Hard Enough

Chapter 98: Fancy Shindig

Chapter 98: Fancy Shindig


There was an echo for a moment as Sabrina paused in her walk. Yolanda grinned mischievously at me, but my brothers' heads bobbed up and down, eyes locked on Sabrina.

Sabrinas lips twitched for a moment and then she smiled. Straight at me.

My heart fluttered and I grinned back at her. I said that aloud didnt I?

She nodded her head and Yolanda and my other sisters giggled.

I hadnt noticed my family arriving. I was so caught up in Sabrinas entrance. I swallowed and nodded. You look incredible. I found that a little lacking but Sabrina nodded showing she appreciated it.

Her eyes roamed up and down my own tuxedo that I noted complimented hers wonderfully. I chuckled as I spotted that her earrings held the Marsh badge while my own cufflinks glinted with the symbols of the Boulder badge.

I shot her a grin. So, I hope you werent just going to teleport us there.

Sabrina tilted her head. I was going to, yes?

I waved a hand back and forth. I have something else in mind that I think will make for a more flashy entrance.

Sabrina tilted her head and I watched idly as her hair cascaded across her shoulders. I can teleport in flashily?

I waved a hand. No, this is more about showing up with style.

A harsh snort made me snap a glare at Flint only for him to flinch as his eyes flickered to Sabrina. I turned to her and found her nodding to herself and smiling at me. Is it that important to you?

I coughed. Well no actually, but this is something I think youd like. I offered a hand to her and smiled as suavely as I could. Trust me?

Sabrina bobbed her head up and down and I hummed as she placed her hand in mine.

Then I blinked when I heard a camera lens rapidly firing. I turned to the side and found Rachel poised with a camera in her hands rapidly clicking away. Behind her, Rocko stood with a camera on his shoulder.

How long have you been there? I said incredulously. I hadnt even noticed them coming in.

A while. We were hiding behind the couch! said Rachel. She then let the camera hang and waved her hands together. Alright! I think Id like to get some shots of the couple together standing in front of the wall. Then well take some more candid shots with Sabrina on the stairwell. I think I got some great moments of her coming down but we can get some others as well!

I checked my watch and hummed. Sure, weve got time until my surprise is here.

Suzie and Cindy perked up. What is it? they said.

I paused as I eyed them. Something youll like too! I said.

A Ponyta! they both said, causing me to falter. They stopped as one and like Bertha discovering a mudpuddle she hadnt jumped in yet, their eyes turned predatory.

IS IT?! they bellowed, closing in on me. Sabrina inspected my strained expression.

Brock, did you hire Ponyta for us?

I coughed. Well not for us. I got us some Rapidash. I just thought itd be a cool entrance. I kicked at the floor. Just wasnt Alright, I forgot that it would be their go-to answer! I said flinging up my hands.

Suzie and Cindy hugged each other and squealed with glee. The news that a Ponyta was coming for them to pet made them extra compliant and helpful when we were taking photos. They even wrangled Forrest off the couch where he slunk off between shots that didnt involve him.

When Sabrina perked up I knew that our rides for the night had gotten close.

Brock those arent just any Rapidash, she said as she detected a difference.

I grinned and led everyone outdoors. Rocko made a surprised noise when the Rapidash came around the road and dashed past the house before loping around in a graceful run. Their blue, fiery manes flowed behind them as blue fire hoofprints were left in their wake. In the centre of their trio a normal Rapidash ran at the point of their arrow with a rider on their back.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! screamed Suzie, Cindy, Yolanda, and Tilly screamed when they noticed the pokemon cantering up to us. They arrived with precise grace and the rider dismounted with a flip.

When she stood, she immediately dropped into a bow. The three Rapidash all dropped into bows of their own, their front legs dipping as they dropped their heads. The rider then stood in time with the Rapidash before standing and twirling.

Once more the pokemon copied her by rearing onto their hind legs and twirling about.

When they came back down the Trainer beamed at us. Good evening! Thank you for choosing Andulsia Pony express! The fanciest, and fastest horse service in Indigo!

She pulled the cap from her head and put it over her heart. Im trainer Zoe and these three are Prancer, Dancer, and Lancer! The three horses bobbed their heads at the sound of their names.

Zoe then plucked a pokeball off her belt. And this is Tinkerbell! she said, popping the pokeball and revealing a blue flame Ponyta that stomped its feet and snorted before bucking its way around Zoe who giggled at the ponys antics.

She then plucked a bag from her belt and held it out to us. I was told there would be some young ladies that would like to pat and ride my pokemon before the finely dressed gentleman and lady departed for their event?

Suzie must have learnt teleport because she was so fast off the mark to appear in front of Zoe. Me! Me! Oh! Me! she said while waving one hand in the air, afraid Zoe wouldnt see her.

Tinkerbell reared up behind Zoe and trotted around to sniff at Suzie. Suzie was handed a sugar cube which was in turn offered to the Ponyta.

The other girls quickly filed up to get their own sugar cubes.

Sabrina hovered her clutch purse onto my shoulder. Hold onto this. She then joined the girls in petting the horses with a happy expression.

The sound of furious photo-taking had me turning to find Rachel taking photos professionally, albeit with an expression of longing.

I coughed, Ill get some photos if you want to join the girls.

Oh, no I couldnt I should

Look at how her feet tippy tap when you feed her! squealed Cindy, ending any and all of Rachels resistance as the camera was handed off and Rachel joined the girls.

Salvadore approached with his notepad and curiosity in hand as he began asking Zoe questions. I dutifully began snapping pictures of the girls and Salvadore.

Everything was going perfectly until my success proved too great. Suzie, Tilly, Yolanda, and Cindy all turned towards me with perfectly synchronised Baby Doll Eyes.

Brock! Please can we have a ponyta like Tinkerbell? they said in unison.

My heart clenched and I cursed past Brock. Hed been too successful, and now present Brock, aka me, was suffering from his success!

Ahahaha, well we uhm I said looking to Zoe for a save only for her to be biting her lip and holding in a giggle. Sabrina was also ignoring me as she pet Prancers snout.

Flint spoke up. A pokemon like Tinkerbell wouldnt suit the Gym.

I started to nod. Then aborted the gesture as a wave of irritability ran through me. How dare he say I couldnt have a pokemon like that! So I opened my mouth and said, Sure girls! Ill talk with Zoe later! For now, you enjoy Tinkerbell while Sabrina and I mount up.

Flint shot me a disbelieving look, and part of me enjoyed his gobsmacked expression. I walked up to Lancer and Zoe pointed at where I should sit. I made sure Lancer was content to let me ride him first and he snorted his agreement. Zoe beamed at me.

Im glad youre not one of those sorts to just try jumping on his back! She shook her head. Had to train him not to dump people after the first client tried that.

I clicked my tongue and rubbed his neck. Comes from actually talking with a lot of my pokemon. Theyre not human but they can certainly communicate with us if you care to pay enough attention. I hopped up onto his back lightly and shifted around so I wasnt crushing anything delicate.

Sabrina merely floated herself up onto Prancer. Zoe beamed. Now theres a trick! Id love it if more clients mounted up like that! she put her hand on Dancers neck and hopped up much more gracefully than I had.

We took a few more photos with Sabrina and I on horseback and then I nodded. Go ahead and post any photos you like when you can. Maybe post some good ones tonight to beat the media thats going to be at the mayors ball.

Rachel shot me a thumbs up, and Rocko gave me a mock salute. Say hey to Dennis for us! he said and nodded. Zoe then whistled and pointed causing our pokemon to slowly rear up and turn only to then slowly canter away.

I barely had to grasp with my thighs to hang on; the motion was that smooth. As we raced along the countryside, Zoe leading us on a circuitous route I tapped Lancer on the side and gestured for him to approach Zoe.

So how much would it cost to get a shiny Ponyta like Tinkerbell? I said aloud.

Zoe considered me. Most people that ask me that, I say something ridiculous and get enough money to run my business for an entire year. Im only going to ask for half that but! she held up a finger and grinned. I want any of your little sisters that are interested in horses to join my ponyta club and learn to ride!

I snorted. Oh dear, thats going to be such a tough sell! I shook my head in mock horror.

Zoe hummed. Theyre not fair-weather girls, I take it then?

I shook my head. No. I might have to include another I paused and considered what I was about to say. Ill ask one of my employees if her daughter would like to take part as well. I might also buy some slots for some other kids. I already donated to the orphanage in Pewter but they likely didnt spend it on anything but what they considered essential. How many girls and boys would like to try the Ponyta club?

Id give a few the option at least.

How much would ten slots cost?

Zoes eyes practically became pokedollar symbols. Then Sabrina coughed. I would also like to join.

I whipped to look at her, daintily sitting on Prancer with her soft smile. I grinned as Zoe shot Sabrina a pleased look.

When Zoe told me the cost, I was suddenly glad for the income that would be generated from the upcoming sale of some of the Lileep. Those spots, along with one shiny Ponyta for my sisters, wasnt going to be cheap.

Still, it would bring a lot of smiles to little faces and lifelong memories.

It was with this thought firmly locked in my mind, that we arrived at the Mayors manor. Tonight it had been done up with banners and streamers and there were a number of fancy cars letting businessmen and their wives strut down a long red carpet. On either side of the carpet, with only a small red tape fence holding them back, the media was in a frenzy as tens if not hundreds of cameras swiveled about.

Some reporters drew men and women in for brief commentary and there seemed to be a few famous faces strutting down the carpet and posing.

Our own arrival went only momentarily unnoticed, with Prancer, Dancer, and Lancer all skipping the queue of cars to trot up to the front. I had half a desire to simply keep riding them past the media with a smile and a wave. But then I remembered I needed to be nice. So I dismounted and walked around to offer my hand to Sabrina.

I wasn't sure who said something but the audible whoosh of all the cameras in the area swivelling in mass towards us told everyone someone of importance had just arrived.

The people on the red carpet all turned their heads as the cameras suddenly ignored them.

I was only peripherally aware of this as Sabrina accepted my hand and slid off Prancer.

With all eyes on us, I raised her hand to my lips and gave it a kiss. Sabrina gained a smug look and she drew her other hand around to catch my face in her hand. She drew me up and gave a chaste peck on the cheek. The thunder of cameras behind us announced that not a moment was being lost as Sabrina and Is status was revealed to the public.

I led Sabrina to Zoe and gave the still-riding Rapidash trainer a polite half bow, then I pat each Rapidash on the nose and side of the neck before turning to the crowd.

Time to smile and wave, I said to Sabrina as we proceeded down the carpet.

I think theyll want more than that, she said, still radiating contentment as she linked her left arm and fingers with my right.

Suppose we can talk a bit with them. I turned randomly and had a moment to smile before three reporters were practically lunging over the red rope barricade.


I chuckled. Oh, who can say? I said playfully.

Sabrina leaned forward. Three years, ninety-two days and sixteen hours.

I shot her a bemused look. The reporter gasped and whirled back to her cameraman. You heard it here first folks! This power couple have been dating for years secretly! Illicit romance or shy love only now ready to announce itself!?

She turned back with her mic already in position for another question, only to find wed moved along.

I knew there were going to be a lot of questions like that. I wasnt going to get bogged down. Id give each reporter a few minutes and then move along. I was here for a party, not a gauntlet of interviews after all.

As expected, the questions mostly focussed on Sabrina and Is relationship. People had been astounded to not know that two Gym Leaders were dating. I heard more than one reporter refer to it as the secret romance of the decade more than once, which seemed more than a little melodramatic.

Oddly, the fashion reporter was the most bearable interviewer as she asked after the designers and makers of our outfits. I was more than happy to praise Moniques haberdashery.

When I encountered the Battlecast reporters they nodded, told me nice outfit and date, and then asked how I felt my last Ace challenge had gone. Considering Id won it, it was an easy interview.

The Lifestyle magazine had lamented that my true love with Lance was apparently a thing of the past. Then theyd stared at me as if expecting me to deny them and announce that such a thing could still happen. Id frowned in confusion and began to inch away. Sabrina must have picked up on something the reporter was thinking as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Nope, all mine, she said into the camera. Shed tossed her hair in a slightly aggressive fashion that had me chuckling and leading her into the party proper.

The doorman bowed politely and accepted my invitation before opening the door with exaggerated hospitality. Welcome sir and madam, please enjoy the Mayors spring ball! he said gleefully.

Then he led us into the house and gestured to various rooms, explaining what functions they would serve for the evening. He pointed out the bathroom facilities and the off-limits areas, which were mostly upstairs, because they were the private rooms of the Mayor and his family. The man also pointed out the lounge, the conservatory, the library, the billiards room, and the smoking den as all places we could enter as we wished for the evening.

I nodded in acceptance, and we eventually made our way to the back room which was in fact a proper ballroom. The entire room was encased in stone and the floor was black and white marble in patterns with a glossy finish. Halfway along the hall, a platform had been erected with a band playing music for the guests that were mingling, drinking and eating as waiters carried silver trays around.

I also spotted that there was a single staircase that was roped off leading upwards. I eyed it thoughtfully.

Now if I was a pretentious git that wanted to make a spectacle

I clicked my tongue and Sabrina glanced at me. I shook my head. Just a thought.

Sabrina glanced at the staircase with a frown before nodding in acceptance. I turned my attention to the people in the room as our guide bowed and walked back to his post at the front.

No greeter announced our names, but a small amount of quiet did occur as we stepped into the room arm-in-arm. More than a few ladies gasped and murmurs broke out. I spotted someone I recognised and waved.

Erika! I said happily. I should have known to expect you here!

She offered a polite bow in greeting to me and then to Sabrina. Hello! I should say I am the one to be surprised to see you here. I have attended balls like this for years and have never seen you. She glanced at Sabrina. Either of you. Her eyes then took us in. Its a shame for certain, you both look amazing!

I inclined my head in thanks at her compliment before gesturing to her own, more traditional kimono. You look incredible tonight as well. As to not coming? I cant say Ive had the time in the past.

Erika blinked before blushing. Oh! Im sorry that was terribly rude of me! Of course, with your family, you would have chosen to look after them rather than attend events such as this. She tilted her head. Are they old enough now to be left alone for the evening with a nanny?

I nodded and made a so-so gesture. That and Flint has come back.

Oh? Erika said before blinking. Oh! Oh she said as she bit her lip. What does that mean for you and Pewter Gym?

I waved a hand and shook my head. Nothing. I am the Gym Leader and thats the way its going to stay. Flint Hes mainly reconnecting with our family now.

A waiter walked past and I reached out to snag a drink for myself and Sabrina only to have the tray twist and a fruity drink find its way into my hands. The waiter smiled commiseratingly at me. A good attempt sir but we do have the police chief here tonight, and serving yourself alcohol is a felony. He then retreated with a bow.

I blinked. I hadnt even thought of it, Id just reached out. Not really out of habit, but perhaps my past lifes instincts had made me reach for a drink to keep my mouth moist and my hands full for the amount of talking I was about to do.

Erika giggled. Brock you cant drink here!

I smiled sheepishly. Ah, would you believe I thought it was apple juice? I hadnt even thought of it being alcoholic.

Erika giggled at my excuse and shook her head. Sabrina merely accepted her glass and sipped it, cooly. I hummed when I noticed some older gentleman being offered shots of what I thought was port only for the bottle to read Shuckle wine.

Hmmm, I need to get myself a Shuckle, I said aloud.

Erika followed my gaze only to sigh. Brock!

No! Seriously they're not bad for certain styles of fights! Not because of the Shuckle wine, I swear!

Erika gave me a look of serious doubt. Sabrina merely sipped at her juice watching Erika and I banter with each other.

I was about to ask her how she was feeling when a large man joined our group. Gym Leader Brock! Names Patrick Pebbleman! My wife and I own, and work the quarries of Pebbleman co!

Nice to meet you, I said politely, my smile coming out a bit forced. What can I do for you this evening?

The man opened his mouth only for what must have been his wife to brain him with her clutch purse. Patrick Pebbleman you rude man you! Dont just invade anothers group like that!

Patrick rubbed the back of his head. Oh, sorry, dear. Yes dear! he bowed to us. Sorry! I was just looking to bend your ear Brock! I know you did great work with your trainer Celia last season and the kids have really talked up this year. Our son, Pete Pebbleman? Hes started his circuit.

I frowned. He had a Growlithe and a Shellder I seem to recall? Came by I rubbed my chin in thought. A week ago? Something about this kid had sparked a memory, but I couldnt quite understand why. Pete Pebbleman. Was that someone significant? It didnt ring a bell.

His parents were apparently well off enough if theyd been invited, so they must have been big names in the community. A quarry in Pewter was a good start I supposed.

Patrick beamed. That was him! Reckons you really taught him a thing or two! He stuck around to watch a few other matches that day and saw you fight some different badge levels and was super impressed. Wanted to train with you before the circuit was over! Were confident he can make it all the way to the League but with the news of the flood of trainers hes lost a lot of his confidence.

I see. I nodded. Ill definitely be running a few training camps this year as it has been a concern. I want our trainers to have a fighting chance against trainers from other regions.

Patrick beamed. Excellent! Ill tell Pete the good news! When you have dates please, by all means, send us a message and well tell him to make it back home for some training with you! He then fished out a business card and offered it to me with both hands sincerely.

I accepted it with both hands, an interesting cultural expression that I had noticed carried over from Japan. If Id merely taken it with one hand I would have insulted Patrick Pebbleman. By using both hands and bowing lightly, Id shown him respect.

Patrick stood with a smile as I put the card in my breast pocket. He was about to say something else when his wife dragged him away with a polite thanks.

Erika giggled. Oh dear, I think a lot of people saw that and are going to be after you for a good while now!

I glanced about and noted a lot of businessmen and women and regional bigshots eyeing me.

I hummed and turned to Sabrina. Care to dance?

She smiled winningly and nodded. I grinned. There, that would keep them at bay!

Sadly, I didnt account for people trying to cut in on us.

Thankfully, those people didnt account for Sabrina. We became two dancers in a circle of calm as others that had positioned themselves close to us and that had been about to make an abrupt cut in suddenly found themselves stumbling.

I beamed at her, and we danced our way through a few songs before departing the dance floor. I led Sabrina over to one of the windows. On the way, I snagged us some snacks that we chewed on. I nodded politely as we made our way through the crowd but didnt pause. I found who I was looking for standing next to a seated, much rounder form.

Dennis, I said with a nod.

The man pivoted and bowed politely. I grinned at him. He cut a sharp figure in his suit that was as close to military as he probably could get away with. The man really loved that style, then again it helped with all the paperwork. He was one of my best trainers for a reason.

I noted his jacket was around the woman sitting down. I nodded to her.

Nike, how are you and the kids? I said to Dennis wife.

The woman waved politely and we exchanged some pleasantry. Dennis occasionally spoke up but he looked incredibly awkward. Nike sent him off for water and food when her stomach growled.

Sabrina turned her attention to the other womans swollen middle. When are you due?

Nike smiled. Still another four months. This one is twins. I think I might have to stop after this. Itll bring us up to four and thats enough for me and Dennis. She then turned to me and swallowed. Brock Dennis, he told me about Daniel. Sorry for that She offered an empty gesture knowing likely it wasnt worth much.

Dennis returned with food and water for his wife and I nodded. It was a stark difference to see how Dennis acted with his family and how How Daniel had acted.

I glanced away as I felt a dark mood come over me. Nike patted me on the hand and Sabrina leaned into me. Dennis coughed. I should have said something.

I shook my head. I wanted to believe the lie. It was a perfect fit, which I think is what bugs me the most. Makes me feel dirty, like someone picked through my life and had crafted the ideal way to manipulate me. I clicked my teeth and shook my head.

Nike leaned back and put her hand on Dennis. Yeah, Im still not sure what to make of it. Helen I met her a few times, you know? She seemed normal, and that strikes me the most. I want to make her out to be a villain but Nike shrugged. Part of me understands. If you wanted more for your kids well she left the rest unsaid, and I nodded.

Nike clapped her hands. Sorry for being such a sour-meowth, but Im rude like that! she flicked her eyes between me and Sabrina. So whats this surprise? She grinned widely. You tell me what I should say to the press and Ill have women by their droves coming up to talk to me!

I huffed. I think I can I stopped talking when she pouted. You want them to surge you?

Yes! Since I started to show most of the people I talked to avoid me as they all assume I have none of the juicy gossip! Please! Also, I cant work the room like this! She gestured to her swollen belly. Much better to have the room come to me, she said.

I gave her an amused look before nodding. As Dennis wife, I could humour her. I leaned in and pretended to whisper something in her ear before leaning back. Dont let anyone know about that though yeah? I said while watching her eyes glimmer with glee.

Thank you Broc

I raised a brow as Sabrina decided to plop herself down in a chair next to Nike causing Nike to startle.

I would actually like a moment to rest if its all the same. Sabrina gave me an innocent smile, that let me know she was up to something. Ill rejoin you in a while. I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed.

I gestured outside, and Sabrina shook her head. This will do for now. You best go talk with some of the other guests. There are a lot of people looking to talk with you.

I eyed Sabrina and Nike. Nike looked extremely pleased by this turn of events, while Sabrina looked slightly more relaxed. I eventually nodded and departed with a nod to Dennis and a pointed glance at Sabrina. He nodded back seriously and stepped slightly in front of his wife and Sabrina like he was a guard more than Nikes husband.

Sabrina shot him a bemused look while Nike gave his back a fond smile.

He gained a harried look when the first people to approach the seated ladies were the Cerulean sisters. Their gaze was locked solidly through Dennis, and on Sabrina. Sabrina shot me an exasperated look but waved for me to keep walking as the Cerulean sisters descended on her.

I turned and waded into the crowd to start talking with the various people that were simply dying to talk with me.

I pressed the flesh. I shook hands and smiled genially at various local and regional businessmen and women. Names came and went, and I felt certain Id barely remember a quarter of them in the hour Id been making the rounds. I tried to only spend ten minutes at most with any one group, but that made it harder to remember who was CEO of which company.

When I passed the gardens, I was amused to find a number of gentlemen and ladies engaged in pokemon battles. They seemed quaint scuffles more than proper fights. The pokemon themselves were more bark than bite, but it seemed to get a few peoples blood up if they were watching or taking part.

There were people I was genuinely interested in talking with, such as Lawrences group of Lawyer friends. Of them, he appeared the most thug-like. I couldnt stop staring at the man with a blue afro who was wearing suspenders and a small yellow bowtie. Apparently, he was another local lawyer. Next to him was a much older man with a flattened afro who was his father, and apparently a Judge for the local courts.

Suddenly, Lawrence didnt look quite as silly with his sweeping mohawk. They were all happy to toast Lawrences success and his new hog. Apparently, with all the work I was giving him, he was making a tidy sum and had purchased himself a motorbike to ride along some of the speedways made for such racers. Lawrences girlfriend clung to him and seemed rather bored with the talk of motorbikes and law that invariably was thrown around.

I left them to find a new group after a bit, moving to talk with Erika. Shed been very interested in the news that I had some Lileep up for sale alongside the ones being gifted to a few research labs. Erikas group actually got the most attention as they were all young women that owned their own businesses. Amusingly enough Trixie was here representing her own fitness brand but looked extremely shy in her long dress.

You alright there Trixie? I said to her as she tugged at the sleeve of her dress while her other hand scrunched something in her purse.

Her hand worked furiously causing a squeaking to continue as she spoke, Nope! I think I look ridiculous! This was a terrible idea! I glanced at her purse, was that a grip strength trainer in there?

I gave her dress a look and had to grimace. It wasnt a style that suited her. It covered her up and made her look rather frumpy. It was strange to see her in a dress as I always thought of her as eternally in fitness wear.

Another woman in the group shrugged. Maybe just come in fitness gear next time? Lean into your brand?

Erika hummed in consideration, but Mary Sue Lonlon shook her head. Shucks, dont say that! Then shell start doing it! You know how hard it was to get her into that dress!?

I rolled my eyes and gestured to Trixie. You dont look very comfortable in a dress. Maybe try a suit next time?

That got some thoughtful looks and even a blush from Erika. Trixie blinked a few times in thought. I bit my lip and stopped myself from suggesting Trixie rip off the sleeves of her dress. I was about to suggest Monique, only for said woman to appear at my side.

I heard my name? she said gleefully as I blinked in surprise.

Uhm no? I said, only for Monique to ignore me as she locked onto Trixie.

Oh, dear. Whoever chose that dress did a terrible job for you She shook her head and ignored Mary-Sue as she spluttered. Monique nodded. Alright, come with me to the bathroom and well make it sit better, give you some more room in your stride.

I heard you do suits? Do you think Id look good in one? offered the strangely shy Trixie as the squeaking emitting from her purse slowed..

Darling with your figure, suits would gain a whole new meaning of great, let alone good! said Monique as she stole away the Amazonian woman from us.

I shared a smile with Erika while Mary-Sue sighed. I just wanted her to try something new That was the first dress I could get her to agree to since her second year of school!

I patted Mary-Sue on the shoulder. There there. You were just trying to be a good friend.

I was about to suggest something else to Mary-Sue to help Trixie when Jonathan, the mayor, happened upon me.

The man swept his arm around me and tugged but I pushed rock energy into the ground and he lurched as I became entrenched. I frowned at him as he blinked in bewilderment, only for my gaze to turn to the arm slung over my shoulder.

He coughed and patted me on the shoulder in a friendly way to cover his slip. Ah! Brock! I heard you caused quite a stir with your arrival! Oh! Hello ladies! he smiled before wagging a finger in my face. Brock youre off the market! Dont go teasing the ladies now! he said jovially.

I frowned deeper. Were all friends actually, I said frostily.

Of course we are! he said. I let some dark energy seep into my glare

Now, I just wanted to say hello, as the host it is expected of me after all! Enjoying yourself? Going to stick around a while? he said.

I gazed about. Nothing seems disagreeable. I might seek out Sabrina in a bit though and see how shes going. Shes not used to heels. It was a lie. I was more worried about the various thoughts of the crowd bothering her, but I didnt need to rub Sabrinas status as a psychic in peoples faces. They got leery about that when they remembered she could,at any given moment, read their minds.

Hmmm very good, Jonathan said only to nod at Erika. Good evening to you as well, Miss Erika. Jonathan stepped away only to bark a greeting.

Giovanni, you cad! I hadnt seen you yet! Come to talk with your fellow Gym Leaders!? boomed Jonathan.

I stiffened and turned to find Giovani himself standing at ease with another woman about his age, a scotch glass in hand.

Giovanni inclined his head politely at us. Indeed. He eyed Erika and myself before nodding to Sabrina who was suddenly stepping up next to me. Mary-Sue didnt get a nod as he ignored her to lock eyes with me.

Instead of there being a link that made my pulse race and my hands itch he looked at me in such a placid way that I felt nothing. I blinked in surprise. That wasnt what Id been expecting. Id been expecting some form of challenging glint in his eyes and a need to throw down to come over me.

None of that happened, and I felt oddly out of sorts. It was like someone had just used Trick Room on me.

Giovanni seemed unbothered and instead proceeded to drink from his glass, as cool as a Dewgong in icy water. You seem to be handling the flood of trainers very well, Gym Leader Brock. My congratulations. It seems all the uproar over the flood hasnt played out.

We took a lot of steps to mitigate and spread it out. I think the impact just hasnt been felt as much. Well all find the bill coming due towards the end of the season. When there are more people closer to gaining their eighth badge.

Erika stepped slightly forward holding her smile as she did so. I have also had to handle an increased number of pokemon trainers. It will be a long circuit indeed.

Giovanni inclined his head. Just so. When two Gym Leaders have similar experiences, Id be a fool to ignore their predictions. He paused as though a thought had just occurred to him. I heard that both you and Erika were involved in some unusual business with criminal activity?

Erika puffed up like a Bellosom under a Sunny Day. Yes! We received a worrying tip about Team Rocket activity in my city. I led a raid with the police and Janine from Fuchsia! she said proudly.

Giovanni inclined his head as though impressed. Well done! I imagine you did well then. The news said it was the Games Corner? That would have cost Team Rocket a pretty pokepenny. HE rolled his drink around only to pause. Shame they went unnoticed for so long.

I frowned. He was taking this far too easily. Was it because it had been almost a week now, and hed reconciled the loss? Or was it something else? It took a moment to notice the dig hed slipped in at the end there, as Erika wilted only to regather and straighten up.

Sabrina spoke before Erika could, however, Erika has many duties but the assessment of gambling establishments and their monitoring is not one of them. Erika shot Sabrina a smile.

I opened my mouth only for a sultry giggle to come from the woman next to Giovanni. Oh, its admirable to see the young ones coming together like this. Youre all so supportive.

I flicked my eyes to her. Im sorry, I didnt catch your name.

Madame Bossue, she said with a strange inflection at the end. I tilted my head. Where had I heard that name from? Her answer had told me nothing but her name and with her being Giovannis date that didnt mean a lot.

How are you enjoying your evening? Giovanni showing you a nice time? I said leadingly.

Giovanni, whod been mid-sip of his drink suddenly choked as his eyes bulged out and he shot me an incredulous look. I could only frown. What had I said?

Madame Bossue giggled into her hand, and Giovanni opened his mouth only for the lights to suddenly be cut.

I inhaled and moved back to Sabrina and tugged Erika to my side, getting ready for what was to come next.

Around the room, voices cried out in shock and surprise only for a clear-cut note of a wineglass being tapped to ring out.

Everyone turned their gaze towards the sound. A single light turned on with a thoom to reveal a sharply cut man wearing a mask that had whited out eyes. His purple hair draped down the sides of his face. He flicked his head to clear his face in that oh-so-obnoxious way that some men do when they refuse to wear their hair any other way but loose.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I beg your forgiveness for interrupting this wonderful evening youre all having, Will said from atop the stairs.

I sighed and stepped away from Sabrina. I had a feeling I knew what was about to happen.

I thought Id offer my own humble announcement to spice things up! Pray, do forgive my audacity to make this announcement! he tittered as I rolled my eyes.

The crowd settled, obviously used to the antics of young men. Some people even murmured excitedly, enjoying the mans showmanship.

I, Will of no notable city of origin, am here tonight, a humble Ace trainer to announce that I will be making a run for the Champions challenge! I intend to go all the way! To start, however, I must throw down the glove! Another light turned on right as he said the words.

I found myself lit up and in the centre of one of the only two beams of light in the room. I scowled up at him as he pointed down at me.

Gym Leader Brock! I shall begin my run by challenging you! What say you? His words echoed about the room as people turned to me.

I chuckled and shook my head. What do I say? I say this! I adopted my pose with my arms crossed over my chest as I glared up at him.

Its about damn time.

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