Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 64

Heading directly to the bar, Lennok approached Jenny and requested her assistance in making a copy of the file that Sebastian had handed over. He briefly explained the current situation, knowing that it would be easier to negotiate formally with Dyke through her.

As Lennok anticipated, a confident smile appeared on Jenny's face upon hearing the recent developments.

"Even better than I expected."


"I suggested this as a precaution, but I didn't anticipate obtaining such valuable information. If even half of the internal conflicts documented here are true, Panua will never be able to reject our terms."

"How precise is it?"

"Hmm… We don't need to lay down any conditions initially. Setting the boundary first might please them. In times like these, it's best to make a promise without mentioning the reward. They will likely offer a significantly higher price than their original estimate out of sheer terror."

While Sebastian possessed exceptional skills, Jenny's insights were truly remarkable.

Lennok readily accepted her advice.

"So, should I send a similar message to Dyke?"

"Just inform the headquarters of the appropriate meeting time, and that will suffice. They will take care of the rest. Remember only the minimum reward you have in mind, and if Panua's offer falls short, don't hesitate to walk away from the negotiation."

Though it seemed unlikely, Lennok nodded in agreement with Jenny's concluding remarks and rose from his seat.

"Could you then send the message to Dyke? I hadn't planned to work originally, but I pushed myself a bit too hard… I need some more rest."

He had overworked himself trying to uncover Dyk's internal affairs, and his body persisted in its exhaustion. With lingering abdominal bruises restricting his movement, Lennok felt he needed more rest than usual.

At that moment, Jordan, who had been silently listening with crossed arms beside Jenny, spoke up.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

"…There's no particular issue."

"You seem quite tired lately."

Lennok gazed at Jenny in silence.

Who else could have divulged this story to Jordan?

Even if he knew she was concerned, it was futile.

As expected, Jenny pursed her lips and averted her gaze.

"Don't look at me like that, it's a bit unsettling."

Coming from a woman who wouldn't flinch even if a bomb exploded before her, her remark lacked credibility.

In the end, Lennok sighed and nodded slightly.

"Well… It's not uncommon for wizards to experience mental fatigue. It's part of the package."

Of course, considering Lennok's mental fortitude and magical aptitude, the possibility of being burdened like this, unless immediately after a battle, was almost nonexistent. However, it was another matter altogether to express that directly.

Lennok didn't trust Jordan and Jenny to that extent yet, and he had no intention of revealing his physical condition to others.

Maximizing magical talent wasn't solely a matter of mental or spiritual aptitude.

The talent for inherent mana, when closely examined, was physical talent, and the ability to sense and channel mana quickly couldn't be dismissed as unrelated to the body.

Even if this body, resembling delicate glass, was something he currently wished to replace, there was no doubt that it was the vessel capable of containing the talent of magic within.

Lennok had no intention of revealing himself so easily, not until he grew much stronger. He wanted to ensure his safety even if he disclosed some of his abilities.

Looking directly at Lennok's face, Jordan spoke once again.

"Bruising, huh."


"Underneath the right side of your abdomen. You received a strong impact and were pinned down, didn't you? I thought there might be an issue with your legs because your walking seems uncomfortable, but that's not it. Even your sitting posture appears awkward."

For once, Lennok was rendered speechless.

Despite his unexpectedly keen observation, Jordan continued speaking.

"The disruption in your breathing must be related to that too. You're deliberately moving your right thigh to conceal it, but the pain has dulled your senses, and your foot is slightly twisted. The more conscious you are of it, the more awkward your gait becomes."

"…… I heard you're a doctor, and it seems to be true. Are you saying you can deduce such symptoms just by observing the surface?"

"Living a lot, and killing, there are things you come to know over time… Wait a moment."

With that, Jordan went upstairs to the second floor of the pub, returned with a small box that fit in his palm, and handed it to Lennok.

"It's a potion patch made from medicinal herbs effective for treating internal injuries. It's quite potent. It will swiftly alleviate the pain from your bruising."

Lennok accepted the medicine offered by Jordan, feeling somewhat dumbfounded.

"Thank you. How much does it cost…"

"You've likely consumed alcohol worth more than 3 million Cells here. Are you seriously calculating that? Don't refuse, just take it."


Quietly, Lennok pocketed the medicine, realizing that there was no need to overthink it.

Considering it a gesture of goodwill to maintain a positive cooperative relationship in the future would be sufficient.

The fact that Jordan's perception was far sharper than Lennok had anticipated was intriguing.

Ignoring Jenny, who was squinting beside him, Lennok nodded and made his way out of the pub.

As he was leaving, Jenny spoke from behind,

"I'll contact you after I've arranged a meeting with Dyke. Take a good rest. You worked hard today too."


Come to think of it, it had been well over half a year since he started working with her.

Initially, he thought it was a temporary alliance that could be severed at any moment, but he had maintained this connection that had begun by chance for a long time.

Had they become close enough to inquire about each other's well-being, not just in a professional sense?

Lennok found it absurd to attach significance to such an occurrence, yet he partly accepted it.

After all, humans couldn't live in isolation.

It was only natural to want to trust and rely on someone.

His current stance, viewing that natural inclination as unnatural, was what was truly flawed.

‘Let's return home.'

He needed to clear his mind of unnecessary thoughts and focus on what lay ahead.

He had to conclude the draining back-and-forth with Dyke within the next two days.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

The designated time set by Dyke had arrived.

Lennok quickly dressed and made his way to Dyke's headquarters.

This time, there was no sedan to receive him, no Killian to guide him, but the circumstances were vastly different from their initial meeting.

Contrary to their ambitious plan to change the landscape of the 40s districts, the glaring truth of their incompetence in executing the operation was revealed. He also discovered that their manpower was woefully inadequate due to internal political repercussions.

It would be absurd if he couldn't take the lead in this process.

Lennok had already agreed on the minimum compensation with Jenny. If Dyke couldn't meet that requirement, there would be no further collaboration.

With that thought in mind, Lennok promptly knocked on Panua's office door.

"Welcome. Please have a seat."

The office setting appeared unchanged.

However, Lennok didn't miss the fact that the screen of the small display positioned in the corner of the office was subtly angled to obscure the view.

Without saying a word, Panua prepared a cup of coffee for Lennok, who sat on the office sofa, and calmly took her seat opposite him.


She carefully selected her words.

Panua was well aware that if she failed to convince Lennok here and now, everything would fall apart.

The first step was already decided.

"I apologize."

Slowly, she bowed her head.

"I'm sorry for blabbering about our ambitious plan to you and being late in dealing with the aftermath. It was all my fault."


"All the inconveniences during the operation were a result of headquarters' mistakes, and we will compensate you accordingly. We also promise to distribute the success fees of the other team members who were unsuccessful in the mission."

A sincere apology without any excuses, delivered with an unwavering composure.

One could discern the determined mindset with which she had come here, having experienced a bitter failure.

But this alone wouldn't be enough to win Lennok's cooperation.

Not if they intended to relentlessly pursue their original plan.

She momentarily lowered her gaze and then spoke slowly.

"You've probably noticed what has been happening within our company in the past week."


Lennok's gaze subtly shifted at her unexpected words.

She brought up Dyke's internal situation, which he believed to be their most vulnerable point, right from the start.

It seemed that Panua had no intention of simply trying to sway him with money.

"I'll openly admit it here. Despite the capital invested in this project, the number of high-quality personnel we can mobilize within the company is extremely limited. Those who have been assisting me probably won't be able to remain in the company after the failure of this plan."

"Just get to the point."

Lennok's cold words caused Panua to flinch, biting her lip.

The positions of the two had reversed in less than a month, a bitter irony she must have felt.

However, rather than being consumed by such petty emotions, she had prepared a more rational approach to persuade him.

"……No matter what happens, I want to enlist your help. This is a testament to my determination."

With those words, she retrieved a black security bag from behind the sofa.

Panua unlocked the securely fastened latch and entered the password, causing the bag to swing open.

Inside, a pair of small rings peered out, exuding a strong magical aura.

"It's the artifact we staked in the previous operation for the shadow wizard who collaborated with us, the Ring of Fire and Ice."


"While it may not quite live up to the reward we promised Mr. Wizard, it is a valuable artifact equipped with a shock-resistant spell that can protect the wearer."

Panua's eyes gleamed with desire.

Although she claimed it didn't fully meet the promised reward, if this ring was also on the line for complete success, it was undoubtedly a valuable item.

However, Lennok maintained his composure and responded without changing his expression.

"You know what I want."

It was the minimum condition agreed upon by Jenny and Lennok.

Regardless of its adequacy, they both believed they had to at least secure the promised artifact.

If Panua attempted to satisfy him with just a pair of artifacts, the deal would be off.

Sensing Lennok's stance, she quickly continued her words.

The crucial point lay ahead.

"The bidding for the item you desire at the VIP auction house has concluded, and it is currently being prepared for delivery. I assure you that the artifact will be in the hands of the wizard by the time the next request is fulfilled, not after five requests."

Every word she spoke carried earnestness.

She even showed Lennok proof of purchase from the auction house, clearly demonstrating her determination to convince him.


When Lennok didn't respond, her words grew more urgent.

"I will establish a command structure that prioritizes the wizard's judgment in all future operations, and delegate the selection of team members participating in the plans. If that's not enough…"

Panua's increasingly assertive words came to an abrupt halt as Lennok picked up the pair of rings.

After observing the flow of mana emanating from the artifact for a while, Lennok nodded and rose from his seat.

"Mister wizard…?"

Considering the internal situation of Dyke Corporation that Sebastian had informed him about, the reward she mentioned would likely be the maximum bet she could offer to Lennok.

Since he now possessed the purchase certificate, there seemed to be no need to entertain any unnecessary words.

"Put everything you just said in writing and send it to Jenny. We will discuss the detailed schedule thereafter."

Upon grasping the meaning behind his words, Panua's face brightened slightly, but at the same time, as Lennok turned, it hardened.

With a cold gaze, Lennok looked down at Panua and spoke.

"We will let this matter go for now, but such a mistake should never happen again. It's not only you who is taking risks."


"I have demonstrated my abilities, and I believe I deserve to be treated accordingly."

"I… I understand that."

"What we are currently engaged in is a result of our interests aligning to some extent, not just one-sided assistance, correct?"

Lennok, gripping the handle of the office door, muttered as if letting out a sigh.

"We need to maintain a balance. There are countless issues that cannot be resolved through money alone."

It was an ironic statement.

The words Lennok directed at Panua seemed more fitting for himself.

But in this situation, even such confusion was a luxury.



Left alone in the quiet office, Panua silently bowed her head.

Her face displayed an indescribable weariness.

As Lennok glanced back, assessing her posture, he wordlessly turned his back and swiftly left the building.


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