Harem Overlord

Chapter 215 How He Met Inari (Past Chapter)(Chapter Preview)

"I don't think that she is coming here." Kai muttered to himself as he stood across the same spot where he had met Kana.

The wolf girl was yet to return after rescuing her sister and Kai was already losing hope that she would come to meet him.

'Maybe I should have just asked for directions.' He thought silently as the crowd of people had reduced by half but people were still wandering around the streets.

Within the crowd, he suddenly saw a figure darting towards him as he smiled when he saw a brown tail hanging behind the figure.

"And here I was thinking that you would never come back." He said out loud as the figure lowered her hood and showed her wolf ears to Kai.

Kana's bright pink eyes gleamed at might as she shook her head with serious eyes.

"I always repay my debts." She answered as her eyes darted around.

"Listen, the black market auction begins in half an hour but I don't think that you can honestly win there." She whispered as Kai kept smiling.

"How much does a fruit honestly cost?" He asked as Kana suddenly started moving.

Kai closely followed her as she led him across several different alleys. They quietly crept down different places as Kai released a silent sigh of relief.

'Good thing I didn't ask for direction. I would have been lost by now.' He thought silently as Kana suddenly stopped.

"In the legal auction, the fruit costs 500 soul stones." She replied as Kai blinked in disbelief.

"500 soul stones?" He asked in confusion as Kana nodded.

"That's honestly a low price since people can only use the legal money they have earned or they will be taxed heavily. But in the illegal auction, the bids range up to 2000 soul stones or more. Do you have that much money?" Kana asked as Kai slowly nodded.

Even though he had quite a wealth, 2000 soul stones were more than half of the total money he had.

"There is another thing you know. The legal auction is completely safe so that people can bid easily but the illegal one allows anything as long as nobody dies. So people actually steal money from weaker cultivators. And if you kill someone by mistake, you have to pay the price by dying yourself." Inari added as Kai knew that she had an alternative plan.

"Just tell me what you are thinking. I know that you have a better option." He said out loud as Kana smiled.

"I know a merchant who buys at least three of the fruits and later sells it for treasures. Working with her is safe since no one is allowed to kill anyone inside her shop and she also has a high cultivation. Do you have a rare treasure that you exchange?" Kana asked as Kai nodded.

He rummaged inside his pendant for a while before he took out two gleaming swords. Kana's eyes suddenly widened as she knew what those blades were.

"Are these the dark element enhancing swords that are only available in the human realm?" Kana asked as Kai smiled and nodded.

"How did you know that?" He asked curiously as Kana perked up.

"It's cause most assassins want to have these swords as their dream weapons but most can't afford it. You must have paid quite a large amount of money for it." She replied as Kai shook his head.

"I got it for free." He replied as Kana's eyes widened.

"How?" She asked in disbelief as he shook his head.

"Not right now. Let's just go to this person's shop. I will directly teleport us outside the shop so just think about it in your mind." He added as Kana closed her eyes and thought about the place.

Kai gently touched her shoulders as he got the location of the place and both of them vanished. They then appeared in front of a completely black shop with no guards outside it.

"Inari the fox merchant. My collection includes supernatural items, rare items, assassination items, etc. Bring me something of equal value and we will make an exchange. I don't sell things for money." Kai read aloud as Kana pointed at a poster.

"You can but the legendary fruit here right now. The sale will end in 2 hours if no one buys it." Kana read it for Kai as he nodded and the duo entered the shop.

A flowery smell entered Kai's as he saw three people wandering around the shop. One of them was a girl with nine fluffy tails and split pupil eyes while the other two had their appearance hidden by cloaks.

But Kai could still see that one of them had a cat tail while the other one didn't.

"She is the owner of the shop." Kana whispered to Kai as she pointed at the fox girl. The three people turned to see who was there as they felt two auras behind them.

"Who did you brought with you, Kana?" The fox girl asked as she knew Kana who frequently bought some low-level items from her.

"I am here to buy the legendary fruit." Kai didn't beat around the bush as the fox girl smiled.

"And what will you give me in return?" She asked with a smile as Kai took out the swords again and the girl's smile vanished.

"Are those dark element enhancing swords?" She asked with narrowed eyes as she didn't believe Kai.

"You can check them for yourself." He replied as he walked past the two figures and handed Inari the swords.

She examined them for a few minutes as she closely glanced at all the components of the swords before looking at Kai with disbelief.

"These are real." She admitted out loud as Kai nodded.

She then put the swords on a counter before she moved away and took out two red fruits twice the size of an apple.

"One fruit for each sword." She said out loud as she handed Kai the fruits and he tossed them inside his pendant.

But before he could leave, one of the hooded figures grabbed his arm.

"Who are you?" The hooded figure asked in a sharp feminine voice as Kai smiled.

"Nobody important." He replied as he and Kana vanished.

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