Global Killing: I Could Plunder Talent

235 Chapter 235

"Hint: congratulations on activating the combat strength star system. The combat strength star system would reflect the real combat effectiveness. At present, only powerful masters above 600 stars could unlock the system. Your current combat strength star is 700."

Dick was suddenly enlightened by the hint. It turned out that this was a unique measure of the combat strength, and only a master above 600 stars could unlock it. That meant that his combat strength was actually equivalent to a soul-level master above LV55.

Thinking of this, Dick felt excited. With the combat strength star system, he could accurately measure his combat effectiveness and get more benefits in future battles.

After entering the Bright Temple, Dick was surprised to find that it was completely different from the Dark Temple.

The dilapidated Dark Temple was full of dilapidation and darkness. However, in the Bright Temple, there was only the holy aura surrounding it.

In front of Dick, there was a young girl in a white dress. Her whole body was pure white, like a transparent angel floating in the light. She smiled gently when she saw Dick.

"You are here. Master has known it since you came. Please follow me. He is waiting for you."

After saying that, the girl went straight to the depths of the Bright Temple. Dick couldn't see her hostility, so he decided not to make a move for the time being and followed the girl to see what she was going to do.

In the depths of the Bright Temple, the girl in the white dress slowly disappeared, but Dick's breath stopped in an instant.

In front of him was a huge church. The light from the glazed window shone on a young girl who was kneeling down. Her face was like a Greek goddess statue, which was so beautiful that it was suffocating.

There was no doubt that the young girl was Dick's target this time, which was the justice judge!

"You are here, you sinner. Are you here to express repentance?"

The justice judge stood up, with a slender sword in her hand, surrounded by scattered light dots.

She opened her eyes, which seemed to reflect everything in the world and have the power to see through people's hearts.

She frowned slightly and was surprised to find that she couldn't see through Dick's heart. It had never happened in her life.

"Why should I repent? I don't think there is anything worth repenting for what I have done. Or do you want me to be accused of falsehood?"

A sharp light shot out from the eyes of the justice judge. The sword in her hand pointed at Dick, and a strong pressure fell with the light as if to crush Dick's body.

"Justice Judge. Grade: LV58. Combat strength: 698 stars. Talent: bright trial and justice light."

While reading the information about the justice judge from the Eyes of God, Dick walked forward under the pressure of the justice judge.

"You have turned all the people who entered the Bright Mountains into puppets. Do you think this is justice? As a justice judge, your soul was still unwilling to leave after you died. Is this also justice?"

In the face of Dick's questioning, the justice judge did not waver in the slightest. Instead, she revealed an extremely beautiful smile.

"I stay here just because there are still many evil things in the world waiting for me to clear up. As for those people, aren't they guilty of entering the Bright Mountains and the divine land?"

The light in the justice judge's sword was getting brighter and brighter. She seemed to lose her patience to continue talking with Dick.

"Go to hell, you sinner. I've already been kind to you. Now let your filthy soul be purified!"

A blazing light rushed out and Dick flashed by.

Everything that was touched by the brightness lost its shape in the brightness.

Dick smiled bitterly. Sure enough, it was impossible to use words to wake up the living memories of such a soul. He had to launch an attack!

However, the light of justice was really too terrifying.

Dick raised the knight sword in his hand and released the brightness from his eyes. With the Eyes of God combined with six senses talent, he saw through the flaw in the brightness.

Although the power used by the justice judge and the evil judge seemed to be two completely opposite forces, in fact, there was also an evil power hidden under the brightness.

It was this trace of the evil power that affected the justice judge and trapped her soul within the Bright Temple.

Blazing thunder rushed out from the knight sword, and Dick's body shuttled through the irradiant bright power.

Although the sword of the justice judge was incomparably fast, it couldn't touch the corner of Dick's clothes. "This is not justice. You should have seen your nature clearly!"

Dick roared as he swung his knight sword at the sword of the justice judge.

The explosion caused by the collision of the thunderclap and the brightness caused the entire Bright Temple to tremble violently. The justice judge let out a miserable cry and her body suddenly retreated.

There was a bright red wound on her arm, which dyed her whole arm red.

The power of the thunderclap had an obvious restraining effect on evil. Even if this evil aura was hidden deep in the body of the justice judge, it still caused a lot of damage to her.

"That's impossible! I'm representing the justice of the world! How could I have an evil aura?"

The justice judge looked blankly at her bleeding palm and muttered to herself with her eyes absent-minded.

"Be realistic. Your nature has been changed. You should know where you should go, right?"

Dick's knight sword was placed on the neck of the justice judge, ready to release the last blow. But at this time, an unusual grey light flashed in the eyes of the justice judge.

An ominous premonition arose in his heart, and an extremely evil force came from Dick's feet as if to devour everything.

Dick didn't dare to stay any longer. He flapped his wings of fear and rushed out of the church at full speed.

The next moment, the ground where Dick had been standing cracked inch by inch, and a frightening mouth appeared from the ground, devouring the dull justice judge like a black hole.

Dick's clothes were wet with cold sweat. As long as he stayed up a little longer, he would be swallowed up by this big mouth and become the food of that horrible creature.

"Hint: you have triggered the hidden task of 1% probability. The task of purifying the justice judge has been automatically merged. Killing the evil creatures under the Bright Temple is considered as completing the task."

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