Harem Overlord

Chapter 174 The Spirit Of Earth (End)(Chapter Preview)

"She grew up too quickly that we were shocked by it. She is barely a week old and already looks like a 2-year-old. She can walk without support and has even started speaking certain words. We tried to figure out what is special about her. In the end, we can only say that she is a miracle." Gaia's mother said as she bent down and picked up Gaia.

The little girl giggled as she pecked her mother's cheeks with kisses. Kai's eyes grew even more sadder as he looked at the mother and daughter duo.

"Does she have anything strange on her body? Something like a mark or a symbol or anything?" Kai asked curiously as the woman nodded.

"She has some kind of a symbol on her right chest. We tried finding out what it meant but none of our experts could figure it out. Maybe it's the key to her quick growth." The woman replied as Kai smiled at her and walked away with the queen and king.

He collected some reports from them and teleported back to the land of lightning with a sad face.

He appeared near the reports room as he saw the three girls scribbling things on a piece of paper while Qin was taking out some reports.

All of them suddenly looked at him as he walked towards the girl and looked towards Qin.

"Qin, I am going to discuss some stuff with my subordinates before I get back to you on how we will proceed. By the way, we are using the rooms in hallway 69." Kai said to Qin as she nodded and saw the four figures in front of her vanish.

'Hallway 69 huh. Let's see if I have any way to see or hear what you will be 'talking' about.' Qin thought as she left the reports room with a smile.


"So what should we do?" Kai asked the three girls as they stared at him with blank faces.

They were currently sitting in a room in the hallway 69. The girls didn't even want to know how Kai knew that this hallway was numbered 69.

He had been telling them about his visit to the land of earth's palace and his encounter with Gaia the child.

"I can't believe that she is a child." Levina said as she conjured up the image of Gaia from her memories.

The girl she knew was brave and bold and had a fierce desire to protect the six other elemental rulers from any danger.

But the Gaia Kai told her about sounded like a happy child who was enjoying her life with her parents.

"I couldn't believe it too. After all, it's hard to imagine Gaia as a giggling toddler. If not for me seeing her with my eyes, I wouldn't have believed that Gaia could be a toddler." Kai replied as Levina chuckled.

"Remember the time when she pushed you on the ground for kissing me without my permission?" Levina asked as Kai smiled.

"I was shocked to see how much her fist weighed. Good thing I rarely asked her for handjobs or who knows what would have happened to me." Kai replied as Levina chuckled lightly.

The other two girls just listened to Kai and Levina talk about this mysterious girl named Gaia since they didn't know anything about her.

"Um Kai, why can't you just directly bring her here and wipe everyone's memories about her?" Kiana asked as Kai's smile vanished.

"I couldn't even enter the minds of people around Gaia much less manipulate their memories. And honestly, I don't want to take her away from her parents." Kai said in a sad tone as Kiana fell quiet.

"Was it like the time you encountered Azazel on the Central continent?" Levina asked curiously as Kai shook his head.

"No, it was completely different. On the Central continent, I could enter people's minds and even see their memories. Azazel only came forth when I tried to manipulate their memories. However, when I tried to enter the minds of the people around Gaia, I faced a sudden sharp pain in my eyes which forced me to retract my powers m." Kai explained as Levina's lips formed an O shape.

"Then what should we do? There is no way that we can do anything unless we make Gaia remember her memories." Levina said as Kai nodded.

"Why don't you kidnap her?" Kiana asked but Watanabe was the one who answered her.

"It's cause he doesn't want to steal a young child from a happy family. And even if he does that, there is no guarantee that Gaia will regain her memories and this will lead to her hating him." Watanabe explained as Kiana nodded.

Since Watanabe herself was a mother, she knew why Kai didn't want to kidnap Gaia. After all, she would have been heartbroken twice if someone had kidnapped Asahi from her.

"Um, Kai is there any way for me to know what is happening back on the mortal realm?" Watanabe suddenly asked as she missed her child.

"If you want, all of us can go and directly see what is going on in the mortal realm. We can even talk to people but we can't touch anyone. Do all of you want to do this?" Kai asked the three women as they nodded.

Even Levina was excited about this since she had grown quite close to Asahi even though her father had some small mood swings when it came to her safety even though she was quite capable of defending herself.

"Then hold on to me." Kai instructed as the women grabbed his arms. He then closed his eyes as the room suddenly dimmed.

Kai opened his eyes and the three women saw that his eyes were now completely purple demonic eyes.

"I will count to one and when I say it, all of you will let go of my arms at the same time. Understood?" Kai asked as the three girls nodded.

He then closed his eye again as he suddenly appeared above the mortal realm. His vision flew forward as he traveled towards the western continent.

Kai went around the continent searching for a particular thing before he found it.

"3." Kai began counting as he returned to the room where the three girls were.


"1!" Kai said as the girls let go of him at the same time as their surroundings swirled.

"Where are we?" Kiana asked as she rubbed her eyes and saw a familiar-looking structure in front of her.

"We are currently in the royal capital of the western continent and that is the royal palace." They turned back as they heard Kai's voice and saw him moving pointing towards the structure with a smile.

"Let's go meet Asahi." He said as he and the women started walking towards the structure which was a palace with a white tiger symbol on its roof.

It was none other than the royal palace of the Zian family.

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