Harem Overlord

Chapter 287 The Yin-Yang Formations Master (End)(Chapter Preview)

"If people are rising from the dead why will it be impossible for someone like him to be alive again?" Kosma asked in a confused voice as Kai shook his head.

"That person had been dead for almost thirty thousand years. If the Darkness is throwing out such people, there's a chance that even Lilith, the first demon, might be alive again too." Kai replied as Kosma shook her head.

"No, she won't be alive again. She reincarnated." She said as Kai looked surprised.

"She managed to reincarnate while many other people didn't reincarnate. That's something else." Kai said with a surprised expression as Kosma slowly nodded.

"The thing is, I don't exactly know who is being reincarnated and who is not. But I can tell you that most of your old enemies, including the fairy king and queen, the spider queen, the cursed demon swordsman, etc. are alive again." Kosma said as Kai sighed.

"If all of them are alive, I am in for a large amount of trouble. Alongside them, I also have this organization to battle and I still have to defeat Azazel before he breaks his prison and comes out. And even after all that, I have to find what happened to the divine emperor." Kai mentioned everything he still had to do as he glanced at his chest.

"I can't remove such a minute formation without making it overload and thus destroying my insides. Can you remove it?" Kai asked Kosma as she nodded.

"It's just a very small formation. I can easily remove it." She said as she placed her hand on Kai's chest, directly above his beating heart.

A light blue glow surrounded her palm before it slowly started to move inside Kai's clothes and directly into his chest. Kosma suddenly narrowed her eyes as the blue glow kept moving inside Kai's clothes

"Sorry for doing this." She muttered as Kai looked confused before he could say anything, Kosma pushed him back.

His body flew back at a very fast pace and hit one of the white walls with a thud. He slowly slumped down on the ground as he could feel his energy slowly vanishing.

"What did you do?" Kai asked in a weak voice as Kosma gave him a small smile.

"That formation was embedded with a secret symbol which would tell the creator of the formation about your current location if you or someone else tried to remove. If not for me doing that, the creator of the formation would have already known your location." Kosma explained s Kai nodded slowly.

His body still felt extremely weak and he couldn't even move his limbs properly but Kosma didn't look too worried about it.

"You will be able to move after a few minutes. But till then, stay in that position. I am going to check up on a few things and will come back after a long time. You can leave this place by thinking about the place you were in before coming here. See ya." Kosma said as she suddenly vanished from her spot and left Kai alone in the place.


"Wow someone managed to remove the formation while making sure that the secret symbol I implanted didn't activate. I wonder who that person is since this required an extremely high level of skill." The man from earlier who had been sitting down on a bed muttered as he stared up at his ceiling.

All the spots were still black on the ceiling as the man sighed and stood up from his place.

"I wish the person had taken a few more minutes. I would have cracked Kai's location by then." He muttered to himself as he walked towards the door in the room and opened it.

He stepped out to see two guards looking at him with questioning faces. The man knew that the actual souls of the guards' were long gone and they were just puppets being controlled by someone else.

"What happened?" The guard on the right asked as the man shook his head.

"Someone removed the formation before I could do anything about it. Now I have no idea where Kai is and whether he has left one of the eight sacred places or not." The man replied as the guards went silent.

The man suddenly had a very bad feeling about the guards' silence as they stood still for a few minutes before both of them suddenly lunged forward and grabbed the man's throat.

"I thought that the secret symbol was hidden so perfectly that even high-level experts couldn't detect it and even if they found it, they wouldn't be able to remove it. I don't think the title 'Yin-Yang formations master' suits you." The guard on the left said in the same voice as the guard on the right.

The man started having a hard time breathing and the reason for this was clear since there were two pairs of hands grabbing his throat. He started gasping for breath as the grip around his neck suddenly loosened.

"Haah… haah…" The man gasped loudly as he took in the air before looking at the two guards.

"Don't worry, I got a trace of his location and if you give me some more time, I might be babel to find his location." The man replied as the guards remained silent.

"You will find it or else…" The guard on the right began saying and stopped midway as the man gulped in fear.

p "Or else I will die again without meeting my daughter." He finished the sentence as the two guards nodded and pointed back towards the room.

The man slowly started walking towards the room as he paused once and stare back at the guards. Both of them were back on their posts as the man sighed and entered his room. He closed the door behind him quickly before he started taking deep breaths.

"I shouldn't have agreed to help him find Kai. Who could have known that this would turn out to be so bad?" The man muttered to himself even though he had already known how it would turn out.

He had been in a dark place for many years and had forgotten everything about himself. He had no memories, no emotions, and no consciousness and couldn't even be considered a living being. But all of a sudden, he had regained everything back ta one.

"Would you like to live again in exchange for helping me?" The moment he had heard these words, he couldn't get them out of his head.

He had agreed immediately even though he couldn't see who was talking. And after that, he had been teleported to the room he was currently standing in.

The two guards standing outside had been with him the entire time but they had only spoken to him once before going out of the room. He had been asked to find someone named Kai and had been been given all the details he needed to find him.

But finding this person named Kai was proving to be extremely difficult even though he had managed to somehow put a formation on him while being so far away from him.

"I am only doing this for you daughter." The man muttered to himself as he sat down on the bed and tried to find Kai again.

But only if he knew about Kai's identity.

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