Full Attributes Martial Arts (All Attributes Martial Path)

Vol 2 Chapter 2363: Awakening of consciousness! The dark behemoth, the Dark Demon Evil Winged Tiger! evil…

Vol 2 Chapter 2363: Awakening of consciousness! The dark behemoth, the Dark Demon Evil Winged Tiger! evil…

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To be able to give birth to a weapon soul, it must at least be a holy-level weapon.

Therefore, the beast soul used for fusion must be at least the highest level.

Wang Teng knows this better than anyone else.

He used to be quite envious of this kind of secret method.

Because for others, it is more difficult to successfully fuse the beast soul and turn it into a weapon soul, and the probability is very low.

But for him, it is not something that can be easily accomplished by simply pushing the relevant attribute values to perfection.

As long as he gets the rumored secret method, he might be able to batch refine special holy-level artifacts with beast souls.

Its kind of beautiful when you think about it.

Unfortunately, this secret technique is rare and he has never seen it before.

Originally, if I could pick up attributes, my chances of getting the secret method would be much greater, but if I didn't encounter it, I didn't encounter it, and there was nothing I could do.

It can also be seen from this aspect that this secret method is indeed rare.

"Isn't this really an artifact?"

Wang Teng's attention broke away from the chaotic star field and looked at the giant skeletal tiger not far ahead, with some anticipation in his eyes.

If it is as he guessed, this time he may be able to obtain the secret forging method that integrates the beast soul.

"Keep on plucking the wool..."

Wang Teng was about to continue picking up attribute bubbles, but suddenly he remembered the business and couldn't help but coughed secretly with some guilt.

"Ahem, while you are gathering wool, you are looking for the soul body of Lord Xingyun. Don't delay! Don't delay!"

Gathering more wool will also be beneficial to the next action.

He did this for business, not entirely selfishly.

Wang Teng thought so, and carefully walked around the skeletal giant tiger in front of him, picking up the attribute bubbles scattered around.

Not to mention the secret forging method that he has not yet seen, the [Tiger Demon Will] and [Tiger Demon Soul] he just obtained are enough for him to work hard.

This is the first time Wang Teng has obtained the will of a tiger.

Relatively rare.

As for the [Soul of the Tiger Demon], it is also a very wonderful thing.

From the information just obtained, we can know that this [Tiger Demon Soul] can also be used to nourish the weapon soul.

However, it can only be used to nourish tiger weapon souls, and the compatibility must be consistent.

This is like the life boundary between species. You can't expect the blood of a rabbit to be transferred to a tiger.

Therefore, after the Shadow Snake, the soul of the Shadow Sword, saw this [Soul of the Tiger Demon], it immediately lost interest.

He just warned him not to get close to the [Artifact Soul] and ignored the [Tiger Demon Soul].

Because the [Artifact Soul] is very special and can in turn nourish the [Tiger Demon Soul].

If the [Tiger Demon Soul] is nourished by the [Artifact Soul], not to mention being promoted to the divine soul level, at least it will be able to grow rapidly and not be as illusory as it is now.

Judging from the information Wang Teng obtained, this [Tiger Demon Soul] has no consciousness yet, and is completely in a state of pure soul power.

Therefore, the little shadow snake was completely flirting with the blind man.

[Tiger Demon Soul] can't be heard at all.

But even if this was the case, Wang Teng would not use the [Artifact Soul] to nourish this [Tiger Demon Soul], which would be a complete waste.

He actually didn't feel too bad about the soul given to the Shadow Sword. After all, it was possible for it to be promoted to the level of a divine soul.

This investment will not be lost.

But this [Soul of the Tiger Demon] is not good. It is just a pure soul power state. It requires too much [Soul of Artifact] to be invested, and the price/performance ratio is too low.

Instead of investing in the [Artifact Soul], it is better to gather the wool of the skeletal giant tiger first, and you should be able to get more [Tiger Demon Soul] attributes.

We'll see how far it goes when the time comes.

If there are enough [Tiger Demon Souls], we might be able to condense a weak version of the skeletal giant tiger weapon soul.

At this moment, Wang Teng evolved the group of [Tiger Demon Soul] again, giving his own aura a hint of [Tiger Demon Soul].

In this way, it is naturally more secure.

After doing these things, Wang Teng finally felt relieved.

He had just felt the pressure of the giant skeletal tiger, and there was really a stone weighing on his heart, for fear of being discovered.

It's not that I'm afraid that this trace of soul power will be destroyed, but that I'm afraid of delaying things.

If the soul body of Lord Xingyun is not found, there is no way to spread the news. Everything is in vain.

The consequences are too serious.

Wang Teng was currently surrounding the giant skeletal tiger, diligently picking up attribute bubbles.

In addition to the attributes of [Soul Origin], [Dark Origin], and [Bone Origin], I also picked up a lot of [Tiger Demon Will] and [Tiger Demon Soul] attributes.

These two attributes are improving rapidly.

Wang Teng could feel that the [Tiger Demon Soul] was gradually solidifying, and the aura exuding from it was getting stronger and more domineering.

"I don't know what kind of star beast this is?"

He had never seen the image of this [Tiger Demon Soul], so naturally he didn't know its species, but it felt somewhat similar to the golden-winged red sky tiger he had seen before.

It's just that the two of them are different in nature, one is a star beast of the light system, and the other is a star beast of the dark system.

Wang Teng picked up a circle of attribute bubbles. Unfortunately, the rumored secret forging method did not appear, which made him frown and feel a little disappointed.

"Is it because I failed to cause damage to it?"

He stopped and looked at the skeletal giant tiger in front of him, and a bold idea came to his mind.

But he quickly rejected it.

Isn't this seeking death?

no! Absolutely not!

"It may also be because the giant skeletal tiger in front of you is not an entity, but just a soul." Wang Teng's eyes flashed, and another guess emerged in his mind.

Judging from the attribute bubble you just picked up, this is very possible.

After all, only the attributes of will and soul power exist from beginning to end. Doesn't this mean that the skeletal giant tiger in front of him is a weapon soul.

Wang Teng couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this.

If he could personally sense it, he would be sure, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

This is a bit troublesome.

It's depressing that it's right in front of you, but you can't study it.

[Soul of the Tiger Demon]: 6650 points.

Wang Teng glanced at the attribute panel and found that the attribute value of [Tiger Demon Soul] had reached 6650 points, which was not much more than [Artifact Soul].

"It feels like this [Tiger Demon Soul] is becoming more and more vivid, with a kind of... vitality!"

He looked at the [Tiger Demon Soul] in the Chaos Star Territory, and his heart suddenly moved.

[Tiger Demon Soul] is becoming more and more energetic, does it mean that it is about to give birth to consciousness?

What would happen if consciousness were born?

Wang Teng suddenly became excited. He felt that this might be the key to breaking the situation.

He quickly looked around, looking for the existence of attribute bubbles. He had just picked up all the attribute bubbles on one side of the giant skeletal tiger's body, but there was still another side that he had not picked up.

Before, I was worried that I would be discovered if I went around, or even encounter the soul of the Bone Demon God, but now I had to give it a try.

Now that Wang Teng had made his decision, he did not hesitate and immediately controlled this trace of soul power to move towards the other side of the skeletal giant tiger's body.

I have to admit that the body of this skeletal giant tiger is really big. If it is placed in the starry sky, it may be called a starry sky beast.

With such a huge body, if he was not supported by the majestic soul power of the soul body, he would probably not be able to spy on it.

Of course, the constant picking up of the original attributes of the soul is also the most important reason.

His current actions are consuming the power of his soul every minute and every second. If he cannot pick up attribute bubbles, how can an ordinary Domain Lord-level warrior survive?

Sure enough, not long after, another attribute bubble appeared, and Wang Teng immediately picked it up.

The same attribute bubbles as before.

[Soul of the Tiger Demon] has improved rapidly again.

Seeing that the attributes of [Tiger Demon Soul] were getting closer and closer to 10,000 points, Wang Teng also felt that the dark tiger in the Chaos Star Territory seemed to be gradually reviving.

Not only him, but the Shadow Snake, the weapon soul of the Shadow Sword, appeared again, looking very fearful, and hissed at the [Tiger Demon Soul].

Wang Teng was a little surprised.

In terms of power, the Shadow Snake is naturally far superior to this [Tiger Demon Soul], and is not on the same level at all.

Even if the [Tiger Demon Soul] has consciousness, it will never be able to defeat the Shadow Snake and can only be its little brother.

But at this moment, the little shadow snake behaved with a hint of fear, which was somewhat strange.

"Could this [Tiger Demon Soul] have a higher bloodline?" Wang Teng speculated in his mind.

Bloodline not only exists in the physical body, but also has some special manifestations in the soul body, such as soul pressure.

This is the power that comes from blood.

That's why Wang Teng guessed that the star beast in [Tiger Demon Soul] might not be simple.

Wang Teng even faintly heard the roar of the tiger from the [Tiger Demon Soul]. The winged flying tiger condensed by the soul power obviously did not move at all, but there was a sound coming out, which was really surprising.

[Soul of the Tiger Demon]: 10,000 points.

At a certain moment, the attributes of [Tiger Demon Soul] finally reached 10,000 points.

Wang Teng was shocked, and a strong premonition arose in his heart.

Sure enough, at this time.

The dark winged flying tiger within the light group suddenly opened its six eyes, bursting out with bright dark purple light.

Then it stood up, like a king waking up, looking in all directions, its wings suddenly spread out, like wings hanging from the sky, exuding an astonishing momentum.


The next moment, a deafening roar came from its mouth, shaking the entire Chaos Star Territory, which seemed to indicate the resurrection of this dark tiger.

Wang Teng's eyes burst into light, he was surprised and happy.

Sure enough, consciousness was born.

good! good! good!

It was not in vain that he worked so hard to pick up the attributes, and he was not disappointed.

hold head high!

However, just as his voice came out, another equally huge roar came out, completely covering it up.

Wang Teng looked at the little shadow snake speechlessly.

Is this jealousy?


You can't do it.

How can a half-sacred weapon soul compete with a newly awakened weapon soul?

But a surprising scene occurred.

Wang Teng found that although the [Tiger Demon Soul]'s momentum was suppressed, it was not afraid at all.

Those six eyes were staring at the little shadow snake with an extremely dangerous look.

"Good guy!"

Wang Teng was secretly dumbfounded. He had just born consciousness and was about to confront the soul of a semi-artifact. Should he say that he is fearless if he doesn't know? Or should we lament that it is definitely not simple?

But no matter how he looked at it, there was indeed something about this [Soul of the Tiger Demon] that made him like it more and more the more he looked at it.

This character suits him very well.

If he gave up after being yelled at by the little shadow snake, he would not even look at it.

Although I wouldnt underestimate it, I still dont like it as much as I do now.

"Hiss, hiss..."

On the other side, the little shadow snake seemed to feel that it was offended, and kept making sharp hissing sounds, and then jumped out from the shadow sword, opening its mouth to bite the [Tiger Demon Soul].

[Tiger Demon Soul] suddenly felt like it was facing a formidable enemy, but its fierce and domineering appearance did not diminish at all. It crawled down and was ready to attack, as if it was going to meet the enemy.

Strong enough!

"Stop!" Wang Teng shouted helplessly.

"Hiss~" The little shadow snake stopped and hissed unwillingly into the void.

In this chaotic star field, Wang Teng is like a god. Although he does not appear, his will is enough to make the little shadow snake calm down.

Although it was unwilling to do so, it would not dare to be too presumptuous without Wang Teng's permission.

"Why are you two fighting? From now on, we are all on our own, so please calm down." Wang Teng said angrily.

The little shadow snake was also extremely helpless and glared at [Tiger Demon Soul] fiercely, UU read www.uukanshu. net seems to be saying: "You better not get into my hands."

Then he turned around and returned to the Shadow Sword, disappeared, and sulked alone.

Wang Teng shook his head and smiled, but he didn't take it seriously. Even if he got angry again, it was nothing that could be solved with just 1 point of [Artifact Soul].

Now he has more important things to do.

Then he looked at the [Tiger Demon Soul] and looked at its six eyes.

[Tiger Demon Soul] seemed to know that someone was looking at it. It raised its head and looked into the void. Although its eyes were still unruly, fierce and domineering, they actually showed a hint of intimacy.

"Haha~" Wang Teng smiled softly, very satisfied.

The weapon soul obtained in this way is indeed more reliable than the shadow snake.

At least this is a direct recognition of the master, which has the same nature as the heaven and earth fire, the heaven and earth tribulation thunder, etc.

"What is your true body?" Wang Teng asked the biggest doubt in his heart.

"Master, my original body was the Dark Demon Evil Winged Tiger, a dark giant beast." The Tiger Demon Soul said with a sense of pride in his tone.

"The original body?" Wang Teng keenly caught the implication and asked: "What about now?"

"Now it is the weapon soul of the Evil God Tiger Demon Seal refined by the Bone Demon God!" The Tiger Demon Soul said with a hint of fluctuation in his tone.

"The Demonic Seal of the Evil God Tiger! Is it really a weapon soul?" Wang Teng's eyes flashed, something suddenly occurred to him, and his heart was shocked: "Is this Demonic Seal of the Evil God Tiger a divine weapon?" (End of Chapter)

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