Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 583: Adventure Aunt

Chapter 583: Adventure Aunt

Shout-out to Lensai for the patron support @

patre /fanharem


The entire explanation seemed quite easy to doubt if not for the fact that Nik didn't need to lie if he really wanted to pursue someone else. Anna knew that as she nodded while sighing in distress. Meanwhile, Kiara finally poked Brandon's arm and whispered, "She's your sister, right? She isn't that bad..." Kiara's gaze involuntarily landed on Nik as Brandon grunted, "Wait till you snatch the tv's remote." He still recalled the scratches from the demon's claws. His phone rang suddenly as he furrowed his gaze at the sight of the caller and ended the call with the message in tow when the gazes of a few parents who rushed after learning of the attack and the students looked at a zooming pitch-black motorcycle coming to a drifting stop right in front of Anna and Nik.

The rider on the back still wearing a simple yellow shirt that Nik recalled gazing upon this morning but instead of a tasteful pencil skirt, the woman in green helmet wore brown pants that revealed her curves. The moment the bike stopped, Mary, who was now wearing pants, jumped down and hurriedly removed her helmet, making her hair look a disheveled as she hugged Anna tightly and silently, her shuddering breath echoing and aside from the entrance she looked just like any other parent who rushed to the scene to check for their child's safety.

"Mom?" Anna squeaked as she hugged back while gazing around in embarrassment. Her gaze landed on Nik who took a step back, unwilling to separate them while Brandon did so himself, unwilling to get graced by Mary's motherly PDA, at least, not in front of the school and other kids. "Junior?! Get here!" Much to Mary's relief, the moment she opened her eyes while still wrapping Anna into a hug, she found Junior standing alongside a dark-haired and slightly pale-skinned girl. "Hah! She can be so demanding, right?" A muffled voice attracted Nik's attention as he looked to his side and found the rider of the bike standing next to him. A woman, identified from a single glance, Nik looked towards Mary pulling Brandon into a hug without replying back.

After all, why would he reply to the person who still hadn't taken off her helmet? That's simply rude. "Do I know you?" Nik ended up replying. He had nothing better to do. "Nope," the figure in the atrocious jacket replied. Nik felt hot just by looking at the jacket and not in a good way. "But Mary told me a lot about you. You're dating her daughter, Ann, right?"

"Among many other things," Nik nodded as he couldn't help but yawn. he still felt a little deprived. His energy reserves had been filled once again by the first lecture but space blender actually utilized quite a bit from Nik. "I'm their aunt, by the way," The figure spoke with genuine excitement that confused Nik a little. "Good for you?" He gazed into the black-tinted glass of the helmet as the figure shook her head. "You wouldn't understand... I'm meeting them for the first time so I need a favor. Mary knows Anna and Junior as a mother but I want to know a different approach." She whispered, "Do you know something that will give off the best impression on the kids?"

"Yeah," Nik nodded with a smile, "Give Brandon a batch of coke for massive profits and for Ann... hmm... I think I'm the best thing that happened to her, so she'll be fine."

Natasha almost choked as she took off her helmet, letting her red hair cascade past her shoulders as her sweat-matted face turned towards Nik with her dark eyes glaring at Nik. Although Nik would definitely love to compliment her scent but the fact remained that she needed to freshen up and... this isn't the world where one can compliment on sweat during the first meet. 'Huh, I should author an inter-galactic guide of picking up women...' Nik thought while Natasha spoke, "Quite the tongue you have there."

Unable to hold a snicker, Nik stuck his tongue out, "Thanks. It's about time someone appreciated me for my skills."

Natasha wouldn't be an international spy and seductress if she didn't understand Nik's words, his actions, and his meaning.

'Why did Mary even let Ann date such a guy... if it were my kid...' Stopping her thoughts before falling in the waterfall of bitterness, Natasha snorted softly as the both of them on the sidelines heard Anna's squeal. "You mean 'the' adventure aunt?" Natasha looked towards Mary and found Anna and Brandon looking towards her direction as Nik's sarcastic whisper didn't help at this moment. "You wished that you could have wiped your face now, right?"

Of course, Natasha almost struck her helmet towards Nik as the apostle noted the twitches of her body for the same.


"Assassination of 6 chairpersons of Oscorp," In a slightly darker interrogation room, Nick sat in front of Norman. Goblin was surrounded by a translucent perimeter as he punched the glassy surface without any reward once again. Meanwhile, Nick Fury looked completely impassive as he continued. "A mutated human calling himself Red attacked the Midtown Highschool. Your son, Harry, is hospitalized and a destroyed corpse is found within the men's bathroom. Care to explain?" Nick inquired as he waited for quite a few minutes until Goblin looked at Nick and inquired with a snarl.

"What happened to Harry?"

"His body went into a temporary shock. I would love to believe that your son is innocent but he will still be a silent suspicion of higher authorities until you clear his name."

"My cooperation?" Goblin chuckled eerily, "I stopped caring about my son's genes a few days back. No, I only care about my genes!" He roared, "Peter wanted to save him but I could feel it! My blood was freeing him, too!" Smashing both of his fist against the glass wall, Goblin opened his mouth and revealed hi almost 40 centimeters long tongue, "My blood will soon flow within everyone else! It doesn't matter if I remain inside this place forever."

Cackling, Goblin's massive body actually twirled on his toes as if he was dancing freely, "You were right! I just needed to stop being a businessman! I am a pioneer of the next generation!" Revealing a slightly crazy expression, he gazed at Nick viciously, "I've got nothing to lose. Only a new generation awaits me! Nick, you'll love it! Your thoughts... they won't belong to some organization anymore!"

Goblin grinned with thick globules of saliva dripping on his feet, inducing Nick to stand on his feet as he walked out and instructed Agent Brew standing guard. "I want Goblin's blood samples. Ask the researchers from Project SIN to reverse engineer it. Get a team of agents ready and swoop through Norman's communication networks. He just sent the formula to someone else, and desperate enough to try it! Find that person!" Nick's instruction instantly brought S.H.I.E.L.D into a new set of motion.


"My one-eyed captain?" Tony responded the call as Nick's inquiry erupted, "Did you receive anything from Norman?" Furrowing his brows, Tony gazed at Nick's face on his phone and sighed, "I tried to ask him Charlotte's number but the cheapskate couldn't even do that. Were you expecting something?" Tony inquired as Nick gazed towards Tony before disconnecting the call as Stark placed the device on the table and looked at the enlarged screen in front of him. "Jarvis, run the tests," he spoke as he looked at a string of numbers on the screen with a small word scribbled below the formula crediting the work to Goblin. "Even if this isn't the answer, be sure to extend it to project Extremis," Tony spoke after a single moment as he heard Jarvis' confirmation.

Meanwhile, within Oscorp inside one of the many labs constructed in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the skyscr.a.p.er, a man with one of his hands lost in an unfortunate accident received an anonymous email showing the same formula that Tony had begun investigating. The bespectacled man shuddered as he gazed at the single line, his gaze glimmering as he hurriedly began preparing the fresh mice present within the lab for the test purposes.



Anna hugged Natasha tightly with her heart fluttering as he sat on the back seat of the bike while Natasha zoomed past the vehicles by making dangerous turns without a moment's hesitation. Anna was seriously scared but she felt too excited to not give into the temptation to shout loudly and enjoy it. This was like riding a dangerous roller coaster with eyes closed but her body still feeling the butterflies, making her shout and giggle in amazement. With a skid, Natasha came to a stop right in front of Mary's car as Mary glared at Natasha while Anna groggily sat back and looked around.

"What? We are already here?" She looked around and slowly got down before stumbling about like a drunkard, "Whheee~" she chimed.

"Woah, slow down," Natasha helped Ann stand straight while nodding at Mary. "I really wanted to stop by for the lunch you invited me to but..."

"It's fine," Mary huffed before smiling, "You're coming now then."

Holding on Natasha's hand, Mary dragged her up to the apartment with Anna in tow.

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