his body before pecking her lips once again.

He then stood straight and gently wiped her wet hair, "If you find it troublesome, I can dry your hair for you. When you're on your period, you can tell me anything you want anytime and I'll get it for you."

The corner of her lips tugged up ever so slightly as she looked at his reflection in the mirror and watched him meticulously drying her hair, "How about pregnancy and childbirth?"

"It is more than enough I have you. If you don't want it, we don't need a child. We can just have each other forever," He said in a gentle tone while wiping the tips of her hair with the towel.

Even though he said that because of her, she knew in his heart, he wanted their kid as much as she wanted it. But still his first priority was always her.

Despite the smile dancing in her hazel eyes, her tone remained serious, "What if our child hears this? He will be so disappointed in having you as a father."

Mo Yuhan froze for a split-second, "And where is this child you are speaking of?"

"In the near future," She chuckled after saying that.

Mo Yuhan shook his head helplessly, "And how do you know that it is a 'he'?"

She narrowed her eyes slightly, "It has to be a 'he'. I am not accepting a 'she'." A little girl means losing Mo Yuhan's favour. to pamper

She could almost imagine a little girl hopping around her man like a kangaroo while he doted on her, made desserts for her in the kitchen while she, Tang Li keeps biting a handkerchief watching them from a distance.

TskWhat a nightmare!

She grabbed his hand and turned around on the stool before hugging his waist tightly, "I feel so jealous to share you with anyone else. I just want a little Yuhan."

It will be much better that way. While she will have a cute little Mo Yuhan to pamper, the big Mo Yuhan will also be there to dote on heronly her.

A little girl who might turn out to be her strongest love rival in the history, huh?

The sharp businesswoman in her heart woke up at that thought.

Mo Yuhan chuckled. The sound of his deep laughter reverberated across the room.

Like the essence of a mellow rich wine, the sound of it made her heart tingle. She tilted her upwards to look at his face.

Stroking her cheek gently, he gazed at her with his deep azure eyes, "Mrs. Mo has such a strong jealous streak in hereven jealous of her own daughter."

She rubbed her face on his strong and calloused palm, feeling a sense of relief seeping in her heart. A relief that he was there with her. "Didn't you know it from the very first day already? Whether you like it or not, you can't just back out now," She wrapped her arm tightly around his waist, "I love you."

"I love you too."

She smiled.

He removed her hands off his waist and grabbed her hips before hoisting her up.

Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist while she encircled her arms around his neck, "I have to go to check on Si Xiu. What are you doing?" They were spending their days on bed and couch which is why she didn't have the chance to meet her poor secretary who accompanied her all the way here.

"I remember we never made love against the wall"

"Yes butMmmph!!"


A little chit chat: Having said that, what do you prefer for them? A little girl, a little boy or just both of them together forever?

By the way, this book has reached 400 chapters today. To all those who have come so far with me, I thank you with all my heart.

My dear readers, we have already come this far together so I hope you will take some time out and drop some reviews with your honest opinions. I really need that now! Lots of love, power, health, wealth and happiness to all my sweeties!

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