Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Chen Hao has given up saving his psychotic friend.

After being chased by Lin Shiheng with his sword for half an hour, he realized that not everything should be forced. To Lin Shiheng today, the word wife was pressure point. Even when he usually acts normal, when he hears the word wife, he would change to Yi Qing. Even if the mindset is ancient, he would still be self-centered.

Thankfully, right now, Lin Shiheng was still only holding a photo and missing his wife, and he hasnt tried looking for her, which made Chen Hao breathe a sigh of relief. If Lin Shiheng really wanted to do something to his wife, even if their brotherhood was deep, he had to punch him ah If he cant punch him, he would charge at him! Fortunately, the world wasnt cruel to him, and they avoided a brotherly strife.

Unfortunately, Chen Haos relief was too early.

On this day, as usual, it was a good morning. Chen Hao was lying in a warm bed, sleeping in with his sweet and chubby son. Suddenly, he received a phone call from Ren Qiaoqiao.

Chen Hao, why did Shiheng come to an audition? Didnt you say he was practicing swordplay at home and not working lately?

How do I know ? Chen Hao yawned with his son in his arms, sleeping blissfully. He said softly, Let me sleep for a while longer Im too tired. I attended an award ceremony yesterday and didnt come back until a little later

Your brother is coming over to audition for the role of my husband, dont you care?!

Chen Hao listened to the words, but didnt think anything of it. In a daze, he kept complaining, They didnt even give me an award, but made me participate. For what? Making me sit like a wooden man below, clapping and applauding, its annoying a What?!! After he finally internalized his wifes words, Chen Hao, who still had a chickens nest for hair, sprang up with his son in his arms.

The child in his arms, who was sleeping soundly before, was scared awake by his fathers loud voice. Before he asked his wife any further, he coaxed the little baby in his arms. Lovely son, dont cry, dont cry. Mom and dad are on the phone. Fearing that he might miss his wifes next words, Chen Hao put the phone on loudspeaker. Shiheng wants to audition for the role of your husband??

Why else would I call you? I met him when I auditioned just now, and he came to ask me what role I auditioned for and I told him. After that, he took the script and recited the husbands lines for that role on the spot, and now hes auditioning inside. Didnt you say hes been actively treating himself? From his attitude, I dont think the treatment looks promising.

Chen Haos eyes were wide and his face was full of frenzy as he growled, That bastard didnt do anything to you, did he?! Ill kill him!!!

How could he do anything? When he talked to me, we were separated by almost 3 meters. He also seems quite polite and normal. Its just that him playing my husband wouldnt be good right now. Wouldnt his illness get worse?

Realizing that Lin Shiheng hasnt done anything strange nor said strange things to his wife, Chen Haos anger immediately disappeared. Its a good thing that he knows his manners. Could it be that he was going to audition for that role from the start? He clearly had distinguished between you and Madam Yi. He even chased me for over half an hour because of this last time.

Ren Qiaoqiao frowned and whispered, I asked Xiao Zhang about it. Turns out, Shiheng came because he received the news that I had come to audition. Before today, he didnt want to audition at all, and Xiao Zhang looked for the script in such short notice.

By now, Chen Haos drowsiness had long gone, so he quickly put down his son who had stopped crying and got up to put some clothes on.

Okay, Ill come over now. You and Xiao Zhang remember to help him cover his illness. Dont let others notice that hes different. If hes exposed to a little more stimulation, who the hell knows if he could return to normal in this life?

Okay, hurry over. Xiao Zhang and I will watch the door, and catch him as soon as he comes out.

Chen Hao hung up the phone, anxiously putting on his pants. As he stood there, he suddenly felt there was something a little off in the words Qiaoqiao just said.

Catch? Oh right, Qiaoqiao is a good catcher. Thinking of his wifes past taekwondo training, Chen Hao immediately imagined an image of Lin Shiheng suffering from mental illness and being kicked to the ground by her. Then, a news headline popped up in his mind.

[Why did the couple in the drama commit domestic violence?!]

Holy crap!!! He quickly put the rest of his clothes on as fast as lightning.

Miaomiao, Daddy is going out. You be good and play at home, Aunty will take care of you, be obedient okay?

Chen Miaomiao was crying. At the moment, with his glossy fair face, he looked at his father with a pair of watery eyes as he sucked on his thumb, expecting and curious to watch his father put on his clothes so quickly. With his sweet, sobbing voice, he asked, Dad, are you going to find Mom and uncle Shiheng?

Yes, Dad is going to find them.

I also want to go. Chen Miaomiao asked expectantly, Daddy hasnt taken me out to play for a long time, can you take me with you? Although Miaomiao wasnt too young, usually children of this age couldnt speak so well. However, since he was sent to kindergarten at an early age, he started speaking well, making both husband and wife feel that this expensive education wasnt in vain.

Chen Hao was panicking as he answered, There may be a lot of chaos over there. Be obedient, Miaomiao, and play with your Aunt at home. Dad will take you out next time.

Chen Miaomiao lowered his little head and poutingly said, Okay then, Ill play at home.

Good boy.

Chen Hao gathered himself, hugged his son on the bed, and gave him a big kiss on the forehead. Muah!! Good boy, Daddy will be off.

Chen Hao then turned around and ran out the door. Chen Miaomiao wiped his forehead, slowly lying down with the intention of sleeping for a while. Suddenly, just a second after he laid down, the door slammed open again.

Chen Hao came forward and picked him up, Son, dont sleep. Dad will take you to your Mom!

Chen Miaomiao, who was confused by this capricious grown up, was held and dressed up.

Meanwhile, Chen Hao was full of joy. How could he forget!? His baby son is here! Just wait for him to take Miaomiao over. When Miaomiao calls Qiaoqiao Mom, even Lin Shiheng will be able to tell the difference between ancient times and reality, and he would have to give up. Last time, he merely said Qiaoqiao had a tattoo on her arm, and he was chased a thousand miles. It can be seen that the crazy Lin Shiheng was currently full of ancient ideals.

Think about it, to a person who already has a child, could he brazenly shout out the word wife?

Chen Hao dressed his son quickly and drove him all the way to the place Ren Qiaoqiao told him.

It was not convenient to talk over at the audition studio, so Ren Qiaoqiao asked him to take his son to the hotel next door and book a private room. Once Lin Shihengs audition was over, she and Assistant Zhang would bring him over and ask him what he wanted to do.

Chen Hao, like the wolf enticing Little Red Riding Hood, chanted to his son who was sitting in a chair, Miaomiao, good boy When you see mommy later, you have to call out to her, understand?

Chen Miaomiao nodded obediently. Do I shout loudly?

Yes, shout loudly!

Chen Hao was very proud. Yi Qing had no children. Even if his brothers thoughts were mixed up, seeing such a big living evidence, even if he wouldnt be stimulated enough to wake up, he wont mistake one for the other again. Furthermore, look at his son. These beautiful big eyes, these delicate features, this little body resembled Chen Hao so much anyways! If it werent for the artists status that made it so he couldnt show off his son openly, why would he hide such a big baby from the media? Anyways, it wouldnt matter anymore, as this crystallization of his love with his wife would be transformed into evidence of their love for each other, and save his brother from the wonderful outburst of mental illness.

The more he waited, the more excited he was. However, when no one came even after a while, his heart was stifled. What went wrong?

Thinking about it and worried, Chen Hao took out his cell phone and called Ren Qiaoqiao, but she didnt pick up. Then, he called Lin Shiheng, but there was no answer either. Finally, he called Assistant Zhang. Fortunately, someone answered this time.


Why arent you coming over? Is something wrong?

Erm Assistant Zhang was quiet for a long time before he answered, Its not really a problem. Its just that Shi-ge was too involved in the performance during the audition, so they decided to merge the scenes. Hes still acting inside. Then, just now, Ren-jie was also called in for a scene. Looking at this situation so far, both Ren-jie and Shi-ge are going to have a successful audition.

As he spoke, Ren Qiaoqiao came out from the door. Was it Chen Hao calling?

Assistant Zhang nodded and handed the phone over.

Chen Hao, I have an acquaintance in the inside, and she has given me the news. Shiheng and my auditions are considered successful. The production crew will soon be confirmed to shoot the drama. I always thought Shihengs situation weird. You dont have a project right now, so why dont you come over and audition for a role? That way, we can go together.

Ren Qiaoqiao didnt think it was a good thing to stay with someone too immersed in the role and held her photo every day. Although Lin Shiheng still knew how to act around her, she worried about Chen Haos state. If your wife and a man who held her photo every day were close together at a shoot, you would be very jealous. Even if you didnt go crazy, you might die of anger. Ren Qiaoqiao didnt want to use this kind of thing to test the feelings between them husband and wife. But now that she has auditioned, it would definitely be difficult to refuse. Its better to let Chen Hao come over and have the three of them stay together every day so they could take care of each other.

Chen Hao wondered, He didnt bribe anyone, did he?

Not this time, but Xiao Zhang told me just now that he said, if he didnt get into the audition, he was really going to use money to get in.

Chen Hao was at a loss.

He repeated it several times in his mind, My brother is sick, my brother is sick, my brother is sick Dont argue with sick people, dont bother, dont bother

After repeating them, he breathed a sigh of relief. The brainwashing was complete. This world is an illusion.

(TNote: this world is an illusion = Buddhist term; which means that everything in the world is empty, the Tao is empty, the sky, the earth is empty, and the man is empty. Meaning he just attained balance/Zen.)

Its okay, is there an audition tomorrow? Send me the script. Ill familiarize myself with the script today and Ill audition tomorrow. You bring Shiheng here first, lest he make a commotion.

Ren Qiaoqiao promised to come down, and Chen Hao hung up the phone.

They sent the script over immediately, and Chen Hao took a look at the relationship between the characters in the story.

It was also a costume drama. Ren Qiaoqiao plays the second female lead, and Lin Shiheng doesnt act too much, considering he only got a male side character. Lin Shihengs character setting was a Wang, caring for the world and saving people. What he liked to do most was a variety of heroes that saved heroes. In a word, it was the holy father among the holy fathers. Ren Qiaoqiao was the Princess in this. Because of an accidental memory loss, she lives among the people, and after being rescued by the female lead, she takes her back to the palace.

(TNote: Wang = Duke/ Prince, depending on lineage.)

The plot was quite simple.

As he read the script, Chen Hao kept an eye out for the third supporting male who likes the Princess. Except for the part where the Princess was living amongst the people, he has been silently following the Princess to express his secret love. Moreover, the setting was also cool and dazzling, high martial arts skills and infatuated loyal dog. It looks like this performance could gain a lot of fans.

Most importantly, he could follow Qiaoqiao around from time to time to prevent Lin Shihengs abnormal brain from becoming even more abnormal.

While he studied the script, Assistant Zhang sent a text message, saying that they had arrived downstairs and would come up soon.

Chen Hao was shocked. He quickly put down his mobile phone, squatted down and told his son who was looking at the menu, Miaomiao, when Mom comes in later, you must call her Mom very loudly, very loudly, you understand?

Chen Miaomiao nodded obediently. I understand.

Thats good. With Miaomiao here, there wouldnt be a problem. Chen Hao sat back contentedly, staring at the closed door without blinking. He didnt know why, but he felt a little nervous.

Soon, the door opened, and three people came in. Seeing her, Chen Miaomiao jumped out of the chair and shouted Mom! while jumping into Ren Qiaoqiaos arms. Ren Qiaoqiao harvested a white dumpling as soon as she opened the door, and immediately smiled. She squatted down and picked him up. Good son. Kiss me, muah!

Looking at the happy appearance of his wife and son, Chen Hao let go of the big stone in his heart, spit out a sigh of relief, and stood up to see Lin Shihengs face with satisfaction.

See? This is both Qianqians and my son. A happy family.

Suddenly, once he shifted his line of sight, the corners of Chen Haos mouth twitched a few times.

Wait a minute, brother! Whats wrong with your happy face! This is my wife and my son!!

Under Chen Haos stiff eyes, Lin Shiheng came over and naturally took Chen Miaomiao from Ren Qiaoqiaos arms to his own.

Zhouzhou is so good today? How about Father Wang reward you with an iced candy gourd?

Ren Qiaoqiao: ???

Assistant Zhang: ???

Chen Hao: thats not right.

He recalled something with his memory, and quickly picked up his mobile phone with trembling hands to see the characters in the script. Sure enough, he saw a short line on it.

Murong Zhou, the Wangs son.

That is, Lin Shiheng is acting as Father Wang for this son.

Brother, you didnt tell me that your mental illness had evolved!!

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