Gate of Immortality

Chapter 137: Mastery of Sword and Saber

Chapter 137: Mastery of Sword and Saber

Yang Shi's eyes shone as he digested the knowledge given by Old Ghost. " It seems he already touched the dao of Saber." Yang Shi thought inwardly. He took a step back as his purple eyes became fiery crimson, like crystal flames. " Appear!." Yang Shi roared as a phantom of a giant White Tiger appeared.

" Hoho, Primordial Spirit of a White Tiger, One of the four cardinal divine beasts!" Old Ghost became surprised. " This domain is so interesting." He chuckled. " Tiger Descends from Mountain!" The White tiger behind Yang Shi gave a warcry as Yang Shi lept from the ground. Using his momentum, He slashed his saber vertically. His saber thrummed as the air around it contorted. A faint shadow of a leaping tiger enveloped the saber.

Old Ghost raised his palm as he grabbed the blade, like grabbing a twig. Yang Shi felt his bones lurch as suddenly the movent of his saber stopped like an iron claw grabbed a wooden sword. Yang Shi landed on the ground as he tried to pull his saber. " Haven't you enough?" Yang Shi asked angrily. " My bad, It's an old habit." Old Ghost laughed as he released his saber. " Tiger Descending From Mountain represents the ferociousness of the tiger. Like an angry beast, rip apart whoever stands in front of you, enter in a battle-crazed state, and massacre your enemies." Old Ghost said.

" Your White Tiger primordial spirit greatly boosts your power in this move.  And your saber, It's a very powerful weapon. Is it True grade?" Old Ghost asked. " Well, It's damaged and only at the Peak of Spirit Grade." Yang Shi chuckled. " Even it's in a damaged state, it can be called as the king of spirit grade weapon. Moreover, I can feel an ancient aura on this." Old Ghost said. " Well, Let's see the third move." Old Ghost said.

Yang Shi nodded as the White Tiger spirit disappeared. But one could feel the power in Yang Shi's body was still there. Moreover, it's increasing. Yang Shi poured all of his energy into his saber, raised it, and made a simple vertical slash. But the saber's trajectory missed as it couldn't complete the move. Yang Shi's arm trembled as he took few steps back. It was the backlash from the incomplete move. But due to his strong physical body, the damage was minimal.

" Hmm, The third move- Mountain Cut. One slash to cut through the mountain. Here, You need both momentum and weight. Use unparalleled heaviness to cut the mightiest being. The first two moves are the basics. In this move, You have to channel your spiritual qi in a special meridian path. Three thighs, Sharpness, Speed, and Weight. When these three combine, it can produce a devastating effect." Old Ghost said. " Wow, the Third move has already touched the barrier of Intent." Yang Shi laughed.

" Oh, So already know about the concept of Intent. That saved lot of time. But to think you know so much, I wonder about your background." Old Ghost chuckled. " Same about you." Yang Shi shrugged. " It's rare to see powerful cultivators living such shabby lives. Ah, You guys really hid yourself well." Yang Shi smacked his lips. Old Ghost grinned but didn't say anything. " Well, I don't see that person here?" Yang Shi wondered. " Why you want to see him?" Old Ghost asked. " Ah, Nothing. He saved me from a life-threatening injury from last time. Mm, I wonder how I can return his favor?" Yang Shi said.

" Hmph, No need for that. It's just a small thing." a raspy voice interrupted Yang Shi. He saw the familiar black-clothed man. But suddenly, He felt something was amiss, so he activated his Celestial View. " Hmm?!!! Wha-" Yang Shi's eyes couldn't help but get wide. Old Ghost looked at Yang Shi's eyes, which were glimmering in a strange light. Old Ghost's eyes turned strange as he looked back at the Black clothed person. He wore a strange neckless, which was starting to emit light.

" You!!!" The black-clothed person became startled as he saw his neckless. He suddenly jumped backward as he nocked his bow. Yang Shi's smile became radiant as he laughed, " Haha, No wonder, your physique is really weak. Shout I call you Brother or Miss?" " Heh, Let's see if you can utter any words afterward." The black-clothed person sneered an arrow condensed where he nocked his bow.

*SWISH* With a whistling sound, The arrow shot toward Yang Shi. The black clothed person's arm didn't stop as he shot arrows like a machine gun. " Oh really?" Yang Shi chuckled as his purple eyes became azure blue. His face became abnormally calm as he stared at the incoming arrows. His Heaven Calamity was replaced by a longsword, which gleamed under the moonlight.

" Starlight Haze." Yang Shi said calmly as his sword blurred and streaked through the air.

*DING DING DING DING* The arrows were blocked by the sword slash with intense clashing. Yang Shi lowered his sword. However, the Black clothed person didn't stop.*BZZZZZ* With a buzzing sound, bright lights condensed into three arrows. These three are brighter and longer than the previous ones. " WHOOOSH* The arrow disappeared the moment he released his fingers.

Yang Shi's eyes squinted as his spiritual qi rolled inside him. With a whistling sound, he vanished from his position and appeared few meters away. *SWISH* The bright arrows passed the moment Yang Shi vanished, but unable to hurt him, it again disappeared. Yang Shi's figure was blurry as he was dashing through the courtyard, but arrows were able to catch up with his insane speed. It chased Yang Shi like living beings.

" Hmph." Yang Shi scowled as he suddenly stopped as he leaped from the ground. The Black clothed person's eyes gleamed as he clapped his palms. The three arrows came from three directions, blocking Yang Shi's path of retreat. But Yang Shi was calm, as he clenched his longsword and made a reverse slash. " Moonlight Slash." He roared.

*CRACK* With a snapping sound, The light arrows cleanly cut to half and dropped to the ground. Yang Shi landed on the ground as he looked at the black clothed person. He was still wearing a conical hat to hide his face. " Hmph, Don't think you have won." The black clothed person snorted. " No, I won't. If you used a top grade Spirit bow with Spirit grade arrows and your Primordial Spirit, You could have easily crushed me." Yang Shi shook his head. 

The Black clothed person was stunned as he didn't expect such an answer from Yang Shi. " Tch, At least you are sensible." He scoffed as he turned around to leave. " Hey, Miss, Don't worry. I will give you a good bow." Yang Shi laughed. The person halted but left hastily. " What a beautiful girl." Yang Shi smacked his lips. " Hey old man, Is she your granddaughter?" Yang Shi asked the Old Ghost. " What do you think?" Old Ghost grinned. " Well, It seems she is not." Yang Shi shrugged. " Her identity isn't something you can imagine." Old Ghost laughed.

" I can see your sword technique has increased. I never saw a person who wields both sword and saber. But, Its your decision, So, I can't say anything. Anyway, I want to tell you that, The second prince has sent someone to Firmament City." Old Ghost chuckled. " Oh really?" Yang Shi's eyes narrowed as a dangerous glint flash in them. " Don't worry, You will meet that person soon." Old Ghost said as he patted on Yang Shi's shoulder.

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