Global Fog Survival

Chapter 54: The Lord-level Mutant

The five teams quickly contracted, each team having a servant retreating while using the tip of an axe to carve deep grooves into the ground. Two other servants carried large barrels, walking backward as they poured gunpowder into the grooves. Behind them, others carried planks to clear a path and prevent accidental falls. Each explosive setup had multiple fuses to prevent any mishaps. Despite the tension, everyone maintained their rhythm without chaos.

[You believe that igniting it in twenty-seven seconds will be the best choice, ensuring it is heavily injured at the center of the explosion!]

[Attention! Before it is severely injured, do not let anyone look directly at it. Among everyone present, only you and Sanna can barely withstand its mental interference!]

“Injured?!” Colin’s pupils contracted. This meant that over a ton—nearly two tons of explosives—wouldn’t be enough to kill it completely? Did the so-called significant damage at one hundred pounds only manage to blow off its toenails? What kind of attributes does a lord-level mutant have?

“It’s a good thing I didn’t get arrogant with just a ton of explosives and rush in. I almost got fooled by that warning. The information given really needs to be taken seriously!” Colin cursed inwardly, then quickly retreated, unable to split his focus. He had to concentrate on the gray fog ahead, watching the mutant’s direction and the countdown on the prompt. Thirty seconds, ten seconds, one second!

“Light it up!” Colin shouted, calmly using the lantern to pour out blood and ignite the fuse on his assigned line. “Run! Don’t look back!”

As soon as he spoke, the servants dropped their barrels and started retreating quickly. They also loudly repeated Colin’s command: Don’t look back! The gunpowder quickly traced the ground. As the lord-level mutant approached, Colin could feel his brain becoming distinctly uncomfortable—a mild pain as if being kneaded. Not long after, as they reached the forest’s edge, Colin waved to halt the teams and gave another command:

“Get into the pits! Cover it with planks! Don’t talk, don’t look up, and don’t open your eyes!”

Upon hearing this, everyone in the five teams laid down in the prepared pits, covered themselves with planks, covered their ears, and opened their mouths, following standard procedures to avoid the blast.

To prevent mishaps, Colin and the others didn’t leave the forest but hid in temporary trenches to avoid the mutants giving up its pursuit. Other teams dug the trenches while Colin’s team was placing the barrels. They were about half a meter to a meter deep, primarily to shield against the terrifying shockwaves from over a thousand kilograms of explosives.

The digging teams had retreated near the war chariots when Colin first called out, leaving this area for them. No one would be idle in this operation! At this moment, the people in the trenches heard the sizzling of the gunpowder quickly fading in the dead forest. Their hearts were in their throats, feeling unavoidable fear and various emotions and thoughts due to the lord-level mutant’s terrifying mental interference. Even from hundreds of meters away, its power still had some effect, though subtle and hard to notice. Only Colin, experienced with dealing with various mutants, could discern the abnormality.

This time, Colin could confirm that the church appeared to be blocking the power of the lord-level aberration. There was no effect when they were separated by a wall for less than ten meters in a straight line. This was enough to prove the church’s peculiarity. But now was not the time to think about that.

Colin, the only one with open eyes, stared at the mist, watching for hints in his mind to avoid any other surprises. He “skillfully” bit down on the inside of his cheek, using the pain to suppress stray thoughts and keep the hints in his mind orderly.

But suddenly, a sharp pain shot from his eyeball, “piercing” into his brain and “stirring” his brain, bringing indescribable pain.

“It can attack from this far?!”

Colin was horrified to find that, in a special way, he “saw” a deformed, swollen, tumor-covered giant foot extending from the mist! Above the foot, disappearing into the shadowy fog, was the horrifying, rapidly approaching figure of a giant. It seemed to move in a bizarre manner—not like a normal person walking!

At that moment, Colin realized the spiritual pollution was coming from the giant foot, covered in numerous tumors of varying sizes, each with an eyeball locking onto him! They tried to establish visual contact and then emit terrifying pollution to evoke extreme emotions in him, targeting the one daring to look at them from hundreds of meters away! But clearly, the distance made this “punishment” not lethal.

In Colin’s view, the giant’s body emerged from the fog, standing five meters tall, ignoring all traps laid here, directly trampling forward. At that moment, Colin suddenly closed his eyes, which felt like they had sand in them, and rolled into the trench, pulling the plank over and lying flat. The next second, flames shot skyward, engulfing the “giant’s” figure instantly. Simultaneously, everyone, whether in the trenches or on standby near the chariots, felt a destructive shock wave hit them instantly.

A distinct “boundary” appeared in the flames, a semi-transparent visual distortion caused by the explosion’s enormous pressure compressing the air. It was only visible for a fleeting moment. However, its impact lingered, unlike its brief appearance. A tremendous rumbling followed closely, arriving almost simultaneously for everyone.

In a brief second, everyone felt their internal organs trembling, their chests compressed, creating a suffocating feeling akin to being heavily struck. It felt like they suddenly couldn’t breathe, and all thoughts were scattered by the shock, leaving a momentary blankness. At that moment, the only thing that existed in their world was the explosion!

When Colin and the others arrived, they saw nothing but endless mist and overwhelming dust. Gravel, stones, branches, and even flying fragments of burning tree trunks fell like rain. The power of nearly two tons of explosives was indeed terrifying!

“Luckily, it was two tons of gunpowder. If it were two tons of TNT, we wouldn’t even need cremation and would be buried on the spot.”

The rumbling lingered in the air. Amid such tremors, Colin felt as if the world had been destroyed. He pushed up the plank from the trench, stood up, and surveyed the post-explosion world, quickly gathering his scattered thoughts. However, a sudden realization hit him hard… The kill notification hadn’t appeared!

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