Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 206: Reiner’s Visit

Chapter 206: Reiner’s Visit

Morale Support: Scherzo

Patreon: /ScherzoTranslations


“Vice principal…”

After Reiner had previously visited Percival’s home, he casually checked Percival’s father-in-law, Lisa’s father, who was Leo Bodoro.

So Lisa’s original name should be Lisa Bodoro.

“What a coincidence.”

Returning the student records, Reiner walked out of the building, pondering what to do next.

To be honest, he didn’t necessarily need to find out where this Sirius Odman had gone. However, a series of coincidences aroused his curiosity, prompting him to explore what happened to this graduate from eight years ago. Why he had paid to have his thesis stuffed into the school’s archives, and what that thesis was about.

“I remember Lord Percival mentioning that her father-in-law is no longer involved in teaching and often goes traveling.”

Reiner stood in the cool shade of the building. His robe had temperature-regulating enchantments, so he didn’t feel the heat, but being directly under the sun was still unpleasant. After a moment of thought, he decided to pay a visit.

After inquiring about the vice principal’s office location, Reiner walked straight through the campus and arrived at a tall building in the center of the school square.

At this time, it was just the end of morning classes, and many mages walked out of the building. They hurriedly headed towards the cafeteria, while Reiner walked against the flow, attracting many curious glances.

Entering the tall building, Reiner took the elevator to the eighth floor.

There were no classrooms above the seventh floor; it was all office space, and Vice Principal Bodoro’s office was on the eighth floor.

As soon as Reiner stepped out of the elevator, he saw a reception desk.

“Hello, I’m Reiner Ian Gray, a member of the thesis review committee. I’d like to see Vice Principal Bodoro.”

“Do you have an appointment… Wait, Reiner Ian Gray???”

The receptionist, a woman in her twenties, interrupted her routine words, her expression filled with fear, staring closely at Reiner.

“You’re the Blood Baron, Reiner Ian Gray???”

“What’s the Blood Baron all about…”

Reiner felt like his image in others’ eyes was plummeting down into the negatives. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and continued.

“I’m here to see Vice Principal Bodoro. Is he available?”

“Uh, sorry, I got too excited…” The receptionist was a little flustered. She quickly picked up the notebook on the desk and, after flipping through it, spoke to Reiner.

“Vice Principal Bodoro should be having lunch now, um, he might take a short nap afterwards, around… waking up around two in the afternoon.”

It seemed she was a newcomer and not familiar with Vice Principal Bodoro’s schedule.

“I’ll go grab some lunch too and come back in the afternoon. Please make a reservation for me.”

Hearing that everyone was having lunch, and having been busy all morning, Reiner felt a bit hungry too. He said to the receptionist, causing her to avoid meeting his eyes.

“O-okay, Mr. Ian Gray.”

Just as Reiner turned around to leave and look for a place to eat, the receptionist called out to him again.

“Wait a moment, Mr. Ian Gray.”

Turning back, Reiner saw the receptionist take out a clean notebook and open it to a blank page.

“Could I please have your autograph?”

The receptionist’s eyes were full of expectation, looking at Reiner like a puppy wagging its tail.

Like a lonely gourmet, after enjoying a meal in a backstreet near the Astar Advanced Magic Academy, Reiner returned to the campus in the afternoon. At this time, the sun was at its fiercest. On the vast square, there were few pedestrians scurrying to avoid the scorching sun.

Having just finished lunch, Reiner was strolling under the shade of the trees as a post-lunch activity. When he returned to the main building of the school, the lobby was empty. He took the elevator to the eighth floor. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the receptionist dozing off with her head in her hands. He smiled, walked up to the counter, and lightly tapped on the table.

Knock, knock, knock.

The knocking abruptly awakened the half-asleep receptionist girl. She hastily wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth and scrambled to her feet in a panic.

“Who, who is it…”

Her bewildered appearance made Reiner want to ask if she had a distant relative named Claire.

“I’m here to see Vice Principal Bodoro.”

Suppressing the mischievous thought, Reiner spoke in a serious tone.

“Oh, right, it’s you, Mr. Ian Gray. Sorry, I, I’ll go inform him right away.”

The receptionist nodded repeatedly, taking small steps to the office behind her, opening the door, speaking softly for a few moments, then turned back, bowing to Reiner.

“Please come in, Mr. Ian Gray.”

Reiner nodded in acknowledgment and walked into the office.

The office wasn’t large. In fact, compared to the status of the vice principal, Reiner felt it was quite small.

Among the piles of manuscripts and materials, an old man with a bald head was sitting behind a slightly worn-out desk.

He wore glasses on one side of his face and had a book partially read in his hand. The old man put down the bookmark, slowly closed the book, and looked at Reiner with clear eyes, then spoke.

“Are you Reiner Ian Gray? I’ve heard Percival mention you.”

Although his voice was old, it was full of vigor. Even from a certain distance, Reiner could hear him clearly.

“Good afternoon, Vice Principal Bodoro.”

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Reiner explained the purpose of his visit.

“I’ve recently read a paper written by a graduate of this school. Some of the ideas in it have inspired me, so I wanted to find the source of inspiration mentioned in the paper. However, I found that the paper has been destroyed for some reason, and the original author of that paper is one of your students.”

“My student?”

Vice Principal Bodoro looked slightly puzzled, perhaps because he had too many students, or perhaps he couldn’t imagine which student’s paper could inspire Reiner Ian Gray, who was regarded as revolutionary.

“Yes, his name is Sirius Odman. If the student records are correct, he enrolled in the Astar Advanced Magic Academy twelve years ago and left eight years ago. During that time, you were responsible for his graduation thesis.”

Reiner spoke, but he didn’t expect Vice Principal Bodoro’s eyes to widen suddenly, a look of disbelief on his face.

“Sirius… him?”

After a moment of silence, Vice Principal Bodoro sighed lightly.

“I didn’t expect that, after so many years, I would still hear someone mention his name.”


T/N: The chapter that was owed

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