God Of Immortals

Chapter 58: Revenant Among Us [II]

Chapter 58: Revenant Among Us [II]

But before the revenant could finish his words, everything froze in place. The space around the revenant was visibly contorted from the powerful force of space manipulation. It could only mean one thing.

Shao Cheng.

One of the top three geniuses of the Last Sages sect. Being the number one genius in the path of space-time, he was given the chance to choose out of the best techniques. And he had gone with the Weave Dimensions technique. It was a difficult and time consuming technique to learn, but it was a very powerful technique.

Shao Cheng was using all his might to hold the spacetime in place while activating his most powerful move, the Two Dimensional Steps. With one step, the opponent would enter the frozen space. Another step, and the opponent's soul would be forever stuck in time becoming a living statue. The soul would be in a continuum until the body is shattered.

Few seconds after, the space rumbled and the force-field area returned back to normal.

"How intriguing! You must be a peak-stage premier. I guess you already forming a phantom core. Yet, you can almost display the strength of an early bronze core, the weakest bronze core by the way. Nevertheless, how can you compare to the wonder called myself? Maybe I'll take your phantom core after all. Come to one side, and stay put. Not that you have any other choice." 

Shao Cheng moved to the right side and stood like a human statue.

The moment the revenant turned to the others, he found himself holding the Sinnughar core. Smile broke over his face as he held the core high up.

"At last, I have the core. Now I can go home to a befitting welcome and many rewards. Hahaha."

Li Ling couldn't hold the illusion any longer. How could she? She was only a four-pillar Zhuji cultivator of the house of dreams and illusion. As a genius core disciple, she had taken the Ultimate Mirage technique. Now, she was using her most powerful technique, the Dream Life. But she was using it against a much more powerful opponent. Blood was beginning to streak down the corner of her mouth and nose. Her strength was simply leaving her.

The Dream Life sorrounding the revenant started to flunctuate.

"Ahhh. What? An illusion? The core was an illusion? What a power. I've heard about the abilities of your kinds, and now, I've witnessed it for myself. Truly magnificent. Such a pity. We could have been friends, dreamcaster. Ah. That's me sighing. For me to be remembering you, i will take your heart and soul with me. I believe that's good enough or what do you think? You can come to the side too."

Li Ling was invisibly dragged to Shao Cheng side where she remained like a statue too.

Su Ming couldn't think properly. Why was this happening? Where were the elders? What of the sect's security? Was she going to die like this? Her parents! Her clan! They had all contributed for her to be in the sect. How would they take her death? No, she couldn't afford to die.

While the revenant was still dealing with Li Ling, Su Ming took out her ancestral heirloom, the Arroros needle. She knew she wasn't at the level of using it but she couldn't simply wait to be killed without doing anything. She also removed a seal from her bag, imbued all her Chi and her intention into the seal. Then, she quickly put the Arroros needle on the seal, added some of her blood on the needle and seal, and launched it in the direction of the revenant.

The moment the revenant turned, it was surprised to see a giant, dangerous looking needle, flying towards him because he wasn't expecting another sudden attack. He could feel the power and intent behind the needle. Definitely, a golden core level at the least or an ascendant. This was a formidable opponent. How could a Presider use a nascent soul attack? SEAL! A seal. She must have used a seal.

In an instant, he took out his weapons too. Two transparent saber swords made from the fangs of a primordial dragon-like beast. The force-field grew stronger and was vibrating with a buzzing sound. He sent a wave of invisible attack towards the aprroaching needle.

The giant needle with an immense power which was causing the entire space to flunctuate collided with the invisible attack. The sound of the impact was like that of a colossal thunder.

Su Ming was knocked flying to the side but was still inside the Golden Phantom Seal locked area. She could feel her legs deformed beyond mere paralysis. Her hands were twisted beyond measures and was vomitting blood profusely. She knew she had gone beyond the limit of herself and could be walking in the shadows of death. The revenant too was knocked a few steps back.

The needle had split into a thousand needles, forming the Thousand-Arroros-Pincers. But the energy had ran out of the seal, causing the needle to shrink and return back to Su Ming.

But the disruption caused by the needle was enough for the grand-elder to discover the location of the disturbance. He quickly made several hand seals before sending his sword in the direction of the fluctuations.

Havenblade, an heavenly sword, was one of the several artifacts created by the mighty weapons created by the godly forgers of the Dirge sanctuary. And was only inferior to a luminous and divine weapon. Being a spacetime weapon, the sword locked the position of the disturbance and immediately appeared inside the golden phantom area. It warped the space and shattered the seal, making the whole area visibly manifested.

The disciples who had been passing through the place without noticing anything had to scramble away when they saw the area manifesting out of thin air.

The heavenly sword continued towards the revenant causing space rifts to appear all arround the area.

The revenant expression changed when he saw what was happening.

"A high-grade heavenly treasure?"

How was that even fair? The revenant thoughtfully asked himself. How many cultivators had he killed before he could have the pair of sabers of his? And they were only low-grade heavenly treasures. With the involvement of a high-grade heavenly treasure, things had changed. He knew he wouldn't be able to recover the core at that moment. And to recover the Sinugghar core would require more plans and effort. So, the revenant decided it was time to make a run for it.

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