Gourmet Style Beast Taming

Chapter 139 - 139 Skiing

Chapter 139: Chapter 139 Skiing

Translator: 549690339

“This slope is indeed perfect for skiing.”

Qin Lang shielded his face from the sunlight with his gloved hand, standing at the highest point of the snow slope, overlooking the whole stretch.

The vast expanse of white filling his vision caused a hint of excitement to flash across his face.

Morning is the best time to ski.

“Shall we begin?” He checked his face mask, adjusted his goggles, and turned to the two Food Spirits beside him.


I’m ready!


Let’s do this!

The two Food Spirits nodded simultaneously, showing just as much anticipation for this new skiing experience.

Skiing gear in the Food Spirit World wasn’t much different from his past life, with the only difference being an extra piece of equipment.

A special carrier tied around the waist of the Spirit Chef, much like a baby stroller, which could hold Food Spirits.

With this carrier, Food Spirits didn’t have to fly and personally experiencing the thrill of skiing heightened their sense of participation.

Dan Bao and Spicy were now attached on either side of Qin Lang’s waist.

This brand-new experience made them both a little nervous.

“Don’t worry, I have experience in skiing.” Sensing their anxiety, Qin Lang gave them a reassuring smile. Then, he leaned forward slowly, the tail of his snowboard slightly lifted as he embedded it into the snow.

His body began to slide downward as the angle between the snowboard face and the slope decreased under the pull of gravity.

As his body leaned back and the tail of the snowboard re-embedded itself into the slope, the sliding motion naturally came to a halt.

This basic skiing movement alone had Dan Bao and Spicy wide-eyed.

To them who were used to flying, being pulled along in a slide was indeed a novel experience.

After a few attempts, Qin Lang, encouraged by the increasingly excited cheers from his two companions, began to change his moves.

He shifted the angle of the snowboard with a simple push of his foot, turning his straight-down trajectory into a diagonal slide.

The speed of his descent suddenly increased, but Qin Lang maintained his calm.

He twisted his other foot, realigning the angled snowboard and continued to force it to the other side.

This caused him to slow down and then speed up again, sliding in the opposite direction.

A clear”

“Getting a feel for it?”

Once again stopping his descent by embedding the tail of the snowboard into the slope, Qin Lang, with a smile looked at the increasingly excited Dan Bao and Spicy.

“Then, let’s pick up the pace!”

He again began his descent, leaving a “Z” path on the snow slope, performing broader movements as he went on.

The angle of the snowboard became steeper, the speed faster, but his movements seemed more fluid.

Qin Lang swiftly switched between straight runs, S bends, jumps, and grabs as if he were a leaf dancing in the wind.

The cold wind, carrying frost and snow, hammered against him, but his thick windbreaker protected him. Experiencing the adrenaline rush from this rapid descent, Qin Lang couldn’t help but let out an exhilarated shout.


His sound resonated through the vast snow slope, accompanying the equally excited shouts from Dan Bao and Spicy.

“Who would have thought that Qin Lang is so skilled at skiing.” Qi Xiaoyu widened her eyes, watching the agile figure downhill.

Watching him, she couldn’t help but yearn to duplicate his free run down the slope.

“Xiaoyu! You have to hold me!”

Du Weiwei’s panicked and somewhat horrified voice came from her side, causing Qi Xiaoyu to sigh.

Being a complete sports numbskull, really, makes it all the harder for her to be free.

“Look out!” Qi Xiaoyu, gaining momentum with her ski poles, quickly slid towards Du Weiwei who was not too far off.

With a swift motion, she pulled up Du Weiwei, who was about to fall over again, and chuckled, “Didn’t I tell you snowboarding is better for beginners? But you insisted on skiing just like me.”

Du Weiwei glared at her bestie resentfully.

She initially thought skiing would be easier because she would have ski poles to steer her way but it turned out to be an entirely different story.

The feet that wore the skis seemed to have a mind of their own. A slight twist could make the parallel boards swiftly form an 8-shape. As she glided, the angle kept widening until… *WHAMi* she fell flat on her face.

“Why don’t you switch to a snowboard?” Xiaoyu suggested earnestly, “Look, both Qin Lang and Zhao Chen are using snowboards.”

“No, I’ll stick with skis!” Du Weiwei puffed her cheeks stubbornly.

She refused to believe she couldn’t master it!

“Alright, alright. Then you need to start from the very basics with me.” Qi Xiaoyu giggled, “First, place the skis horizontally across the slope, then 1 will teach you how to walk on them.”

“Yes, yes, yes, just like that…”

“Mmm…not bad, well done!”

H ii

With Xiaoyu’s patient guidance, Du Weiwei finally got the hang of skiing a bit, or at least she was able to balance herself decently during simple gliding.

She cautiously skiied on her own, and as time lapsed, her face lit up with excitement.

Little Glutinous Rice and Little Jadeite, who were situated at Du Weiwei’s waist, cheered animatedly. Finally, one person and two spirits got to experience the joy of skiing.

But this joy didn’t last long.

“Now, let’s speed up~”

At some point, Qi Xiaoyu had slid behind Du Weiwei. Both of her hands were on Weiwei’s shoulder and her whispered words made Du Weiwei’s beaming face stiffen.

“Wait a second … huh?”

Feeling the push from behind and suddenly picking up speed, Du Weiwei let out a cry of alarm.


“Skiing is stimulating only when it’s fast!” Qi Xiaoyu laughed joyfully, pushing her ski poles to quickly catch up with Du Weiwei, who was frantically waving hers. “Steady yourself or you will fall again!”

“Qi! Xiao! Yu!!!”

Weiwei’s voice sounded a little sharp due to her panic.

“Don’t be scared-” Qi Xiaoyu wore a teasing smile, skilfully controlling her skis to keep herself near Du Weiwei at all times. Her eyes, too, never left her friend.

The girls’ laughter echoed continually around the ski slope.

“Qin! Lang!”

The loud shout made Qin Lang halt his course.

He followed the source of the sound, his face twitching involuntarily.

A figure descended at an incredible speed, stirring up a cloud of snow before it reached his location within moments.

Zhao Chen elegantly twisted his snowboard, kicking up a flurry of snow as he abruptly stopped near a vacant spot.

Gazing at the nearby Qin Lang, his eyes were filled with the desire to compete.

“I didn’t expect your skiing skills to be quite impressive.”

“Given that, would you like to have a skiing contest with me?”

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