Harem Overlord

Chapter 251 Kazemi And Mizaki's Connection(Chapter Preview)

"Are those tails?" Yuan asked with a wide-open jaw as he looked at Inari's nine tails. She was still asleep on the bed but her ears flickered at the mention of her tails.

"Yeah those are tails and she is a half-beast. Any other questions you wanna ask?" Kai replied as Yuan stared at him with wide eyes.

"You do know that it's against the laws to have people from other species to be on this realm without the permission of Lucas?" Yuan asked as Kai nodded.

"It's only against the laws if the people ruling the place know about it and I don't think that you both are going to do anything about it." He replied while eyeing both Yuan and Mizaki as both of them nodded.

Kai then looked at Valeus whose dead body was lying on the ground. After Mizaki had defeated the man, she had landed down on the ground and had broken the Valeus's neck.

"I finally got rid of him." She has said casually before Kai had teleported them to the living quarters.

"So let's first start with introductions. Who are you and what is your relationship with the spirit of water, Kazemi?" Kai asked Mizaki as she raised her hand and a sphere of still water appeared in her hand.

"I am not a spirit. I am just a normal human." Kazemi replied as the sphere of water vanished.

"I used to be a pretty pathetic human being living on the realm of humans. I was the daughter of a landlord of a small town there and well, I used to boast my status. People could do nothing about me but one day it all fell down. My father was caught in a case of doing secret drug deals and was executed and I was kicked on the streets.

Just within a few days, I found out how hard life was and if not for my cultivation, I would have died of hunger. But by pure chance, I met a young infant who was abandoned on the streets. And for some reason, I took the infant under care. A few years passed and I found out that the infant was a girl. She never cried and never complained about anything and always looked deep in thought.

But one day, she suddenly collapsed in front of me as her body started to turn to pure blue light. She then told me that she had remembered something important that she had forgotten and that she was a spirit. She said that her life aura was fading because of her not being connected to the spirit realm and the only way for her to live was if she inhabited a human body. And so, I offered her my body.

After doing that, I saw some pieces of her memories and I was shocked by it. I decided to travel here to seek some answers but the spirit realm turned out to be completely different from the one in her memories. I went undercover as a beggar and came here in search of answers but unfortunately, the king sensed that I had some strange powers and form thereon. I was engaged to Valeus though he hated me and didn't even want to look at my face." Mizaki said with a dark chuckle as she looked at Valeus's dead body with a cold expression.

"I could have easily run away from this place if I wanted to but by deciding to stay here, I learned many things about the realm and I think that you would be interested in knowing some of those things." Mizaki added as Kai nodded.

Yuan on the other hand was looking from Mizaki's face to Kai's expression with a gaping face.

"You believe her just like that?" He asked as Kai nodded.

"She has no reason for lying and her story also tells why she has that sword. If a spirit and human share the same body for the entire time, they can form a deeper connection than the humans who are the hosts of spirits since those humans only summon their respective spirit during certain times." Kai replied as Yuan started rubbing his forehead.

[ Remember how Riang used to feel when you would show with a random beauty by your side? ] Kai heard Mariel's spiritual message echoing around in his head as he smiled at that.

[ Maybe I should bring her here. She would be able to counsel Yuan on how to prevent himself from getting a headache. ] Kai replied before looking at Mizaki with a serious expression.

"Then does that mean that you and Kazemi can switch places?" Kai asked as Mizaki shook her head.

"Even though we are connected, she is too weak to even stay awake. I can only use her powers and other than that, I can't contact her through any means." She replied as Kai sighed since he understood the situation.

"So she is deep sleep huh. The chances of her waking up any time soon are extremely low. Anyways, I would like to know what you know about the spirit realm but before that, I want to ask you some things." Kai said as he turned towards Yuan who had given up on understanding who Kai and Mizaki were talking about.

"There is something going around on the continent that the royal family is not aware of and you are a part of it, aren't you?" Kai asked as Yuan's eyes widened.

"How did you…" His voice trailed off as he realized that he had just agreed to Kai's statement.

"It was a little bit obvious because of how you were looking at us. I had a feeling that you were either a pervert or you were scouting us for something or that you were checking something that you were doubtful about. Since you were ready to lay your life on the ground to protect us, it's definitely not the first one which means that it's either the second or third option." Kai replied as Yuan fell silent.

'I wish that I was that smart.' Yuan silently thought before sighing.

"Yes, you are right about it, there is certainly such an event going under the covers." Yuan said as Kai nodded.

"Then let's hear about it."

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