Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 712: One Ruler

Chapter 712: One Ruler

I don't usually do this, but if you haven't watched Zack Snyder's justice league, then do it. Compared to every dc movie, excluding Shazam, it is wayyyy better! Too metal! (Aside from wonder woman's continuous theme and that stupid dialogue I don't belong to anybody. (you'll get it once you watch the movie))


"So? What's going on with Iron Man? Is he still trapped within the spiritual barrier?" Nik inquired with Tigra and Vertigo lying beside him. Their expression spoke at great length on how satisfied they currently felt but they revealed the situation without playing around. After all, Tigra has been an official for a long time to understand the value of differentiating pleasure with work, meanwhile, Vertigo was 'raised' as such.

"He's sleeping since then," Tigra smiled while her fluffy fingers dragged on Nik's chest, "What about the outside world?" she continued.

"Hey, now," Nik let out a grunt while sitting up slightly, his back against the bed and his arms wrapping around the two women, pulling them close to him, "Don't make it sound like you're trapped in here, you know. And don't you have internet here?"

"I didn't mean it that way," Tigra smiled wryly.

"Sure you did," Vertigo chuckled with her gaze narrowing, "Let me tell you, Nik, she's like a dumb domestic cat, the one in those popular videos. I think, she might even get frightened by her own reflection!"

"You two might fight like that," Nik smiled as he couldn't help but lick his lips, "but you both had nice coordination a few minutes ago. Let's see, one of you is half animal and the other is experienced in f.u.c.k.i.n.g one itself. Maybe we can put it to good use~!"

His words matched his hardening erection as both the girls gulped at the sight while their shoulders shivered.

As if feeling their reluctance, Nik sighed, "I shouldn't push it too much, my bad. You both should rest. I'll leave by the morning and if you want anything, just contact me mentally, alright?" Nik smiled while pecking both of their cheeks.

"Thanks," Vertigo mumbled.

"What's with Nik saying that you f.u.c.k.i.e.d animals?" Tigra inquired on the other hand.

"What does it sounds like?" Vertigo shot back, "You may 'look' adventurous because of your mutation but let's face it kitty, I'm the one whom other girls in Sin city look up to. They pester me for more details every night!" Vertigo stated with a satisfied smile as Nik pulled himself out of the bed with a snicker. It's just like Vertigo bragged. Tigra, by all means, had that wild impression but when push came to the shove, Vertigo was the one with the sauciest stories. Even Nik would listen to her quite a bit alongside other girls.

After all, he understood that with the way he is going to travel various worlds, his s.e.x.u.a.l tastes might just end up broadening far more than what Tigra's existence pushed.

Still, the girls' bickering came to a short pause as they followed the sway of Nik's butt with their gazes and only glared at each other once he left.

"Dumb bitch," Tigra snarled as she hugged Vertigo and closed her eyes, ready to sleep.

"Furry s.l.u.t," Vertigo grunted, comforted by the soft layer of fur that covered a few parts of Tigra's body.

"Ghhh..." As Nik walked out, Ignit snorted softly, laying on her belly, with a satisfied expression. The last level was already converted into a large apartment so what Ignit covered was the living room.

"Yeah, it was delicious," Nik responded with a chuckle.


"Hmm? I mean both, the s.e.x and the dinner," Rubbing the top of Ignit's head, Nik sat beside her, "Anyway, we haven't spent much time together. Do you have anything in mind?"


"Oh, then I'll stay here with you. You don't mind if I do some stuff here, right?" Nik inquired as Ignit slowly shook her head while flicking her tongue.

Taking out the Nightmare Demon Pot, Nik conjured the strongest weapon in his arsenal Soul Ruler.


"This?" Nik raised the pitch-black ruler and smacked it across his palm, "This is a disciplinary tool. Haven't had much to use it on someone..." saying that, Nik tossed the ruler into the entrance of the pot and it instantly vanished. Then, Nik took out silver-like ores. Not minding the impurities attached to it, he started throwing in the blocks one after another. Ignit, meanwhile, watched with curiosity.

'They both didn't take out anything of value comparable to his services of Imperfect Chimera, however, Nik did book a single nano-symbiote with Brian in exchange for a sap of the first tree. In fact, the name of the tree sounded something to do with any form of adam and eve, which, in fact, sounded like Brian's previous two bodies.

"This is Uru. A great metal. I tested it and except for purification and devour from my other bloodline, it shows great resonance with every other form of energy that I can produce," Nik explained since Ignit was so attentive. He might have a dragon blacksmith to himself and with that hope, he started saying a bit about the craft, even when he didn't know about it himself. Shigure had shared her knowledge of blacksmithing but it was something Nik didn't concern himself with just yet. A part of his mental consciousness and Shigure's mental avatar also converted a few blacksmithing techniques to spiritual ones for greater coverage of the spiritual system of Nik's.


"Why I'm telling you all of this?" Nik reiterated while closing the lid after dumping half the ores, still holding 15 kilos of the ore for future use, "Hmm, I don't know. A buff gal like you might be super awesome near a furnace crafting items or something."


"Ah, no, I meant from a normal point of view. Sure, you're slick as heck," Nik snickered while Ignit eyed her master with a dubious expression.

Meanwhile, a soft hum began echoing from the cauldron as Nik mumbled to himself, "Too bad this is still an incomplete artifact. If I knew what was wrong with it, I could start the process of finalizing this stuff... not even Shigure could do anything about it. Well, Samya did say that this item is probably greater than an ordinary deity-tier item of her world... hmm? It's already done?" Nik's gaze flickered with surprise.

Opening the lid with a mental command, Nik saw an eerie metallic ruler slowly rising. Feeling a similar connection with his sole soul weapon, Nik smiled as he wielded the weapon and held it in his palm. It was a regular-sized 30-centimeter ruler but instead of a thick wooden one, the cold metallic feel felt exceptionally slick in his hold.

"Oh... the output did increase, let's see the appraisal of the ruler," Nik mumbled as he could easily channel hellfire through the ruler, covering it in ghastly dark red flames.

[Soul Ruler: S-

Use: One ruler to discipline them all.]

For a moment, Nik gazed at the description. He knew it for a fact that Transmigration Heart wasn't a system that would make jokes or humorous puns and the fact that the ruler's rank jumped to the same level as the nightmare demon pot meant that further enhancement of the tool might only change the function of the artifact but not its rank.

"One ruler to discipline them all..." Nik mumbled and looked at Ignit's bottom way back at Ignit's bottom, his gaze then turned to her slightly lazy yet satisfied expression.

He then gazed at her large reptilian butt once again before controlling the soul ruler as it left Nik's hand and flew back. Without any hesitation, the ruler struck Ignit's bottom, and generally speaking, such a small area of spank couldn't have done anything to Ignit, and yet


As the ruler struck, Ignit's slit gaze opened wide and she accidentally let out a fireball, which Nik contained instantly. However, it wasn't over there itself. Her body trembled and she let out a loud shriek, startling the lightly slumbering Tigra and Vertigo who quickly jumped out of their bed and shot out only to find a crumbled form of Ignit as her long tongue slobbered over the floor. Her eyes half-lidded and her breathing gruntful and heavy.

"What happened?" Tigra looked at Nik, completely unaffected by her n.a.k.e.d form as Nik looked at Ignit while gulping, "I don't know... and as I am right now, I'm just afraid of finding out. Come here," Nik beckoned Tigra and as she moved, Nik controlled the ruler once again and smacked Tigra's bottom.

"Huh?" She yelped as her thighs suddenly shivered. With Nik's spiritual connection with the magically mutated woman, he could feel his own mental image enlarging onto her mind. "What kind of stuff is this..." Nik furrowed as he quickly walked closer to Tigra and with a thought, reversed everything that happened.

"A slave device?" Nik mumbled with dissatisfaction. He could do anything like that without a ruler of discipline but...

"Could it be related to the rank?" Nik mumbled. In essence, S rank is equivalent to rank 9 artifact. "So... can I enslave rank 9 now?" Nik muttered to himself with a new hope rising in his heart when Sky's cruel snicker poured disappointment all over it.

'You wish!' She chimed, 'A true rank 9 only needs a breath to blow you away... but you might just use it on someone who has broken eight of his shackle... quite rare in my opinion,' Sky's words sounded reasonable but to Nik, it wasn't as rare as Sky mentioned it to be.

"Are you fine? Or did you finally show your true face to the world?" Vertigo crouched with a 'worried' expression as Tigra grimaced and glared at Nik, "Don't do that ever... felt strange..."

But to her chagrin, Nik quickly 'cured' Ignit now that he knew what he was dealing with and disappeared with his words of apology ringing in the trio's mind.

Back within the dream core, Nik gazed at Morgan for a moment and quickly smacked the ruler's surface across her cheek lightly and felt a similar sensation of power build within Morgan's mind that tore through her mental defenses.

"So... she hasn't destroyed her fifth shackle and is easily controllable... this means that the power of the 'discipline' is not only factored by the unshackling of the soul but also raw ability. This means..." Not minding Morgan's slowly developing loyalty, he shifted into the castle where the bodies of his partners lied down and walked into the bas.e.m.e.nt.

Opening a certain chamber, he gazed upon a beautiful figure. Silver hair and raven black wings blanketed her ravishing body with her glimmering eyelids twitching, as if fighting back against something... or someone.

"It's true that any being with a soul that has destroyed most of its Shackles also being weak is rare... but what if it's intentional? To have his sweet vengeance, Lucifer sent a true clone after me. Her soul is a part of Lucifer's soul which should be a rank 8 with seven shackles destroyed. And... to make things fair, Lucifer weakened this particular true clone of his, what a dumbass," Nik snickered just to cover his fear. Even if he had been a rank 2 or even 3, a rank 1 true clone of Lucifer would have been monstrous enough to kill him over more than 3 times!

Just the mere pressure of the woman made Nik feel a bit concerned but as a v.i.r.g.i.n clone, the gender-bent Lucifer couldn't control her orgasms. A strange but crucial weakness that Nik controlled without any hesitation and now

Once again, without waiting for a single moment, Nik rapped the ruler against the blanket of feathers and found his own mental image taking over Lucifer.

"This works, too..." Sky mumbled, a bit fearful of the implications of the Chaotic Soul which made her realize the astronomical preparations and schemes the three infernal ancestors and Supreme Seraphim would have gone through to even destroy Kaal.

"Hell, yeah!" Nik grinned!


"Please..." a dazzling spirit kowtowed, his face without any features and his body glowing in a golden light. Black wisps could be seen infecting the spirit's figure as the strange spirit winced in pain that it had never felt before.

In front of him sat a handsome figure. White hair and charming face with pitch-black eyes glaring at the spirit. Black wings rested on his back as hordes of undead demons and lords and ravaged the surroundings, killing and devouring every existence it comes across.

"I started creating the Undead Paradise not to hear every planet's begging," he began as the soul of the planet and the figure entered into a one-sided confrontation.

"As a planet left behind by a rank-7 expert, you are a resource I will not let go of. Be part of my paradise," Lucifer, the current Undead Monarch of the era smirked and finally consumed the golden glow of protection left behind by the will of the planet, finally conquering yet another world and adding it to his paradise.

As the spirit of the planet turned pitch black, smoke rising from its figure, Lucifer couldn't feel satisfied for long. His expression crumbled as he felt a strange sensation fill his heart, mind, and soul.

'Nik is loveable after all!'

"Bastard!" the sensation disappeared instantly but Lucifer knew what it meant.

"He's taken control of my true clone... completely this time. His ability shouldn't be enough to affect a soul... or did he already reach rank 6?" He questioned himself, unaware of the situation, "And the container in which he holds my soul is probably a rank 8 artifact... or greater. Just like Kaal, this one is too fortunate but... hehe, luck can be consumed quite easily, too..." His gaze flashed malevolently.

"Alright, stand up... I chose this planet specifically for the invasion. You are capable of soul severance, are you not?" Lucifer inquired as the pitch-black soul nodded.

"Start preparing for it. I have all the materials required... I need to sever a particular connection of my soul."


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