General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 998: Wei Xu sees Su Xuan

Chapter 998: Wei Xu sees Su Xuan

Chapter 998 Wei Xu sees Su Xuan

The map given by the ghost mother-in-law indicated the sentry post of the mountain range. The east side is the avenue up the mountain, and the defense is the strictest.

Followed by the south and north, although it is a cliff, there are also disciples of the Killer League on duty.

It's not that they are afraid of a few disciples, but that they have their own means of warning. Once a stranger breaks in, the whole mountain will be alarmed.

As Wei Ting expected, their best path is the cliffs to the west.

The four of them took their own ropes and hook knives and began to climb the cliff.

Wei Xu leads the way at the front, Jing Yi and the saint follow closely behind, and Wei Ting cuts off.

They had to climb to the top of the mountain before dawn and bring Su Xuan and Wei Yan out of the dungeon, otherwise they would have to wait another day until it got dark before they could act.

But there are too many variables in this day, no one can guarantee whether the Killer League will execute Su Xuan and Wei Yan.

Jing Yi walked the cliff for the first time, but he was not skillful enough to use the hook and knife, so he accidentally fell down.

The saint was closest to him, the ropes were connected together, and they fell together.

Wei Xu and Wei Ting chiseled the hook knife into the cliff together, stabilized their figures, and pulled Jing Yi and the saint.

The shattered stone slipped and fell into the abyss.

Jing Yi and the Saintess swayed in the night wind for a while, bumped into each other several times, and Jing Yi's cheeks were scratched, but finally calmed down slowly.

Wei Xu looked down at Jing Yi: "Are you all okay?"

Jing Yi said: "My spare rope fell off, and the saint's hook and knife fell off."

The golden eagle swooped down and grabbed the rope that was caught by the branch.

The hook knife is too small, it is not caught by the branch, and it cannot be picked up.

Wei Ting threw his hook knife to the saint.

He drew out his grandfather's dagger, which the chubby peacock asked him to take with him before leaving, barely able to replace the hook knife.

The group continued to climb the cliff.


In the dungeon.

The sixth senior brother tortured Su Xuan for half an hour.

But Su Xuan didn't beg for a word, no matter how much pain he was enduring, his eyes still showed no signs of distress or submission.

The sixth senior brother became angry from embarrassment: "The bones are so hard, okay, then try the Killer League's soul-destroying nail!"

Ning Rufeng hurriedly opened his arms and stopped in front of Su Xuan: "Senior Brother Six! That's enough! Master just asked you to interrogate him, not to kill him! Are you going too far?"

The sixth senior brother said impersonally: "This is the Shura Dao death row. If you come in, you have a narrow escape, so what if I use all the instruments of torture?"

Ning Rufeng frowned and said: "He has already been tortured, and there are rules for daily executions. If you don't stop, I will tell Master that you will avenge yourself!"

Sixth senior brother said hehe: "Eighth senior brother, you still say you are not with him? I wondered at the beginning why you went to southern Xinjiang for so long and didn't catch him. Now it seems that you have a lot of tricks on you. .

Ning Rufeng boldly said: "Whether I am tricky or not, the master can decide for himself. The sixth senior brother really wants to punish me, so go to the master and report me! But I also want to remind the sixth senior brother that the master hates his disciples killing each other the most. , Sixth Senior Brother, its better not to let Master find out whats on your mind!

Sixth senior brother narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes swept over Ning Rufeng, and also the jade-faced Raksha who was stopped behind him.

"I will forgive you tonight first."

After finishing speaking, he pushed the wheelchair and went out without looking back.

The stone gate was closed.

Ning Rufeng breathed a sigh of relief, his stiff body relaxed.

He turned around, took out a bottle of wound medicine from his wide sleeve, and poured two pills into his palm: "Xiao Jiu, take the medicine quickly!"

Su Xuan does not eat.

Ning Rufeng said anxiously: "Why are you fighting against me? You will feel better after eating!"

Su Xuan said weakly: "This is... Bingyu Pill... Where did you come from?"

Ning Rufeng said calmly: "Yes, Master gave it."

Su Xuan opened his blood-stained eyes and looked at his stiff right arm: "You cut get the medicine from Master?"

Ning Rufeng coughed lightly and said, "I...I did it for practice, so hurry up and eat it! It's a grind!"

Su Xuan still refused to eat.

Ning Rufeng took a deep look at him, and sighed: "You don't have to worry about the one who came with you, Senior Brother Six has no enmity with him, so he won't torture him, he just got whipped twice...he knows better than you He pretended to be dead, and with a whip down, the whole dungeon was filled with the sound of his wailing, which made those disciples dare not beat him, after all, the master said he wanted to keep alive.

"When I mention this, I get angry, won't you give in to Master? You must be tortured like that by the sixth brother.

"Master didn't execute you immediately. He asked you to tell who you were ordered by. He was actually giving you a chance to get rid of the crime. You can push it on whoever you want, and then go and arrest that Wei Xu with the elder brother to make up for it." , to restore the reputation of the Killer League, Master will not be angry with you again."

Su Xuan didn't speak.

Ning Rufeng said sadly: "Is other people's lives so important? I don't know much about your family affairs, but at least I watched you grow up. Everything you do is not for yourself. Now it is, at the beginning. The same is true for practicing Rakshasa secret art. I persuaded you, and the master also told you clearly that the end of Rakshasa secret art is death. You said without hesitation that you want to learn it. I dont ask you why, I just ask you whether it is worth it ?


Su Xuan did not hesitate at all.


After more than half an hour of climbing, the four finally reached the top of the cliff.

It was almost dawn at this time, they didn't care to catch their breath, and immediately sneaked into the Killer League according to the route shown on the map.

The Killer League occupies the entire mountain, which is bigger than the Baihua Palace. Thanks to the map given by the ghost mother-in-law, otherwise they would have to search for it all day.

Only a small part of the organization of the Killer League has been changed, most of which are consistent with the locations marked by the ghost mother-in-law.

Wei Xu took the lead and led a few people to the vicinity of the death cell circled with cinnabar on the map without any danger.

The Killer League has a fierce reputation, and almost no one dares to rob the prison. There are only two disciples guarding the death cell.

Just lure them away.

Wei Xu looked at Jing Yi, Jing Yi looked at the saint, the saint was expressionless, Jing Yi jumped over her and looked at Wei Ting.

Wei Ting turned his head to look at the golden eagle on the other side.

The golden eagle slapped the falcon out!

Falcon: "...!"

The falcon flew crookedly a few times, and landed in front of the two disciples in embarrassment.

The two disciples took a closer look, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Huh? Where did the falcon come from?"

"It seems to be injured."

"The feathers are beautiful!"

The two disciples squatted down to watch the eagle.

The four of them took advantage of their unpreparedness and quietly walked into the dungeon from the side.

Through the gloomy passage, on a black lacquered plaque, there are three large characters written in flamboyant waysSura Dao.

Wei Xu said: "You stay here, if you have any problems, leave quickly, I will find someone."

Wei Ting and Jing Yi absolutely obeyed the military order.

The saint stood behind the two of them blankly.

Wei Xu walked through the blood-stained passage, followed the thicker and thicker smell of blood, and came to a stone gate.

The organization is drawn on the map.

Wei Xu raised his hand, touched a slightly raised stone, and pressed down.

The stone gate opened with a bang.


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