Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 140: Hidden, But Not Forgotten

Chapter 140: Hidden, But Not Forgotten

"Ramuja, where are we?!"

Aster grabbed Ramuja's hand tightly, as if he was seeing the light after a long nightmare. Ramuja was startled, he was scared that Young Lord would forget him and all their memories away, but it turned out that he remembered everything. Yet, Young Lord was still hanging on him.

'DDid he really forgive me?'

Ramuja cupped his master's hand gently and said, "Young Lord, we are in Vassal Kingdom Rhea."

"Vassal Kingdom Rhea? Why?" Aster frowned. He looked at his right side to see Gaum. He tried to sit from his sleeping position, because it was a bit embarrassing for a Young Lord to show weakness in front of his ally. But his body felt so weak, "Ramuja, how long had I been asleep?"

"A full day, Young Lord."

"A full day!?" Aster's eyes widened, "Why did I faint anyway?"

Both Irion and Ramuja were surprised, because it was such a big event. If Young Lord didn't know what happened, then why could he still remember Ramuja?

"Young Lord didn't remember at all?" Irion asked.

"No, I just remembered that I was sitting beside my mother and then I blacked out all the sudden," Aster recalled what happened yesterday. After Ramuja confessed his mother duchess' evil deeds towards him, he went to his room and worked on some documents. Then, his mother called him for tea in the evening, they were gazing at the garden and suddenly, he blacked out.

'I don't even remember what the conversation between me and mother at that time was.'

Aster's eyes wandered around then noticed something was missing, "What happened when I was unconscious? Where is Jain?"

Gaum sighed, it was not the best time for him to talk with Aster now, "Aster, I will leave first. It seems you need time to sort out your mind."

"Yes, thank you, Gaum."

Gaum smiled and then landed a small kiss on Aster's forehead, "See you tomorrow, sweetheart."

You! Don't do that!" Aster protested, but Gaum chuckled and walked out happily. It was only Ramuja and Irion with him now.

"Sit me up," Aster ordered. Ramuja and Irion put two stacks of pillow under Aster's back and propped him. Aster looked around to check Jain whereabouts again, but he still didn't sense him.

"Where is Jain?" Aster asked again.

Irion and Ramuja looked at each other, then Irion said, "Young Lord, Jain is dead."

"WHAT?!" Aster jolted. He looked at Irion whose expression was dead serious, "Dead?! How? He is very skilled! What happened when I was asleep?!"

"Did you really not remember anything happened yesterday, Young Lord?" Irion asked again.

"Not at all, so tell me!" Aster urged.

Irion glanced at Ramuja who looked nervous, then he just said some important part of yesterday's incident, "When Young Lord suddenly fainted, Grand Duchess was going to lock you up and presumably sever you from any outside connection. But Jain saved you when you were unconscious, we ran away with a carriage, but because the palace guards were too many, Jain sacrificed himself so we could escape."

'Jain sacrificed himself?'

Aster could feel his heart was pounded by a heavy stone. He didn't know that Jain would go that far to protect him, 'He really fulfilled his promise'

Aster remembered Jain's last oath, it was, as if he predicted his own demise, and his demise was caused by his own master.

'Then, I, Jain Tellah, shall protect you from any harm until my last breath.'

Aster was devastated, slowly, his tears welled up and streamed on his cheek. Aster asked Irion, "Do you know why I fainted?"

Irion glanced at Ramuja who started trembling. Irion glared at this slave, though he already accepted his devotion towards Young Lord, he didn't like how this slave tried to cover many of his sins.

"Young Lord, do you remember about a couple that walked around the garden yesterday?"

"Couple? What couple?" Aster frowned.

'Young Lord didn't remember about Merry and Ramuja as a couple at all?' Irion was aghast, 'But he still remembers Ramuja!'

Trying to swallow his unknown anger, Irion explained, "Then, this subordinate doesn't know anything, Young Lord. I just heard that Young Lord fainted after seeing a couple walking around the garden yesterday, but I was in the training ground the whole time."

"This is confusing" Aster said. "Did Jain entrusted anything?"

Ramuja who was silent the whole time finally reacted, he fished out a silver letter and gave it to his master, "Young Lord, Jain said that I should give you this once you wake up."

Aster took the letter and opened it.

My wonderful master, if you read this, then I am already dead. But woe not, my death is to protect you, it's the last promise I have to fulfil to her.

Young Lord, my disciple will come to you once you are fully recovered, they are as good as me, please command them wisely.

Last thing, Young Lord, I handed my guard medal to your servant, Ramuja. He has a strong instinct to protect you. Young Lord, I may not be able to protect you anymore, to care for you anymore, but my legacy shall remain. I know you can be the best in Golden Camellia.

Sincerely, your loyal subordinate

Jain Tellah.

Aster wiped the tears in his eyes. He didn't deserve such a loyal subject like Jain, 'And I failed to protect him.'

Irion saw the tears kept falling from Young Lord's eyes and handed out a handkerchief, he comforted his master, "Young Lord, once, Jain said to me that his biggest pleasure is to devote his life and death to you. He fulfilled his biggest pleasure, he is happy now."

Aster took the handkerchief and wiped his tears, "I'm sorry for showing my weak self to you, Irion. Please leave now, I need some time alone."

Irion nodded and he excused himself. Ramuja followed behind, but Aster said, "Ramuja, stay."

"Yes, Young Lord."

Ramuja was nervous again, at first he thought Young Lord forgave him, but instead he forgot about yesterday's incident. After some times, Aster finally opened his mouth.

"Kneel in front of me," Aster commanded. Ramuja kneeled obediently in front of Aster, "Give me the guard medal from Jain."

"YYoung Lord, but Jain said II"

"Yes, I know," Aster smiled, "I will not take it from you."

Ramuja gave the gold medal to Aster. Aster commanded again, "Give me your hand."

'This time, I will not make any mistake. If I fail to protect Jain, then I will protect Ramuja.'

Aster held Ramuja's hand and then put the guard medal on his palm, then he recited his oath, "You will be my new subordinate. Under the name of Golden Camellia, the medal will be the witness of our bond. I, Aster Di Arlingdon, as your master, will grant you protection and glory."

'And love.' Aster said in his heart.

Ramuja was dumbfounded, he didn't know what to say, thus, he just recited what was in his head right now, "Um I, Ramuja, Young Lord's personal servant, shall accept um Young Lord's love and protect him forever and I"

Aster blushed instantly, "That's wrong oath!"

"YYoung Lord, this servant doesn't know what this is"

Aster sighed and explained, "This is Guard Medal Oath, I, as your master will give you protection and glory in exchange for your servitude. But this is a lifetime secret, so, no one should know about your identity as my guard medal subordinate."

"Then, um this servant, Ramuja, will follow you forever and do my best!" Ramuja said clumsily.

Aster who was saddened before finally laughed, "It's okay, I accept you."

Aster smiled and gave the guard medal to Ramuja again, "Keep it, this is very important."

"Yes, Young Lord."

Aster stared at Ramuja who was still fidgeting nervously even after the situation calmed down, "What are you nervous for?"

Ramuja was obviously nervous because of his incident with Merry being discovered by his master. But he couldn't calm his heart, thus, he braced himself and asked, "Young Lord, do you not remember about Merry?"

Aster frowned, "Who is Merry?"

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