Harem Overlord

Chapter 161 How Me Met Esmeralda (End)(Chapter Preview)

"That was the last book." Kai said as he put the book he was holding back on the shelf.

He didn't know how much time had passed since it was hard to keep a record of it in a closed place while your attention was focused on reading a book.

But because of the book, he now knew some important things about being a demon. And the most shocking thing was that there was no way for a half-demon to be born.

If a male demon released his yang qi in a human, elf, or another living being, the opposite female would die because of the intensity of the yang qi.

Similarly, a male from another species won't be able to impregnate a female demon with his yang qi.

This arose many questions in Kai's mind as he started wondering about his parents. He decided to put aside the thought of his parents for now as he stood up and went to tell Esmeralda that he had finished all the books she had given to him.

"Maybe I am an experiment of some sort?" Kai wondered out loud since anything could be true.

"I gotta say, you are a fast reader." Esmeralda said as Kai saw her writing a book.

After reading millions of books, Esmeralda had decided to create a book that completely belonged to a different genre of its own. (AN: *wink*)

"Can you give me some books that depict the reproduction of different species and includes information on half breeds?" Kai asked as she shook her head.

"I think you should first read the rest of the books in that room before reading other books. Perhaps it might give you some insight on who you are." Esmeralda suggested as Kai shrugged and went back to the room.

He had finished four of the books from this room and four were still left. He picked two more books with relatively similar titles.

The black book was based on the life of sins while the other one was based on the life of the Archangels.

The book about the sins mostly told Kai things that he already knew but it contained some other information too.

It stated that all the sins were women, something he didn't know, and also said that all of them lived together in a special realm that was situated near the demon realm.

The rest of it was pretty basic stuff that Kai had already read so he closed the book and opened the second one.

His eyes suddenly widened in surprise as he read the first page of the book. It contained some general knowledge on angels and Kai knew most of it.

But then there was the stuff he didn't know. One of them was that all seraphim were born as immortals who could live on forever unless someone killed them.

The children of the seraphim were also born as half immortals and were much powerful than the normal Nephilim.

Another surprising thing was that all angels were immune to most of the spiritual diseases that were fatal to a cultivator.

Only a certain number of diseases could kill angels as they were near immortals because of this. As he flipped through the pages, his eyes widened even more.

He suddenly closed the book as he closed the book and stood up. He had just learned that the first Nephilim was actually a half angel and half demon who had been born because of a mistake.

'I wonder if that person is still alive.' Kai thought as he dashed through the library to ask Esmeralda about this.

According to the book, the first Nephilim was too strong of an entity who could battle every single on the angels singlehandedly.

The book had ended with the person being trapped in a war between angels and demons where he had been forced to choose a side.

"Esmeralda, tell me everything about the two demon and angel wars that have happened!" Kai slapped his head on the desk in front of Esmeralda as she looked at him with surprised eyes.

"Um, the first demon war had happened when Lilith had been alive and it had been the most bloodiest of wars ever and four out of the seven Archangels had died in it. The war had ended with Lilith mysteriously vanishing and both sides retreating back. The second war had happened many millenniums after the first one and the reason for it was the appearance of Excalibur and Hellbringer.

Hellbringer had appeared a few years before Excalibur and both weapons wielded extreme amounts of power. The rulers of the races at that time had thought to annihilate the other race with the use of their respective weapons. But this war had ended with a stalemate and neither the sins nor the Archangels had participated in it." Esmeralda explained as Kai's excitement died down.

"Why were you so interested in the wars?" She asked curiously as Kai shook his head.

With a slumped head, he returned back to the room to read the last two books and hopefully get a clue about his parents.

He pulled out when white book with a frown as he saw that only half of it was white while the other half was gray.

His eyes then flicked over to the black one as he pulled

d it out and saw that the black book was also half black and half gray.

He opened the half-white one as his frown deepened when he saw that all the first few pages were blank. He flipped through the entire book and all of them were blank.

He opened the black one and its pages were also blank but suddenly, a blue glow emerged from both the books at once.

The glow surrounded Kai as he blinked rapidly as his vision started to blur. He saw his hands flickering before his eyes as he suddenly vanished and the two books hit the floor with a thump before the entire place went silent.

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