Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

Chapter 196: Announcement

Chapter 196: Announcement

First off, I would like to apologize for not updating recently but the matters regarding my child and work kept me very busy, and now, it’s even worse since as many already know, I’m a soldier and since Russia is at war with Ukraine, it’s a wake-up call for every soldier. Including me.

Now, my country is nearby Ukraine and they have borders with us, and ever since a few days ago, me, and a few others are guarding the borders to Ukraine in order for no one to trespass illegally or in the worst case, bring forth their weapons or vehicles for something malicious.

That being said, I have postponed the updates both on webnovel and p atreon, but it just feels way too unfair to people that paid for the tiers on p atreon so much money to not get anything for so long, therefore I’ll try to spam as many chapters as I can today and tomorrow ON THE P ATREON, be it in my free time or while I’m guarding the borders and continue working as much as I can to catch up.

When it comes to guarding borders we have 12 hour shifts meaning I would spend 12 hours from 4 AM to usually 4PM at work and then I come home and take care of the kid plus some more work that I brought from work.

Updates on webnovel are…I am not sure. I want to do so much stuff. I want to continue this fic, I want to make a new fic, I want to make another one shot. I want to write. I have tons of ideas for this fic as well, which might make someone laugh at least even if it’s dumb.

Yet there are so many responsibilities I have. That I simply can’t do what I want.

So for those three or so readers and those ten haters who are still reading this garbage story, I’ll return. I don’t know when, but I will.

If there are any people from Ukraine here or on my p atreon, I hope you are safe and sound. DO NOT give me any more money on *******, safekeep whatever you can. You will need it. Good luck and I hope everyone stays safe.

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