Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 102: Flying Rescue

Chapter 102: Flying Rescue


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 102: Flying Rescue

Harry heard people all over the stadium screaming in panic as the towers holding the stands shook and trembled, but luckily they seemed to hold firm.

He first glanced over the Gryffindor side where his family was sitting and he confirmed that they were all holding well.

But then, he spotted something falling from the Slytherin stands, followed by the desperate screams of two girls.

He pushed his Nimbus 1900 to its limits.

'I won't make it in time!'

They were getting too close to the ground.

He circulated more of his magic through the broom runic array and this one drastically increased its speed. 

Harry arrived at their side in an instant. Grabbed one of the girls under his left arm and the other one over his right shoulder.

The girls stopped screaming when they realized they were no longer falling.

"W-wha-...Harry?" Daphne stammered the words when she looked down and saw his familiar dark messy hair and gold-red robes.

Harry gazed at the blonde girl on his shoulder.

"Hang on Daphne, I'll get us down…"

"We got saved by a Gryffindor?!" Pansy exclaimed.

Harry moved his eyes to check on the other girl he was holding.

'I have just saved the life of Lord Parkinson's daughter…' He felt a bit conflicted about that one. 

The man had been aiming for his parent's lives and in return, he just saved his family. That is not how he usually did things…but he couldn't just leave the girl to her fate. It was not in his nature.

"You too…hang on. I'll descend carefu-"

His broom started to tremble and shake.

"That's not careful at all, Potter!" Pansy shouted.

"Harry!" Daphne called.

"Oh…well shit…I broke the runes. We ar-"

The broom stopped its flight and plummeted abruptly.

He burned down the rune array by overcharging with magic when he increased the speed of the broom past its limits.

Now the magical flying broom had nothing magical about itself...it was just a piece of wood.

"Ahhh!" Pansy started to scream again.

"Do something!" Daphne shouted.

Wands were not allowed for Quidditch players. It was a good thing that no one checked for hidden holsters.

The spare wand appeared on Harry's left hand and he did his best to point it down while not letting the girl fall.

They must have been only around twenty feet off the ground when Harry spoke the words.

"Aeolos!" Harry had to cast it out loud to increase its power and speed since it had to lift three people this time.

A powerful gust of wind appeared beneath them, slowing their fall until they almost stooped, then…allowed them to descend slowly.

The trio reached the ground and the wind disappeared.

"We are safe!" Pansy said with disbelief.

Harry noticed Daphne looking around before glancing back at him with a shocked expression.

"Are you hurt?" He asked her.

"Ah..em..no. I'm fine…thanks." She stammered the words, looking very shaken.

Harry looked up at the stands. The tremors had stopped and it didn't seem like anyone else had falled down from them. He still wanted to go check on his family, just to make sure. 

He went to pick up his broom. It was useless to fly now, but it was still a birthday present from his parents. He was not leaving it here.

"Are you two going to be okay? I want to go check on someone." Harry told the girls.

"I'm fine, Potter." Pansy seemed to have recovered her nerves after the experience.

"Thank you…I won't forget about this."

Daphne didn't say anything but kept staring at the spot where he cast the spell.

Harry shrugged it off as the girl being in a momentary state of shock, but at least she wasn't physically harmed. He turned around and ran to the Gryffindor's stands.

Daphne stared at his back as he left. 

Pansy was not there that day when Neville played his only Quidditch match, but she was. 

She saw very well the wind magic that Neville had supposedly invoked by accident when his life was in danger. Or that was what the rumors told.

'That was the same magic…I have no doubt now. It was Harry the one that cast that spell…this means that all of those rumors about Longbottomo doing accidental magic…' It wasn't really that surprising to her that Harry was capable of doing this. After all, she already knew that it was him the one who defeated Profesor Nayar the previous year. But it still gave her something to think about.

The only thing she did not understand was why…why was Harry doing this?. Why go so far as to protect Longbottom while remaining in the dark?

Harry was an enigma to Daphne, a wizard with that amount of power at his age would easily be considered the second coming of Merlin if people knew about it.

She found herself wanting to know more and more about him.

"Daphne stop staring so much…he is gone already." Pansy woke her up from her trance.

"I-I wasn't staring at him…let's just go." Daphne put back her usual calm expression.

"Of course…wait until I get my hands on those two idiots who let me fall…they are going to hear me!." Pansy huffed.

"But I should also thank you, Daphne…for trying to save me at least."

She shrugged.

"Someone had to."


Harry had to open way amidst the sea of people wanting to get down the stands and finally made it to the top where he found his family.

He could finally breathe when he confirmed they all seemed okay.

"Harry!" Lyra came running to his side and hugged him.

This was not a usual reaction for her but she appeared to be really shaken by the experience.

"I'm fine…what about you?." 

She did not let him go.

"I'm scared…why is this happening?. This was supposed to be a fun year…"

"It will be…this will be over soon enough, you'll see, Lyra. Don't worry." Harry promised her.

'I'll take care of it…somehow.' 

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