Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 110: A True Monster

Chapter 110: A True Monster


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 110: A True Monster

"Merlin!, this is too fast!" Lyra screamed as the phoenix took another fast turn and entered the pipes system.

"Where do you think is taking us?" Asked Ginny.

"Harry told him to take us outside the castle," Daphne answered.

Fawkes seemed to increase its speed, and moments later they were exiting through one of the giant pipes that connect to the outside.

"Whoa!, fresh air!" Lyra smiled with joy.

"I missed this!" Ginny agreed with her sentiment. The air inside the chamber was beyond unpleasant.

They looked back as they were flying away and saw the massive rocky mount where Hogwarts sat. Then, they continued traveling north, towards a nearby forest mountain.

"You think he is going to be okay in there?" Lyra glanced back at the castle with worry.

"He already defeated three basilisks by himself!. Your brother is amazing, Lyra. I'm sure he will be fine." Ginny comforted her.

"He seemed very confident…trust in him." Daphne hoped her words sounded convincing. If Harry's theory about the ritual turned out to be accurate, then…they had no idea what kind of creature would be resulting from that.

Fawkes gave out a loud cry that startled the girls.

"W-what is it?" Lyra stared at the bird.

"He must be seeing or hearing something that we can't catch. Daphne's eyes moved in the direction that Fawkes was looking but didn't notice anything out of place.

"Wait!, I can see something moving over there!" Ginny shouted and used her free hand to point at the rocky side of the castle where they had just come out from.

The sun was starting to set already, making it more difficult to discern, but if one paid close attention, it was evident that something was moving in that area.

"What is that?!" Lyra narrowed her eyes, trying to decipher what she was seeing.

"That looks like…a head?" Daphne did not sound very sure.

Fawkes let out another loud cry, and just a second later they all saw something come out of the previous spot.

Now it became evident that it was a snake as its extremely long body appeared out in the open. The head of the beast continued to rise until it had almost reached the height of the castle's towers, denoting its tremendous size.

And then...it let out the loudest hiss they had ever heard.

"Ahh!, that's a monster!" Shouted Ginny.

"That thing is at least a dozen times bigger than the ones we encounter inside the Chamber of Secrets!" Daphne made a rough estimation based on what she was seeing.

"Harry!...where is my brother?" Lyra exclaimed. Her voice filled with worry. She moved her green eyes all over the monster, trying to find a glimpse of him.

"We won't find him from here…we are too far away." Ginny said.

"Then, we need to-"

They then were almost blinded by a flash of light that appeared near the head of the snake before they heard the monster let out a shriek of agony.

"What happened?!" Lyra tried to make sense of the situation.

"That must have been him!. That was definitely a s-"

Daphne was not allowed to finish the sentence, because Fawkes quickly descended to a nearby valley, around two hundred yards (180 meters) away from Hogwart's main entrance. Bringing the girls far away from the fight.

"Why did we land here?" Lyra asked.

"We need to back to the castle!. I have to find my brother."

Fawkes turned to look at her and gave out a cry.

"Lyra, I think he wants you to let go of his claw," Daphne told her.

"But what about Harry?!"

"There is nothing we can do…let Fawkes go help him." Daphne put a hand on her shoulder.

"She is right, Lyra…we would just get in the way if go with him," Ginny told her friend.

"I know…"

As soon as Lyra released its claw, the Phoenix flew in the air towards the colossal beast.

"But there has to be something we can do." Lyra felt extremely frustrated right now.

"The castle is very nearby. Maybe we can go call the professors." Ginny suggested.

"What do you think the professors are going to do against THAT!?" Daphne pointed at the giant monster.

The basilisk was now back on the ground. It has descended into a nearby mountain but it was so massive that they could still see its body poking over the trees as it moved around, crushing everything on its path.

They then spotted Fawkes fly towards its head.

"What about the Headmaster?, he is supposed to be the greatest wizard alive." Ginny had heard those words being said many times by her parents.

"Did you forget?, he went away to attend an emergency meeting." Lyra at least recalled that.

"Right…" Ginny said in a low voice.

"I don't have any other ideas…sorry."

"To be honest….I don't think even Albus Dumbledore would be able to kill a monster like that." Daphne muttered. The situation did not look good at all. She could not understand how Harry was so confident before.

"Look!" Lyra pointed.

"On the head of the snake, I think there is something on top of it!"

Now that the beast was closer, they were able to spot something standing on top of its head.

"That can only be Harry…I hope he knows what he is doing." Daphne said.

"Oh…girls?" Ginny spoke with worry.

"What is it, Ginny?" Lyra sounded exasperated. She was trying to come up with some way to help her brother, but nothing came to mind. Up to this day, she couldn't even imagine that monsters that big existed in the world. There was no chance for her to know what to do in a situation such as this.

"Is it just me or…is it coming this way?" Ginny stared into the distant mountain where the snake was moving around.

"No…is definitely moving towards here!" Daphne said in alarm.

"Come on!, the castle is very close. We can make it inside!" Lyra decided that the only thing they could do for now was survive and hope for the best.

A part of her still believed that her brother would somehow find a way to defeat that colossal beast.

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