Full-time Artist

Chapter 1278: The popular "Xianyu Anthology"

Chapter 1278: The popular "Xianyu Anthology"

No one thought that Xianyu would suddenly land at No. 8 on the list of writers!

However, not everyone has not noticed the update reminder of the list of the Literature and Art Association...

Among the many uncertain voices.

Someone took a screenshot of the notice from the Literature and Art Association:


"It's poetry!"

"Poetry writers have never entered the Blue Star Writers List before, but we all know that poetry articles have been a very important literary genre from ancient times to the present, and have an extremely lofty position in the history of literature. In terms of achievements, Xianyu, who can be called the number one person in the world, is no surprise to enter the eighth place. I even think this ranking is too low, because the quality of Xianyu's poems deserves a higher ranking! "


"Wait a moment!"

"Xianyu knows poetry?"

"Xianyu, who is proficient in singing, writing, writing, and dancing, is still a literati, can write poetry, and can be ranked eighth on the list of writers?"


"What kind of fairy is this?"

"Top 10 on the music chart, top 10 on the dance chart, and now there's another top 10 writer on the chart, what is Xianyu worth billion points?"

"Daddy Yu, take my knee!"

"The embarrassing fact is in front of us once again. After the Blue Star merger, we thought that the whole world knew that fish dad can sing, dance, write poetry, compose music, etc., but in fact, some continents who joined the merger later I don't know anything about it, especially Wei Zhou and Zhongzhou, or I know but only know, I don't understand what kind of extraordinary realm Xianyu's poetic talent has reached. Here I strongly recommend everyone on all continents to go Buy a copy of "Xianyu Anthology" in the bookstore, and you will find one of the most talented souls in the history of the world!"

"The title of the book is "Xianyu Anthology"?"

"Go buy it now, this ranking is too outrageous, it's hard to convince me!"

"Chu Kuang has worked hard for so many years, and his ranking is actually a little higher than Xianyu?"

"This is just the initial ranking of Xianyu!"

"I remember Chu Kuang's initial ranking was only 13th!"



This is the first reaction of many people!

In the midst of doubt and shock, countless people bought "Xianyu Anthology" for the first time, the reason is nothing more than "I want to see why his initial ranking is so high", "Look at what poems Xianyu has written" and so on. .

This phenomenon is most common in Weizhou and Zhongzhou.

Because these two continents know the least about Xianyu's poetry.

The so-called "Xianyu Anthology" was published by Yinlan Library a few years ago.

This book contains almost all the poems and articles published by Xianyu.

But after all, it is an old book published a few years ago, so of course, the stock of major bookstores will not be much.

After all, no one could have predicted that the Literature and Art Association would suddenly include poetry in the list of writers. Although this would happen sooner or later, many people would never have imagined that, Xianyu's initial ranking was eighth!


Blue Star's major booksellers soon encountered that classic headache:

Not enough books to sell. .

"In the past, Chu Kuang's books were not enough to sell, now it's Xianyu's turn, so this Xianyu really deserves to be Chu Kuang's good brother, even the problems he gave us are exactly the same!"

"too crazy!"

"It seems that the whole world is going to buy "Xianyu Anthology" overnight!"

"The major bookstores are all sold out in an instant. There is really no stock. I have a book in my bookcase. If I didn't really like it, I would like to take it out and sell it."

"This book is long overdue!"

"There are so many works in it that I will memorize!"

"Hurry up and contact Yinlan Bookstore to get the stock!"

"This is very sudden. It will take time for the Yinlan library to be reprinted. The book market will usher in a book shortage in the next few days."

"Of course."

"I have been selling books for so many years. If someone asks me to recommend a few must-read works in life, "Xianyu Anthology" must be one of them!"


The crazy book buying boom started after the list was updated.

Even if some continents are still in the evening, they will open the online bookstore as soon as possible to buy "Xianyu Anthology", and then wait for the courier to arrive.

But those who bought "Xianyu Anthology" a few years ago were happy.

Some people here are fans of Xianyu, so of course they want to see it.

However, more people still bought it home because of the popularity of "Xianyu Anthology" by the media back then, but they did not necessarily open it and read it carefully.

Just fill the bookcase.

Many people even forget to open the packaging.

But on this day, many people opened this "Xianyu Anthology" that had been sealed for several years, and read it carefully for the first time.

This read.

Many people realize what wonderful things they missed back then!

Those ancient sayings are shining bright no matter how many years old!

this book.

There is a spectacular "flying stream down three thousand feet, suspected to be the Milky Way falling down nine days";

There is a free and easy way of "born my talent will be useful, and the money will come back";

There is the graceful grace of "no way, no ecstasy, westerly wind, people are thinner than yellow flowers";

There is the poignant beauty of "things are people and nothing is wrong, and tears flow first if you want to talk";

There is the conceit of "I don't hate the ancients, I don't see, hate the ancients and I don't see my crazy ears";

There is the domineering of "thinking of the past, a golden horse and an iron horse, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger";

There is also the loneliness of "ten years of life and death, without thinking, and unforgettable";

And the beauty of "I hope that people will last a long time and live together in a thousand miles";

Even the heroic "will be the top of the mountain, and the small mountains can be seen at a glance".

Etc., etc.

Countless works are so popular!

Writing people, scenes, and feelings to the deepest depths, it can be said that every word is precious!

Those who read it for the first time will be instantly smitten.

But even if readers who have read it countless times, open these poems again, they can't help but feel a sense of grandeur!

And at home at this time.

Lin Yuan didn't expect Xianyu to land on the Blue Star Writers List with such a gesture.

But after thinking about it, there are so many poems and poems that have been circulated on the earth through the ages, and I have copied more than 300 poems back and forth. It is not abrupt to have this effect.

Even a little lower.

The reason for the low is nothing more than the fact that the year is a little bit worse, and the influence has not fully exploded.

On the contrary, with the liveliness of this wave of writers' lists, I can make those poems published by myself a few years ago explode all over the world!


With the quality of those works, Lin Yuan felt that a global explosion was inevitable.

Because Blue Star is a world where oriental culture is king!

Classical poetry happens to be one of the important crystallizations of oriental culture!

Its beauty can only be felt by being influenced by oriental culture since childhood!

at the same time.

Lin Yuan suddenly thought:

The Literature and Art Association must know that Xianyu and Chu Kuang are the same person.

Now both Xianyu and Chu Kuang's vests are in the top ten of the writer's list.

It seems that the literary and art association is intentionally treating the two vests as two people.

"If you lose your horse..."

If the two vests of Xianyu and Chu Kuang are combined into one, what will be the effect on the list?

Xianyu's poems;

Chu crazy;

Is it possible to be the first on the direct writer list?

Will this affect Xianyu's ranking on the other two lists?

After all, influence is also one of the factors considered in the list.

at this time.

Jinmu suddenly called: "Yinlan Shuku hopes to reprint "Xianyu Anthology", does the boss have anything that needs to be added or deleted?"

Additions or deletions?

Lin Yuan was stunned for a while, and then his eyes lit up: "How about I add some weight to it? I just saved some poems and articles."

Lin Yuan remembered that there were more than 300 poems in "Xianyu Anthology".

Now that "Xianyu Anthology" has a trend of fire, the reprint version can be played a little bigger.

Add a lot of poetry!

After all, in the wave of the Lushan Poetry Conference, many poems were produced under the proposition.

And some poems are also very exciting, but because they do not meet the proposition, Lin Yuan did not come up with them at that time.

Now that the anthology is published directly, naturally, there is no need to consider the proposition.

Just stuff any works in there, and this wave will capture the most quintessential poems on earth!

Of course, the outside world doesn't know Xianyu's plan.

Come to Japan for a long time.

Not to mention what happens after the horse is dropped.

Just after readers around the world suddenly bought "Xianyu Anthology" in large quantities, Luoyang paper was expensive for a while.

Major bookstores have ushered in a shortage of stocks!

Yinlan Library got the news and contacted Xianyu as soon as possible.

After contacting Xianyu and reaching some cooperation plans, they began to work overnight, working overtime to "reprint" this old book!

the other side.

Those readers who have successfully bought the book have been completely captured by the poems in "Xianyu Anthology"!

Continents have fallen!

"It's kind of funny. As a Qinzhou native, it was the first time that I read all the poems and poems of Father Yu. Obviously there are many people around me, from my peers to my elders, who have recommended this work to me. I didn't expect to miss it. for so many years!"

"Also from Qin, I was stunned a few years ago."

"I'm from Qizhou. I read "Xianyu Anthology" a few years ago when I was still in elementary school. My dad forced me to read it. At that time, I was full of inexplicable resistance to Xianyu's poems. Now I'm in junior high school. , looking at these poems again, I feel that they are so attractive to me."

"Chu, a mother, forced my son to memorize some of the works in it (smile)."

"Aw, Xianyu's poetic talent is unprecedented!"

"I figured it out, it's Brother Yanzhou upstairs."

"Actually, the sales volume of "Xianyu Anthology" in our South Korea is not very high, but at least some people have been buying it, but it seems to be a bit niche compared to the best-selling book of Chu Kuang Lao Thief."

"It's public now."

"Zhao Zhouren said that "Xianyu Anthology" is the first masterpiece in Zhao's heart, and it is destined to dominate Zhaozhou's literary world for a hundred years. Many of our Zhaozhou literati are still unable to lift their heads. I won't go into details about the specific reasons. , it's not a good thing after all."

"Central Continent, kneel!"

"It's no wonder that Chu Kuang has worked so hard for so many years and is only sixth, and Xianyu's works that are so full of talents are only eighth!"

"Good guy, is it really as good as you say?"

"Don't bully me for not buying the book!"

"You do not believe?"

"Then I'll read you two sentences first."

"An Neng breaks the eyebrows and bends the waist to work for the powerful? Makes me unhappy."

"The stars are on the plains and the fields are wide, and the moon is flowing in the river. What is it like fluttering, there are sand gulls in the world."

"If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening?"

"I will be Ling Jueding..."

"I know this, the view of all the mountains is small, it turns out to be the original poem of Xianyu?"

"There are many more."

"Keep going, I'll copy it in the notebook!"

This is the first time that Blue Star has experienced manual piracy on a large scale. Many people who couldn't buy the book actually learned about "Xianyu Anthology" through the "spoiler" of those who bought the book, or who already had the book.

This phenomenon is so bizarre that netizens can't laugh or cry.

What's even more interesting is that some people actually recite all the works in "Xianyu Anthology"!


Recite the full text.

Hundreds of poems and essays.

Even the "Master's Talk" read by Xianyu at the Lushan Poetry Conference!

In the words of these people, "Xianyu Anthology has always been our treasure".

As early as when people around the world did not have enough knowledge of "Xianyu Anthology", some people were already obsessed with Xianyu's poems, and those who were obsessed should not want it.

You could say it wasn't hot enough before.

The previous sales were indeed not as good as those bestsellers.

But in the minds of many people, it is not a matter of fire or not.

It is a classic, a must-read in life, and a work that you will regret for life if you miss it!

And now.

Even "not enough fire" is a thing of the past.

With the completion of the reprint of the Yinlan Library, the massive new "Xianyu Anthology" has been released!


Major bookstores are madly stocking up!

Countless customers are frantically paying!

This book sale event even surpassed the previous time when "Besieged City" was on the market!

Of course, this does not mean that Xianyu's book market appeal surpasses Chu Kuang's. After all, this is the first time Xianyu has been on the Blue Star Writers List, and the situation is really special.

Who doesn't eat dumplings during Chinese New Year?

Just after seeing the newly published "Xianyu Anthology", many people fell into contemplation.

Because of the new edition of "Xianyu Anthology", there are three copies in total.

One is up.

One is medium.

One is the next.

Although the single copy is slightly thinner than the old version of "Xianyu Anthology", the three copies together are much thicker than the original.

This is not the same as the old version!

At that time, someone asked the clerk.

The clerk smiled slightly: "Yinlan Shuku has officially announced the news today, the new edition of "Xianyu Anthology" not only has a higher price, but also has more content than before, because it has added a lot of new creations by Teacher Xianyu in recent years. Poetry articles."

More than 300 poems and articles are not enough?

Xianyu even added some more works! ?

Those who didn't know it thought that Xianyu was possessed by the old thief Chu Kuang!

However, the readers are not only not dissatisfied, but full of excitement for the new edition containing more poems and articles!

This kind of thing, UU reading the more the better!

On the contrary, those who have already bought the old version and think they don't need to buy the new version are confused.

The old version is incomplete!

Of course it goes without saying.

Those who have the old version can only rush into the bookstore again and buy the latest version of "Xianyu Anthology".


Xianyu's more classic poetry articles are now available!

ps: There are too many wonderful classical poetry articles. If you write them slowly, you will not be able to finish them. For example, there are 300 Tang poems. It takes 300 chapters to write one chapter, let alone poems. There are also words and articles, and it is not only the Tang Dynasty that has poets, so there is no problem in the writing rhythm in the early and mid-term, and it is obviously unrealistic to play like this in the later period.

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