Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 709: Reunion

Chapter 709: Reunion

A/N: Ray's Picture in the comment. I don't know the og artist but the character I'm posting in the comments belong to the original creator.


"No... leave already," Nik groaned as Felicia sighed. "Your ability is extremely envious. You can get in and out of places without alerting others," she sighed as she simply couldn't persuade Nik to join hands with her and enter the Profession of heist and theft. Although, Felicia admitted she didn't pull out her big 'guns' for the persuasion. Now that she knew the address, she definitely had in her mind the thought to ask for Nik's assistance whenever the situation required. After all, despite her criminal lifestyle, Felicia had quite a good relationship with many vigilantes. She was the thinned down version of robin hood. Taking stuff from rich/bad guys for other rich/bad guys for a healthy commission.

As she left, Nik slumped back on the couch.

'Ah, man, I also needed to visit Paradise today... guess, I'll just make it up to Vertigo and Tigra when I go there with the expedition. I have a lot going on here, after all...'

As he thought of Morgan, Nik resisted the urge to bring her out. That woman was dangerous in more than one way and Nik admitted that fact with a reasonable attitude. If it wasn't for the Dream Core being the same level as Time Stone, he would have found himself quite helpless against the raven-haired dark Sorceress.

'But she isn't against me,' Nik carefully thought, 'She must have known something happens when a time stone is held directly but with the way she was warning me, she must not have realized the advantages brought through the mastery of the insight in time.'

Right now, to Nik, Morgan was not his greatest priority. Neither the other partners nor Shield or any other super agency of the world.

In fact, his priority right now was two special men.

With a wave of golden, Nik purified himself and with a wave of malevolent crimson, he devoured the continuously developing seals inside his body credits to Nirdai and Mirage effectively increasing his energy reserves by a slight margin.

Recalling the address that he is supposed to meet the two special men, he disappeared from the apartment.


How Ray had booked an entire restaurant in the middle of the city was something Nik didn't wish to find out... well, he did, but he already knew the answer which was quite unlawful according to the majority of this world's constitution.

Unlike his usual attire, Nik fashioned Pickle as eastern style robes with wide sleeves and baggy pants. This was a costume party, after all, or so Ray confessed this meeting to be. However, Nik also found himself excited to meet Brian.

Ray and Nik already felt at such a familiarity that even if they didn't meet each other for weeks, they could just keep on stacking conversation points so when they do hang out together, they could let it all out. Troubles with their partners though Ray was the one with the unusually low number of dissatisfied complaints, their usual missions, any new nemesis out there, or potential targets.

However, Brian was different. Despite him admitting that he was basically a fusion of two actual rank 9 monsters, implications of which Nik finally felt like understanding, he admitted that Brian was still too mysterious.

The man had already admitted that he had achieved dozens of adventures under his belt and if almost four adventures could strengthen Nik this much, he could only imagine how strong Brian must be.

Nik's sandals created a clacking noise in the large, emptied restaurant. Not even employees could be seen.

"You're here!"

Ray appeared in front of Nik with a swirl of pink mist, a movement ability that Nik still didn't understand how it truly worked and factored it to Ray's bloodline.

While Nik idly fashioned his clothes plain blue in color, Ray took his costume seriously. He hadn't cut his hair in a long time and it finally reached down near his neck with his hairstyle being rather feminine... and cute. Silver bangs fell on his forehead with his wide pink eyes looking Nik up and down before pouting, "You both don't take costumes seriously, is that it?" He snorted while Nik gazed at Ray's outfit.

Black kimono with a white belt and blue threading while golden blooming flowers remained imprinted on his dress.

"Wasn't it an old eastern style outfit? Why're you wearing a kimono?" Nik inquired while his gaze measured Ray quite openly too, to which, Ray stuck his chest out with pride.

"I guess, it would be your interpretation... with so many adventures, I once entered the world where the year was 1200 but their technology and fashion sense was greater than my homeworld," Ray sighed while Nik had taken the outfit of their third adventure.

Both Ray and Brian knew that Nik lacked the number of exploration of worlds under his belt but they would be damned if they even thought of underestimating him. He had grown too strong even in their own sense and had simply too many treasures... something that Ray had finally managed to catch up to, he thought internally.

"Where's Brian?" Nik inquired eagerly.

"Pitiful me," Ray whined, "I wish that you looked this eager to meet me..." he sighed while Nik snickered, "Don't play coy now. We're already relatives in a sense. You have the family members of most of my partners in your harem, remember? Oh, by the way, is there a way to let them meet each other? Nezuko and others are asking about their families."

"Yeah, same thing here," Ray sighed, "But... We can't actually bring them out in a different world. They'll get disintegrated and all that. If we're lucky, then our next adventure will be in the same universe as our previous adventures and some of them could meet each other."

'Lucky, huh...' Nik thought internally before looking at Ray, "Anyway, you look nice," Nik smiled, "Now take me to Brian already," Nik nudged Ray as he sighed and led Nik.

"I really like this restaurant so I decided to book it for the day," Ray explained while smiling, "The staff will be properly compensated... by Yar," Nik instantly felt his lips twitching.

"But you have to keep from laughing too loud... Brian is feeling a little low," Ray warned while Nik looked confused.

But not for long.

"Brian..." Nik's eyes glazed while Ray compared the situation to a drama series where two brothers have finally reunited after a long time. The long-gone man in specification sat with his back towards the entrance, a maroon hoody covered his much pleasing blue hair when finally, Brian, too, joyfully turned back.

"Nik" He began, expecting to shake the L.u.s.t Apostle's hands when Ray's shoulders trembled while Nik's thoughts furiously worked and absorbed the visual information her received, only to achieve a single, wise conclusion that defied Ray's previous promise.

"Your chin..." Nik's gaze twitched while his lips parted... "So many butt chins..." Nik mumbled, a slow and pleasing smile appearing on his face while the literally blue-skinned man had his expression darkened. Meanwhile, Ray collapsed on the floor, hands, and knees supporting his perky body while he laughed out loud. His melodious chimes, however, felt like one of the worst tribulations Brian had ever faced.

"You both are assholes!" Brian growled.

"Pffft!" Nik couldn't hold it, "Says the one whose face looks like a wrinkled poophole!" Nik guffawed while Brian seethed, "Oh! Oh, here's another one Hello Ms. Cunt, did you meet the new Asshole in the town?" Not letting off, Nik still continued, "Aaah, just thought of another one. Listen to this Ray This Asshole speaking. Do you want to kiss the blue or the black one?"

Ray couldn't help but wheeze, his words stuck in his throat while his cheeks hurt and his stomach clenched up.

"Are you done?" Brian inquired with a cold gaze, alas, his threat fell to a laughing... hole.

"Uh," Nik chuckled, "That's what you said after pooping blue shticks?"

Brian's gaze flickered.

"Or, that's what she said after counting the number of butts on your chin! Heck, your asshole face has butts which have even more assholes!" Nik leaned forward to gaze at Brian's chin while the Temporal Fiend held back to not make things get physical.


"You know, Brian, that one time in the devil world where I tried to seduce you?" Ray began while picking up a ceramic jar filled with sweet nectar, "I'm totally over it," he flashed a smile while Nik snorted a chuckle again.

"Ha-ha, my face is blue. So what? This is the first time I'm going through the experience of a phantom physique, too..." Brian grumbled.

"Why did you spawn so far from us?" Ray pointed out, his expression finally growing a bit solemn as Nik gazed at Brian curiously.

Nik did not have as rich of an experience as the two sitting around him when it came to jumping of different world and beings but he knew one thing that wherever Transmigration Paradise or Transmigration Heart would take them to, it would be a time and place of importance.

Nik, for instance, found himself in the body of a young orphan who had slept with his ex-friend's sister... and mother. Not the best background, but he could manage it and found that in just two months, a god...dess named Loki has an army to conquer the Earth and she wouldn't stop at any cost.

In between this time, he faced off and interacted with multiple powers of the planet and found that this world was astonishingly large and developed with even the mystery of the human evolution redefined in the Temple of the Paradise.

"Oh, about that, this body's birth father is nuts. First, he bred across the universe, and then, spent a better half of his life slaughtering his lovers and offsprings. I'm the last one left and hmm, there are some infinity stones he wants to get for himself and," Brian mused, not particularly threatened by such a background, "and he has an interest in this planet. That's all I know."

"Infinity stones?" Nik mumbled, "What are these... stones?"

Not feeling the slightest bit estranged by the fact that Nik might not have such information, Ray stuck his chest out proudly, "These gems are awesome, or so I am told! Six gems in total control a single, grand aspect of the universe. They are the crystalization of insights!" He exclaimed before deflating back on his seat, "I had a chance to get it... but Strange unfortunately lost the time stone. Oh, that stone can control time and timelines..." he looked towards Nik, informing him.

"Holy f.u.c.k," Nik mumbled while taking a shuddering breath. But suddenly, he looked towards Ray, "Did you just say Strange? Did you..."

"F.u.c.k him good?" Ray licked his lips, "If so, yea I did!" He grinned and raised his fist towards Nik. Bumping Ray's fist, Nik hummed thoughtfully while Ray continued, "So let me get this party started! Not only do I own an entire Magic Institution through a proxy, I have gained the knowledge of an entire power system based on magic and also gained a technique that can help us reach rank 6 and cut short the time needed by Transmigration Heart!"

Without waiting, he continued with an eager expression, "Not only that, I f.u.c.k.i.e.d another guy and he creates a strange form of flames. It is identified as a B+ level of flames Hell Flame. Well, boys, I think that with me putting so much on the line, you both won't shy away from exposing a few goodies to trade!"

Nik and Brian looked at each other. First, Nik had to stop himself from laughing while facing Brian but that was an easy endeavor. They both understood that with their connection with the Transmigration Paradise cut-off, the three of them can no longer trade with a large number of hosts and can only depend on each other.

They don't have to take out their greatest secrets. In fact, what Ray exposed would definitely cause a bloodshed amongst ordinary hosts but the trio was not ordinary and even with all their deceit and natural cautiousness, they were friends.

This couldn't be overstated any longer.

"Alright," Nik smiled, "But let me tell you one thing," he looked at Ray, "the value of the technique to rank up is not that awesome. Instead of facing a dreadful tribulation, I would rather go and adventure to as many worlds as I can."

Brian and Ray looked at Nik with a slightly surprised expression.

They knew Nik was a negotiator and also understood the core disadvantage of other ranking up methods but to think Nik would so casually belittle Ray's offering made the succubus and temporal fiend think that maybe he had more things to undermine, too.

As expected, Nik's words made Ray smile in annoyance.

"And you already know that I am creating a school of spiritual techniques that... will be superior to the magic system once it's developed. That being said, I'll offer my services to fuse weapons and other artifacts"

"Bah!" Brian groaned while Ray rolled his eyes.

"You're a prick, you know," Brian pointed out, "From the moment you got that cauldron, you've been yapping about fusing stuff for us! You were just lucky. Ray or I could have outbid you!"

"You? Ray?" Nik pointed at Brian with disbelief, "Bitch, you weren't even with us in that world. And Ray? He went after Nie Li and probably f.u.c.k.i.e.d his brains out! Do you think Nie Li wasn't strong? That man too many exotic skills and techniques. If it wasn't for him, my spiritual system wouldn't even have taken a form yet."

Brian and Nik glared at each other but before Ray could intervene, Nik snorted and crossed his hands.

"And to think I was planning to make you Tanya's godfather... Brian, I am severely disappointed in you," Nik chided.

"Don't bring in the kid, alright?" Brian snorted in disgust, "That's too low!"

"Oh no... don't fight you guys..." Ray stated idly without any vigor in his tone.

"Alright, besides my fusion services," Nik began, "Hmm, let's see what I can offer... I can offer another form of element in large number Eternal Ice. It doesn't melt easily but the results may vary with the type of fire used. And, I will go out of a limb to offer a special service. I can help you with your face," Nik looked at Brian while the Temporal Fiend sneered.

"Man, don't try to act chummy. I know that these kinds of physique manipulation also let you copy my attributes. So, I'm fine with my face. Try something else."

"Fine," Nik huffed and thought seriously. Whatever he had gained from his adventures, both Brian and Ray had gotten it, too. Well, there were definitely differences, but the core achievements remained the same. Brian knew Hamon and so did Nik.

Ray had twin spirits the violet serpent and the pink-furred manticore, while Nik had Sky, Asmodeus, Pure, and Lilith.

'Whether these two want to admit it or not, the fusion of items is quite beneficial to all of us. Eternal Ice can be produced quite a bit, too. What else can I offer?'


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