Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 162: Flame Burst

Chapter 162: Flame Burst

Morale Support: Scherzo

Patreon: /ScherzoTranslations

‘Level’ has a better name than ‘ring’ so I’ll be using that.


Back at Luna Nova Magical Academy, Reiner was not idle whilst waiting for the second round of peas to mature.

At night, in Reiner’s room, he sat upright in a chair, and on the table in front of him spread out a parchment recording a spell model.

This spell model was obviously more complex than the standard first-circle spell, Fireball. Whether in terms of the number of magic nodes or the magic circuits, it was much more intricate. At first glance, it appeared intricate and tangled, with lines crossing each other, making it difficult to discern. If Claire were to look at it, she would probably raise her hands and surrender after just ten seconds.

However, this was Reiner’s goal for tonight.

The standard second-tier spell, Flame Burst.

Unlike the modified third-level spell, Pluto’s Flame Burst, the basic Flame Burst only required a second-level level. Its destructive power was much higher than the first-tier Fireball spell, making it more suitable for mages who chose defensive spells when engraving first-tier spells.

There were several reasons why Reiner chose this spell.

Originally, he wanted to learn a defensive spell for self-protection. However, Reiner soon realized that defensive spells at the low-tier mage stage were basically just slightly more potent armor. As long as one advanced to the intermediate levels, a readily usable spell barrier would be enough to overpower all low-level defensive spells. Therefore, with the idea of saving space for engraving spells, Reiner decided not to waste precious space on low-level defensive spells that would inevitably be replaced in the future.

Similarly, the fourth-level Phantom Shift, which allowed rapid movement within a designated area, became Reiner’s choice for movement spells in the future. Therefore, low-level spells of the same type were naturally not considered.

After considering these factors, Reiner was initially planning to engrave some other attribute spells. However, under the guidance of President Dmitry, he decided to take another path.

That path was rewriting.

It was well known that a mage’s advancement relied on engraving corresponding-level magic in the Mind Lake. Once engraved, it could not be eliminated or replaced, and the spell would permanently stay in the Mind Lake. Mages could instantly release the spell without any preparation when using it.

But there were exceptions.

Just like the second-level spell Flame Burst was actually an upgraded version of the first-level spell Fireball, its spell model was transformed based on the Fireball spell. The effects were very similar, with only a difference in power. Such spells could be rewritten.

In simple terms, Reiner upgraded his Fireball spell in the Mind Lake to Flame Burst. This way, he wouldn’t lose space for engraving spells in the Mind Lake and would gain a second-level spell, making it a sure-profit deal.

However, most mages, when advancing, would not adopt this seemingly “advantageous” method. The main reason was that it was too difficult.

In addition to having a profound understanding of two spells, rewriting also required precise control of the spell model and magic flow, as well as a vast amount of magic to sustain this delicate process.

In simpler terms, mages who could reach the level required for rewriting, even through ordinary means, would have already advanced long ago. It was not worth the trouble to save space in this way.

The spells that the Mind Lake could engrave varied from person to person, but the overall number ranged from twenty to fifty, enough to deal with the majority of situations. Therefore, unless a mage strived for perfection, there was no need to pursue rewriting.

But this was not a problem for Reiner.

After receiving feedback from the world several times, his disposable magic reserves far exceeded those of an average mage at the same level. This could be glimpsed from Reiner’s Fireball spell, even though it utilized Hydra elements to achieve a high combustion efficiency, Reiner’s own magic reserves were one of the reasons for the spell’s strength in his hands.

Reiner’s proficiency in constructing spell models also surpassed his peers. In fact, although the spell model of Flame Burst was complex, it was nothing more than lines on a plane, easily mastered and improved by Reiner.

Generally speaking, after advancing to the first level, mages needed at least a year to gradually adapt to their changes, allowing magic to penetrate and transform their bodies before continuing to break through. This was the most stable approach.

But if one used the method of rewriting to advance, this adaptation process could be shortened to a few months. Coupled with the magic transformed by the Hohenheim Cup, Reiner now met the requirements for advancing to the second level, and he immediately decided to attempt a breakthrough.

If the experiment succeeded, Reiner would undoubtedly go to Berger City again and visit the Albione family. He wasn’t sure if his identity and the Hornheim Cup could still intimidate the Albione family’s people. Therefore, enhancing himself promptly was very urgent.

Of course, as President Dmitry mentioned, the feedback from the world Reiner received gradually took effect, assisting Reiner’s advancement bit by bit with his growth. Without this feedback, even if Reiner had enough magic and theoretical knowledge, it would be quite difficult for him to quickly advance to the second level.

Closing his eyes, Reiner delved into his Mind Lake.

Here, it was calm and peaceful, with bright sunshine, sparkling waves, and a scene of tranquility and beauty.

With a gentle wave, the sun and moon revolved, the sun immediately setting in the west, and the moon rising, accompanied by a sky full of sparkling stars.

A few stars lit up, and it could be seen that these were the magic nodes of the Fireball spell already engraved in the Mind Lake.

Floating on the surface of the lake, Reiner focused, and from his palms, more stars flew out, rushing towards the night.

These stars left bright trajectories, intersecting with the already lit stars. Soon, in the sky, the stars twinkled, leaving only the nodes of two spell models blinking.

It could be seen that the trajectory of the Fireball spell continued to extend, connecting the numerous stars. Gradually, the two spell models merged into one, shining brightly in the obsidian-like night, intertwining lines on a plane.

Reiner felt the two spells, constantly calculating in his mind, doing his best to upgrade the Fireball spell to Flame Burst.


In just an instant, flames blossomed from the stars, along the dazzling magical trajectory. In an instant, the entire sky was ignited.

In the profound black night, it suddenly became as bright as day, with a dazzling brilliance.

In the palm of Reiner’s hand, a dark blue flame ignited. The purely icy blue color quickly spread, from the originally fist-sized fireball, expanding into a huge ball of flames with a diameter of over ten yards.

However, soon, the expanding flame immediately contracted, turning into a light ball the size of an egg in Reiner’s palm.

Having gained insight, Reiner threw it out. The light ball flew at high speed, hitting the rock wall in front.

First, a bit of light entered the rock wall, then countless rays of light burst from the point of contact. The next moment, hot wind began to sweep, and on the surface of the rock wall, the bright light swayed like flowing liquid. Only at this moment did the thunderous explosion break through.


In Reiner’s field of vision, the towering rock wall gradually turned into powder bit by bit. Then, after hearing the roar, the power of destruction finally completely destroyed the rock, smoke filled the air, and the dry and hot air roared.

It was as if this place had been hit by an extraterrestrial meteorite, with turbulent winds and turbulent flow.

Reiner waved his hand, and a cool breeze blew, dispersing the smoke that blocked the line of sight. He then saw the rock wall that had just been hit by Flame Burst.

To be precise, it was something that used to be a rock wall.

The entire rock was smoothly and evenly shaved away, like a scoop of ice cream being scooped out. No debris or fragments could be seen. Whatever was hit had already vaporized into smoke, and at the edge of the explosion, brown soil had turned into shiny quartz, indicating its high temperature.

“Is this a Flame Burst?”

Reiner looked at his own palm. The effect of this spell seemed to be quite different from what he had imagined?

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