Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 242: Core Gathering Part Three

Chapter 242: Core Gathering Part Three

Not a single person spoke as they watched the mist of blood fill the air. Misaki stood there with her arms crossed smiling away. Elder Tian who had witnessed this before said nothing but was shaking as he did his best to hold back his laughter. Elder Qin's jaw almost hit the ground as he became soaked in blood.

It took him a minute to really grasp what just happened. "You!" 

"Me what? It is not my fault you new disciples could not even take a casual wave of my hand. Well, not like you would be able to either. But because Elder Whatshisname has not said anything about your weak miserable life, I have not done anything to it. It is in your best interest to not cause a scene I would think. As for the ring, I thank you." Misaki did not care for the face he was making as she walked away. She happily took the ring from Elder Tian and then skipped her way over to Qian Yan hugging her tightly. 

Elder Tian had a huge grin on his face as he looked at Elder Qin letting out a jolly laugh. " Haha! So, I will be inspecting the northern mountain range after we finish our test. Please make sure you inform your sect master and disciples to stay clear of it or we will consider it an act of war if any pop up on our lands."

"You damn old fox, you tricked me! How the hell is that a new disciple!?" He knew because the contract did not go off that Misaki was indeed a new disciple but her power was just too much!

"She is the pride and joy of the new incoming disciples. Her power without cultivation goes beyond our comprehension to the point that even the Sect Master has to do as she says. But her actual cultivation is as you see. She is not repressing it since I watched her breakthrough many times on the first day she learned to cultivate." Elder Tian paused for a second as he decided to give a word of warning. "Elder Qin, since we are old friends I will give you some advice. Do not try to cross her or touch the little girl in her arms or your entire sect may just disappear. What she displayed just now was nothing. I am sure she can do as she says so trust me on this and let things be." 

Elder Qin looked at the serious expression on Elder Tian's face then looked at Misaki and her friend before coming to a decision. He walked over towards Misaki while Elder Tian yelled out for him to stop but Elder Qin just waved him off. 

Misaki never let Elder Qin out of her sight. So she knew that he was walking over to her, but she felt no malice of killing intent so she did not care. She watched as Elder Qin stood in front of her and cupped his hands. "I would like to say that although my sect will not cause you any trouble and I will do my best to conceal what happened here today. There may be someone who says something by accident or on purpose. Those families may even be strong enough to have soul imprints that would record the moment of death on their soul stones. If the families of the five you killed heard about this, they will never let it go... I hope you will not blame my Red Dragon Fist Sect at that time." 

"I see so, so in order to not have headaches later on I should kill all witnesses?" Misaki asked calmly as she twirled her finger in Qian Yan's hair. 

"How about a trade, in order to keep our lives today?" Elder Qin asked, sweat dripping from his brow. He saw no fluctuation of spiritual qi but felt a heavy suppressive force weighing down on him. 

"What kind of trade?" Misaki asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Our Red Dragon Fist sect will enter a pack with your Misty Cloud sect that will keep our two sects from harming one another and will have to help each other in time of need?" Elder Qin answered as he nervously looked at Misaki.

Misaki pondered for a moment then looked down at Qian Yan and asked: "Yan'er what do you say? Should we let this old goat go?" 

Qian Yan who was enjoying her hair being played with was startled when she was brought into the conversation. She turned to look at the pleading eyes of Elder Qin and thought for a moment. "Why not? If they are in a pack with us, will they not need to come to our aid if we need it?" 

"Yes, that is true. If your sect is ever under attack we would send aid!" Seeing a lifeline Elder Qin quickly grasped on to it.

"Then we will do as Yan'er says. But I want you to warn those families when they come knocking on your door looking for answers." Misaki stated firmly.

"I will, you have my word." Elder Qin finally let out a sigh. He bowed and said: "I will take my leave." He knew now he had to rush back to the sect and inform his sect master. He would probably be reprimanded but he would rather be punished for his inability to carry out tasks than to die.

After the people from the Red Dragon Fist Sect left, Elder Tian could finally begin explaining what this last test consisted of. Everyone gathered around and waited for his instructions. "Your teams will be heading out into the forest for seven days. You will need to supply your own food and water while in the forest. Your main task is to collect demonic beast cores. At the end of the seven days, your cores will be counted and the team with the most cores will be the winners and gain entry to the Hall of Techniques, where they can select two techniques. Each of you will also be given a crystal orb. If you are in danger, crush it and an elder will come to take you out of the forest."


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