Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 700: Stuffed Mouth

Chapter 700: Stuffed Mouth

Support my Og: Origin Path 'OP'pai, on . I didn't have the patience to wait till first April so I dropped out and posted the novel on wn itself. Any and every support counts and there's already 7 chaps~


Ava woke up finding herself in Nik's embrace. The events of last night were slightly hazy to the woman but there were a few things she didn't know. In fact, Nik kept it hidden from almost everybody that he had started taking secret lessons from Loki. He had returned only an hour ago while the dawn kissed the night sky goodbye.

The reason for this was quite simple. It all stemmed from the developing spiritual system in the consciousness city.

All the girls had some form of foundation which contributed greatly towards the start of the system which transformed into a sturdy foundation and acc.u.mulation of the spiritual system itself. Although Sky, Lilith, and Pure had to contribute more, the fact remained that the over-all development had reached the point of stagnation and now needed creativity to grow.

This 'creativity' was brought by Loki's teachings.

With just two lessons from Loki, Nik now understood the vastness of the universe he had transmigrated in.

Cosmic deities, Celestials, Gods, and otherworldly dimensional beings.

This world could be said to have been littered with beings stronger than rank 6. Strange was a good example. According to Sky, every reality has a different power system but the concept of nine shackles remains true everywhere. Just that many, many organisms simply aren't aware of these limitations and spend their entire life being in the same power system or growing stronger physically or mentally without ever being able to unshackle themselves.

Nik simply used the rudimentary knowledge on these celestial entities to drive the growth of the spiritual system, introducing the concept of body shifting abilities while fusing with elements, like his fire mutation.

Instantly, all the girls used this direction as a major milestone and began forming various forms and ideas once again!

Meanwhile, Nik enjoyed the praises through deception. He would rather enjoy the awed expressions of his girls as for Loki, if she isn't in his fold, it wouldn't matter since his lie wouldn't get caught either way.

"Hmm," Ava mewled and stretched her arms, her left hand digging under Nik's back as he grimaced while she grunted. "So? What was that strange box 'inviting' me?" Ava inquired as Nik looked at the ceiling while thinking if he should go through his usual method and communicate everything mentally or try a different approach. The former was his usual go-to method since it was easy and made perfect sense to the girls. While the other method was something he learned from Ray.

In fact, this is what Nik used previously in the beginning.

To manipulate their mind slightly and 'suggest' that everything they are doing is fine and it is totally normal to be hooking up with a person who jumps through different bodies.

"It's," Nik wondered, "I don't know. The most basic term would be inviting you to a harem," Nik spoke up as Ava slowly sat with sheets pulled up to her shoulders and faced Nik with a strange gaze.

"Harem? What are you? Some sort of eastern royalty in the early 17 century?" Ava remarked with a smile as Nik turned towards Ava, "I wish," he smiled, "but ruling a country feels too tiresome, don't you think?"

"Anyway, this method really is far more convenient," Nik shrugged while Ava winced slightly as a surge of information filled her mind. Dazed and surprised by the severity of the information, she finally digested everything and slowly looked under her sheet. Unlike her imagination, her entrance wasn't soiled and sticky but instead, she was completely clean. Something she now understood.

'So... we didn't need protection after all?' A moment of disappointment flashed in her eyes before she hurriedly sat up, "Wait!" she called out to Nik, "Isn't this too blunt? What am I going to do now? Wait for you every night?"

"What?" Nik looked at her strangely while Pickle enveloped him and slowly shifted into a casual outfit, "It was never about ceremony, right? I mean... if you want to stay in a relationship with me, we don't need to sign a contract or anything. I'm not a real devil. Oh, and if you want it to be every night, it's your wish. I'm always ready for some action."

"And... Cindy and the others?" Ava inquired, "Are they all..."

"Not Maria," Nik shook his head, "We didn't hit it off."

"No kidding," Ava mumbled, "She kept on saying that you have a weakness and all that. Is it because of this?"

"Probably," Nik shrugged as he eyes Ava for a moment. Even though he hadn't even manipulated the woman's mind, she simply became more accepting of the situation when she learned the entire truth.

"So you're not an orphan... and your father wants to kill you?"

"I think if I had a son like me, I would want to kill him, too," Nik chuckled as Ava's expression turned slightly serious. "I'm kidding," Nik pursed his lips, "And, you shouldn't feel too overwhelmed by my circ.u.mstances, you know. It's not like I will let the... consequences of my birth affect you all," Nik chimed as he kissed the top of Ava's head while walking out of the room, "And I did go into your apartment to pick up a few dresses for you," Nik pointed towards the edge of the bed, "dress up, I'm cooking breakfast."

[Talent Exotic Escort initiated. The average statistical value available to be absorbed and the abilities are listed.

Name: Ava Ayala





Luck: G+



Nik gazed at Ava's stat values with a curious expression. Without her amulet of powers, by every right, Ava was a normal human being but seeing her Luck stat, Nik couldn't help but feel interested in the concept of luck once again. But knowing that this discussion would be a waste of his time once again, Nik selected the Luck stat and continued to cook breakfast without feeling any change.

After all, how can a person even feel his luck?

'Woah, can you hear me?' Ava's whisper echoed in Nik's mind as he replied.

'I can.'

'Alright... before I forget and while I remember this fresh. Felicia contacted me, saying that she... needs your skill. I didn't ask her much but I know Felicia well enough that whatever she asks might just be wrong... if it was yesterday, I might have ignored it completely but...'

'She's dangerous,' Ava continued with a tone of venom, 'and selfish to the core.'

'I see... and you are saying all that while escaping from the window, right?'

Ava fell silent before she mumbled, 'Well, I'm not just meeting all of your group and 'harem.' At least, give me some time...'

'Sure,' Nik sighed, 'Just text me the location and time of meet-up once you are settled back and... travel safe, I guess. New York isn't the most secure city after all.'

'I will, ehm... meet you later...' Ava jumped out from the window of Nik's room as Anna sneaked behind Nik and hugged him tightly.

"So?" She inquired with a snicker, "her eyes filled with curiosity as she glanced towards Nik's bedroom, "Why isn't Ava coming out?"

"She... stood you guys up," Nik shrugged and pecked Anna's cheek while looking at Mary whose clothes were completely formed of the symbiote.

"You both have good control of your presents, huh," Nik smiled as Angela also slowly woke up from the couch. Rubbing her eyes, she looked towards the kitchen but before she could speak, a small mark over her torso lit up, instantly purifying her.

Two days back, Nik had finally completed the first form of support brand that he had started to mark every partner of his. As the name suggests Support Brand had few supporting functions. Energy conversion so that the mark could be self-sufficient and derive spiritual energy from nature, purification, resistance to mental control, and life energy backup in case of emergency treatments.

The use of the brand was finally realized when Nik was inspired by the Valkyrie Art. Although, the unique skill Valkyrie Art remained a mystery even to Sky, the fact that it uses marks similar to brands and totems was a great reference to Nik and the girls.

Still, Nik had yet to incorporate the ability to teleport through the brands.

However, the Support Brands on each girl also suffered from the limitation of not being under their control itself. The brand wasn't alive and had fixed functions. So, in this manner, its usage was quite limited.


Borders of Wakanda.

Cindy and Nik silently stood while gazing at a large, plain.

"How long do we have to wait?" Cindy whined while looking at the small device that they both received from Shuri. It was a communicator supposed to notify Shuri that the duo had arrived at the border of the hidden nation of the panthers.

"Why didn't we just appear inside the barrier?" Cindy inquired as Nik gazed at the small communicator in his hands and smiled, "I don't know. I did try it, but my symbiote and I, for that matter, couldn't cross the barrier. Something is blocking me out."

Meanwhile, his voice echoed in Cindy's mind, 'Good, now act in a shocked manner. The communicator is now recording our image, too.'

"Really?" Cindy exclaimed, her eyes widening while her scarf covering the wide grin underneath, "Then... did you try something else?"

"Yeah," Nik nodded with a grave expression, "But nothing works. Maybe it's something special about this place."

At this moment, the barrier was covered by a small film before the true scenery behind the barrier appeared to Nik's and Cindy's gaze. Followed by a few guards, one of T'challa's Dora Milaje walked out. A bewitching smile on the bald female warrior's face as she rode a large rhinoceros.

"Warrior Vanish and Warrior Silk, King's sister await your presence," she whistled as the guards brought two more rhinoceros forward. Each strapped with a luxurious saddle while the horns of the two beasts were carved with jewels.

"These are Honor steads of the nation," she proclaimed.

Nik and Cindy looked at each other while one of the masked guards moved forward and spoke up, "Please return the communicator. We will lead the two of you"

"We both rushed from our studies, you know," Nik pursed his lips as his fist slammed into the guard's face, breaking the helmet of the guard and striking him down in one blow.

'Those two rhinos are stuffed with explosives... don't get too near them,' Nik communicated with Cindy while looked towards the bald woman.

"How?!" She exclaimed when suddenly, a bundle of tough and silky webbing filled her open mouth, sealing it temporarily and compromising her image in a bad manner.

"Bull's eye!" Cindy chimed while Nik created small portals right in front of the nozzles of the guards' guns and connected all the portals together.

"Mmghaaaataakkkk!" The woman groaned with a mouth full of white and sticky substance as the guards pointed their guns towards the duo. Cindy instantly entered a battle stance while Nik focused himself. The trigger to the explosives, he finally found, was nowhere.

It was a timebomb.

'It'd be a shame that such horny creatures might explode because of me,' Nik thought internally before shifting and appearing near both the rhinoceros. Moving the two animals into the dream core, Nik eerily gazed towards the woman.

She didn't care about animals. She wasn't feeling hungry so there was probably no reason for harming them. Not only that, but the woman had the galls to attack Cindy, too.

In Nik's words, the woman was a Heretic and needed to be extinguished.

However, Nik didn't make any moves just yet while the guards aimed towards Nik and pulled the trigger only to find their sound of gun fires echoing and their guns vibrating for a moment before being jammed.

One of the guards pulled the trigger again and again with the gun exploding in his hands.

Before the woman could say anything, a bestial roar followed by the slight tremors that even made the rhinoceros under the woman feel uneasy, shocked most of the people present as Nik smiled.

"It's a good thing you can't poison yourself, right?" Nik whispered as the woman's gaze widened and under the stunned gazes of the troops of the Wakanda, Nik moved his hand exaggeratedly while the woman vanished from everyone's view.

"Hail Hydra!" One of them hissed before falling on the ground and the others followed the suit instantly.




"Master, you should hide your face," Krodh croaked while walking behind Brian. Currently, Brian's skin was bluish and his chin was exquisitely large. He wore a strange, metallic outfit while Krodh was n.a.k.e.d for the most part.

"You should hide your tail," Brian mumbled, his image wretched, "I'm just not good enough in illusions to even be considered at an entry-level... and it doesn't help that we both have faces that look monstrous."

"I think we look phenomenal," Krodh grinned widely with his terrified eyes curving happily.

"Yeah, we do kind of look phenomenal," Brian finally smiled.

"Master, what are we going to do about your father of this world? He seems pretty intent in killing you."

"Well, it's either me or him. I need his head for my karma, after all," Brian shrugged. No matter how the armies of that man can raze any planet to dust, somethings are supposed to be undertaken. It was probably low of him to take Nik and Ray as a shield but as long as he compensates them, they wouldn't mind the existence of the planet being threatened too much.


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