Harem Overlord

Chapter 202 Azrael (Death's Arc 2)(Chapter Preview)

Azrael's body shook violently as waves of power erred released from his body. He felt two horns growing from the sides of his head as a black cloak covered his body.

The space in front of him swirled a little as a scythe appeared in front of him and hovered in the air in front of him.

One by one, everyone around him started dying as his eyes widened. On impulse, he grabbed the scythe as white balls of light suddenly shot towards it.

He looked around him and saw dead bodies lying on the ground lifeless. Their eyes were wide opened but for some reason, Azrael didn't feel any remorse.

He looked at the scythe with narrowed eyes as he felt a weird type of energy running inside it.

"That scythe now holds the souls of every single person in your city. Think about the dark place you were first in and deposit these souls there." The voice instructed as Azrael's expression hardened.

"Who are you?" He asked out loud as he heard a chuckle in his head.

"I am what keeps this place going. I am what makes sure everything happens correctly. I am one of the three core parts of balance. I am time." The voice whispered as Azrael blinked in confusion.

"You are time?" He asked in a slow voice.

"Yes, I am time. Now do what I told you." The voice commanded as Azrael closed his eyes and thought about the dark space he had first woken up in.

He suddenly opened his eyes as he appeared in the same dark space as the first time he had woken up.

He placed the scythe in the air as the white balls were released from it and hovered in the dark space.

"What exactly is this place?" Death asked aloud as he hoped that the voice would answer him and surprisingly it did.

"This place is known as the Darkness. It wields an unimaginable amount of power and is the strongest amongst the three cores of balance which are space, time, and darkness. All three of the cores have real-life manifestations and the manifestation of space was the one who created you whereas I am the manifestation of time." The voice explained as Azrael slowly nodded to himself.

"The Darkness and the Space have both created many beings while I myself have no creations. But remember, beings created by the Darkness are dangerous and solely believe in preserving balance. They are called the Creators and I hope that you never meet them. My time with you is ending shortly.

I hope that you keep doing your job and don't disappoint me in the end. And remember, never in your whole life should you lose your virginity or the creators will find you and things will go bad. And also, people can't get close to you without dying so remember that too." The voice explained in a hurry before the same feeling of something being detached from his body happened again.

He was left alone in the Darkness as he stared at the souls with emotionless eyes. He sighed once before teleporting to his now-dead hometown.

After that, he would always get a tingling sense whenever someone would die on the jewel realm and he would go and collect their soul before dropping it in the Darkness.

"This is getting boring." Azrael complained to himself as was reading erotica with a bored expression.

To pass some time, he had started reading various types of books, and currently sitting in a forest, he was reading one of them.

Azrael stood up from the shade of the tree as he started walking towards the town from where he had rented the book.

Being the collector of souls didn't exactly make a person rich. He had been thinking of becoming an assassin for hire since he could basically kill any person by just looking at them.

It had been a decade since he last heard the voice but he still remembered the words clearly. But after this much time, he could control his power easily and prevent people from dying unless they directly touched him.

After returning the novel, Azrael started making his way back to his resting location when he got a huge tingle in his body.

"Is a war happening somewhere?" He wondered out loud as he teleported to the location using his powers.

A huge tingle meant that a massacre was happening somewhere as he appeared at the location with interested eyes.

But his interest grew even more as he looked at a figure weaving through warriors wielding swords.

"That's so deadly yet beautiful." Death muttered as he closely examined the figure.

The figure was a female with pure ice-colored waist-length hair and deadly sharp ice blue eyes. She was wearing a light battle armor as she froze people by just touching them. Nothing could hit her as all weapons froze completely before shattering around her.

The woman killed thousands of soldiers within a few minutes as she suddenly appeared in front of death who had been lost in seeing her.

The woman touched his chest with her hand as she suddenly frowned. Death looked baffled as the woman before him remained alive.

"Why are you not dying?" Both of them asked each other at the same time as the woman blinked in confusion.

"Why are you asking that?" She asked as Death shrugged and looked at the silent battlefield behind the woman.

Thousands of dead bodies filled the ground as all of them were frozen in ice. On closer inspection, Azrael saw that all of them were wearing the same armor.

"Are you an assassin by any chance?" Death asked as the woman narrowed her eyes and nodded.

"Then wait here for a while." Azrael said as he took out his scythe and hit the ground with it. Thousands of white souls rose in the air and entered the scythe.

The woman's eyes widened as she saw the white balls enter the scythe.

"What are those?" The woman asked as Death smiled.

"Nothing important. But I have some questions if you are willing to answer and in return, I will answer you questions." Azrael replied as the woman thought about it before nodding.

"Then let's begin." The woman said and they began questioning each other.

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